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Music of the Classical Era


Classical refers to the Era around 1750 to 1825.

All music has the same common source; Gregorian Chant (plain chant): no instruments (a cappella:
for the chapel). Gregorian Chant is either sang by all men or all women in unusion (at the same
time) (either in monestary or covent, never together). No beat , no harmony (Monophonic). This
Chant start around year 300AD and fluroished around the year 1000, it was the music of the Roman
Catholic Church and named after Pope Gregory (no relevenace to him), it is sacred and sang in
Latin. Initiated in modern France. This is the source of all western music making.

What other types of music have in common: a scale.

How music originated: interaction between mother and a baby.

Elements of Music:
Rhythm: the beat: defined (simple and solid), undefined (no beat; unclappable), less defined (a beat
is noticable at times, but sometimes disappears for a bit)
Meter: number and length of beats in a measure
duple: unit of 2
triple: unit of 3
Tempo: Speed. Allegro (fast), Moderato (moderate), Andante (relaxed), Adagio (slow)

Melody: taking one tone (aka pitch)(the sound waves must be even) and following it with another.
Some melodies are singable, others are not; just because someone can sing it does not mean it is
singable. Melodies often consist of steps (right next to eachother) and leaps (jump around a bit).
Legato (smooth) staccato (not smooth). Melodies are divided into phrases: group of notes that are
played as a unit.
Melodic Motion (shape): wether the meoldy goes up or down

Harmony: exists when two or more pitches are heard at the same time. Consanant harmony sounds
nice to our ears, Dissonant does not sound as nice to our ears. Commonly heard in the form of a
chord (3 or more pitches simultaneously; triad is a specific kind of chord built on 3 good-sounding
notes). Harmony exists usually to accopmany the melody. Major: sound more positive. Minor:
sadder or darker.
Texture: how the melody functions in a piece of music
1) Monophonic: to have no harmoy
2) Homophonic: one important melody with a lesser important accompaniment (one which
does not really evolve, and lacks depth; reptative, no direciton)

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