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An Alone Old Woman

A Short Story

Written By: Darju Prasetya

An Alone Old Woman

Written By: Darju Prasetya

He was an old woman alone in a place in the street around the

intersection near the town square. Carrying baskets containing goods hawker,

he offered his wares to everyone that passes through the streets, and already

more than ten days is not a single person just to say hello, smile or ask how

the price of the cake which he sold. More than one week none of the people

who buy his wares. Decade’s fate impartial in every step. Five years ago her

beloved husband left her forever. There is no any property bequeathed to him

except, a small shack on the outskirts of a quiet forest, the river is now

beginning to dry because the roots of teak trees which dries with thatched

roofs that leak when the rains arrive. One child even she did not have and

now he lives alone.

Every home run out hawking his wares with his unsteady steps back

into his cabin and just friends deserted. Sometimes he was just amused by the

sound of a groan or even ferret monkey voice wailing because their habitat

looted greedy people who denude the forests where the animals live, and

continue their lives.

"Where your heart and feelings of the greedy! What you guys have the

heart to ruin the place we live and sell on the foreign capitalists and even you

into the forest robbers by illegal logging! "Growled one of them.

The old woman stared at the ceiling. The sound of animals often

becomes an entertainer who once deserted now he rarely heard. The leaves

are used to extend green teak in front of her house now looks dry. At the top

of the hill that used to be heard the faint sound of the wind is blowing the

green leaves now that sounds like a lost world. Only a few remaining animals

that accompany the old woman.

"Grandma, why do they ruin our lives?" Asked one of the animal

inhabitants of the forest.

"They are people greedy brother! Not only you who feel the effect of

this deforestation, but also me. Even the water there began to appear dry due

to the roots of trees killed by the water storage greedy people! In fact, I heard

yesterday forest robbers have to kill the forest over there! Of course your

friends also suffer the consequences! "Said the old woman.

From the distant sound of a howling monkey looking twigs are starting

to wither. The old woman moved to tears. His eyes look far above the hills

visible from barren.

"These forests have we saved! These animals should we save! The

destroyer of this forest should be severely punished. Laws must be enforced!

"Muttered the old woman. With legs that start frail old woman walked past a

few trees around his house that the leaves begin to dry.

"Grandma, did I hear a voice crying wolf," said a monkey on the old

woman. The monkey has long been a friend repellent quiet for his

grandmother and often cheer when he does not peddle his wares.

When it starts to dissolve, sometimes the monkey that gives information

on the old woman about what is going on around the forest. Each is a group of

thief’s forest wood, old woman with all his strength to do the rescue effort of

nature that currently many are bald. Grandma was making holes in the

ground covered with leaves and when the gangs that they are mired in a hole

through it and then the gang-moaned moan even they then ran headlong into

the void to the forest.

Most make the old woman was furious when gangs of thieves’ forest

organized by groups of rich people with very neat organization that they have

troops that can kill in an instant forest. They already do not have a conscience

anything of environmental safety. Even from the reports of monkey

companions, a few days ago a forest robber has been smuggled timber looting

results towards Malaysian waters.

"This is outrageous! The government is how?! We've looted all out!

"Cried the old woman grimly.

"Grandma I have a way!" Said one of the monkeys with the skilled

hands would like to propose something to the old woman.

"What strategies do you have, we are little people who always become

victims of the great men are greedy!" Said the grandmother was told putting

leaves in its mouth.

The monkey's hands were moving and then he coiled like to form an army.

"How Grandma if we form an army?" Said the monkey.

"Legion of hell?" Asked the old woman.

"Forces monkey!"

"Do you have a weapon?" Asked the old woman.

"Indeed, no weapon Granny!"

"So wear what?

"Use common sense!"

"You do not quasi-ah!" Cried the old woman as she imagined

something about the future of forests.

"What's enough just to common sense?" Continued the old woman.

Monkey man smiled to see the old woman who seems to have no hope for the

future environment.

"Granny, for this many people who ignore our existence. We considered

the wind. We are regarded as people who do not have the strength, we must

rise up! Today many people who feel the most sane, so what are they

controlled in the forest want to accumulate wealth as much as possible by

logging on a large scale! They are the people who claim they are actually sane

but mad people! "Said the monkey as he clenched his hands as if there is

something great hope that lies ahead.

From the distance was suddenly there are rows of monkeys with a

uniform motion, such as the famous Russian troop movement’s neat was fine.

Monkey legs pounding like a shoe that rhythmic movement.

"Grandma, our troops have come!" Said the monkey who became

friends of the old woman, pointing his finger towards the tip far.

"Forces what it is my best friend!" Why are they dressed in black?

"Asked the old woman.

"They are the troops who are mourning Granny!" Answered the


"How do you mean?"

"We were doing the mourning that the looters forest must suffer the

consequences of his deeds. We will reduce disaster on this earth! "Answered

the monkey. The woman looked sharply toward the monkey without his


"Let me see now Nek disaster is everywhere! There are earthquakes,

ice-ice at the poles are melting so that sea water is also increasing! What

caused it because of global warming catastrophe that is stalking us! This is

very harmful to our earth's existence. This is a result of the greenhouse effect!

Factory fumes everywhere! Rampant pollution and environmental destruction

and deforestation of natural forests beyond common sense!" Said the monkey

was on the old woman.

"You're great my brother! Apparently you're more sane than the

looters-looters forest. They claimed to humans but have no common sense!

They are destroying the world!

"Said grandmother with a fiery. The grandmother's face seemed

changed happy and will do anything with his companions, to do the rescue

woods. From morning till evening in the company of monkeys, they do teak

tree planting movements around the house until at the top of the hill which

looks barren.

"Then let's do it now Grandma common sense movement!" Said the


  Those with extraordinary spirit announced to the entire city and the

officers who still have the sanity to make arrests for the destruction of forests

and drag them to court. The old woman and the monkey who became his

friend were even sent a letter to the members of the House, the Minister of

Forestry and even to the president. But every time they send a letter to the

authorities that they did not get any reply.

"What is corruption, collusion, it has penetrated into all areas of our

lives?" Asked the monkeys. Old woman with streaks of his face began to

wrinkle it wisely remained quiet the monkey.

"We must be patient my brother! One of our officials must still exist

that have a conscience. Still have common sense! One of them would still be

concerned with the safety of our environment! In fact I would propose an

international conference held for the safety of our tropical forests and save the

earth movement that we avoid global warming catastrophe that is stalking our

lives today. We must open all of human consciousness and brainwash them to

have common sense! Should we save our Earth! Justice and the law must be

upheld "said the old woman.

Four years later, the old woman and the monkey companions, broke in

several national media and picture plastered on a large scale everywhere. He

became famous throughout the world as an environmental savior of women.

Even an Italian sculptor depicts the old woman who was surrounded by

monkeys and put his statue in front of the headquarters of the UN building,

right in the middle of pages with big writing: "The old woman and the ape

rescue of the environment! Environmental heroes! Prevention of Global

Warming! Let's learn from them!"

Written by: Darju Prasetya

(Author lives in Tuban, East Java, Indonesia)


Jl. Raya Barat 30, Jatirogo, Tuban, East Java, Indonesia


Tel: +6281330765460


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