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Explain the causes of Climate Change (6marks)

The causes of climate change differ in many ways for example but all connected, climate
change is caused by pollutants blocking sun rays back into space, and these pollutants are
known as greenhouse gases which can be carbon dioxide, methane etc. There are many
ways in which greenhouse gases can occur firstly one being cutting down trees. Trees
absorb carbon dioxide and “Lock” it in, by cutting down trees you a re realising the
carbon dioxide back in the air. It could also be to fossil fuels being burnt as this provides
us with energy and warmth but also releases carbon dioxide back into the air, finally the
human population is growing so we are using up more energy to use for ourselves, that
we need to burn more fossil fuels, so more carbon dioxide is released back into the air.

Explain how this is a danger for humanity (6 marks)

This is a danger to humanity as if the greenhouse gasses are reflecting the heat back to
earth, it will warm the earth up this wilP cause catastrophic causes to both us and to
animals. Large parts of the world will become inhabitable as the temperature will
increase, which means less land for crops and animals and more importantly us. It will
also cause a lack of rain which will affect not us but plants and trees which will most
certainly die, this will have an even bigger impact on us as there will be no trees or plants
to produce oxygen from carbon dioxide. Animals will also die due to the heat increase
which will lead to less food for humans it will also cause the polar ice caps in the north
and south poles melt. If this happens sea levels will rise and will flood large parts of the

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