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 a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being
opposed or entirely different


 enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves:a “ hands-on ” or

interactive heuristic approach to learning

a situation or nature that has two states or parts that are complementary or opposed to each


 slow to understand; sluggish, slow-moving, become or make less acute or intense


 a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something

El pensamiento Crítico nos ayuda a dar solución a preguntas o incógnitas sobre un

tema. Además el pensamiento crítico es una herramienta que ayuda a definir las
ideologías de las personas y en un futuro ayudar a la obtención del éxito y tener una
sociedad racional y critica.

Critical thinking helps us to give solutions of questions or incognita about a theme. Also
critical thinking is a tool that helps to define the people`s ideologies and it facilitates to
being successful in the future and having a rational and critical society.

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