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Public Class listaestatica Structure Reg_Empieado Mía cédula As Long

Diin nombre As String Dim dirección As String Dirá Artefacto As String
Dirá Marca As String Dim modelo As String Dim Fecha de IngresoAs
String Dim Precio As Double
End Structure
Prívate Const man As Integer = 50 Prívate vlistaest (rnax) As
Reg_Empleado Prívate vnumeleiti As Integer
Public Property numelem{) As Integer Ser
nuinelem = vnurnelern End Get Set(ByVal valor As Integerj
vnumelem = valor End Set End Property
Public Property listal(ByVal ind As Integer} As Reg_Empleado Get
listal = vlistaest(ind) End Get Set(8yVal valor As RegJEmpleado)
vlistaest(ind) = valor End Set End Property
Public Sub New() vnumelem = O End Sub
Public Function ponerestatico(ByVal pos As Integer, ByVal dato As
.Reg_Empleado) As Boolean
ponerestatico = Trae
*^^59Í"is€aes1;Tvn'tatieleit'j = "datio* -
- vnumelem-.+==--1____________-----
Elself vnumelem < max And pos <= XTiuroelerri Then recorrerestÍTrue,
pos) vlistaest(POS¡ = dato vnumelem += 1

ponerestatico = r'alse End If

End Function
Prívate Sub recorrerest(ByVal derecha As Boolean, Byval posición As
Dim i As Integer If derecha Then
For i = vnumelem To posición Step -1
vlistaest(i + 1} = vlistaest(i) Next i El se
For i = posición To vnumelem
vlistaest(i) = vlistaest(i + 1} Next i
End If End Sub
Public Function sacarestatico(ByVal pos As Integer, ByVal dato As
Reg_Empleado) As Boolean
sacarestatico = Trae If vnumelem > O Then
If pos >= vnumelem Then
dato = vlistaest(vnumelem - 1) Else
dato = vlistaest(pos) recorrerest(False, pos) vnumelem -= 1 End If
sacarestatico = False End If End Function
Si) ci d^ss

Public Class Lista

Private vCab As New Nodol Prívate vnumelem As Intl6
Public Property Cab() As Nodol Get
Return vCáb End Get Set(ByVal valor As Nodol)
vCab = valor End Set End Propertv
Public Property numelem(j As Intl6 Get
Return vnumelem End Get Set ¡ByVal valor As IntlS)
vnumelem = valor Er¿d Set End Property
Public Sufo poner{ByVal pos As Intl6, ByVal Rg_dato As. Reg_Empleado)
Diin Nuevo As New Nodol Dim aux As Nodol Dim i As Intl6 Nuevo.inf =
Rg_dato If vnumelem = O Then
vCab = Nuevo
Elself pos > vnumelem Then aux = vCab For i = 2 To vnumelem
aux = aux.otro Next.
aux.otro = Nuevo Elself pos <= vnumelem Then If pos = 1 Then
Nuevo.otro = Cab Cab = Nuevo Else
aux = vCab
For i = 2 To pos - 1
aux = aux.otro Hex-t
Nuevo,otro = aux.otro aux.otro = Nuevo
...... ---—^-Éhá^ff^"
_______:_;__ vnumelem.+p 1 .
Public Sub lííf'w {} vnumelem = O

Prívate runction Recorre (ayVal pos As integer} As Nodol

Diin i As InteQer
Recorre = vCab
For i = 1 To pos = 1
Recorre = Recorre.otro Next i
End Function
Public Function sacar(ByVal pos As Integer, ByVal Rg_dato As
Reg_Empleado) As Boolean
Dirá tmp As New Nodol Dirá aux As New Nodol sacar = False If vnumelem
> O Then If pos = 1 Then
Rg_dato = vCab.inf tmp = vCab vCab = vCab.otro tmp = Nothing
If pos >= vnumelem Then
aux = recorrer(vnumelem - 1) Rg_dato = aux,otro,inf aux.otro = Nothing
El se
aux = recorrer(pos - 1} tmp = aux.otro Rg_dato = tmp.inf aux.otro =
aux.otro tmp = Nothing End If End If
vnumelem = vnumelem - 1 End If
End Function
Privare Function recorrer(ByVal pos As Integer) As Nodol Dim i As
Integer recorrer = vCab For i = 2 To pos = 1
recorrer = recorrer.otro Next i
£jnci ruiiCuron End Class
_Pu.'"^~L.iL-c ^OO^^J-S I^crirsso - • -• -=-- -"-
Public - i As iTitie :
_____ . Puolic f.As. Int6_4____
Public Control Arreglos As New Lista ¿: xi o ixi o cm j, €.
¿:"srtx£_i. ^j_ciss .racimas ij-LSta^-Lnaiürca Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub ButtonIngresar_Click(oyVal senaer As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Buttonlngresar.Click
Dim rgp As New Reg_Empleado
Dim pos As Integer
pos = Val itxtposicion.Text}
rgp.Cédula = TextBoxCedula.Text
rgp.Nombre = TextBoxNombre.Text
rgp.Dirección = TextBoxDireccion.Text
rgp. Artefacto = TextBoxArtefacto.Text
rgp. Marca = TextBoxMarca.Text
rgp.Modelo = TextBcxModelo.Text
rgp.fechadeingreso = TextBoxfechadeingreso.Text
rgp.Precio = TextBoxPrecio.Text
Control_Arreglos.poner(pos, rgp)
TextBoxCedula.Text=" ";
TextBoxNombre. Text=" " ; TextBoxMreccion.Text=" ";
TextBoxArtefacto.Text=" "; TextBoxMarca.Text=" ";
TextBoxModelo.Text=" "; TextBoxfechadeingreso. Text=" '•';
TextBoxPrecio.Text=" "; txtposicion.Focus() End Sub
Protected Sub ButtonMostrar_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System. EventArgs} Handles ButtonMostrar.Click Dim i As Intie Dim aux
As Nodol Istmostrar.ítems.Clear{) aux = Control_Arreglos.Cab
Fcr i = 1 T'o Control_Arreglos.numelem
Istmostrar.ítems.Add(aux.inf.Cédula.ToString() + " " +
^ux.inf .Nombre. ToString (} •¥ " " -f aux. inf. Dirección. ToString
() 4- " " 4-aux. inf. Artefacto. ToString (} + " " + aux. inf .Marca.
ToString ()+ " !! + aux.inf.Modelo.ToString()+ " " +
aux.inf.fechadeingreso.ToString{j+• " " + aux.inf.Precio.ToStringí))
aux = aux.otro

Jrrotected Sub ButtonSacar_Click (ByVal sencier As Object, syVal e As

System.EventArgs) Kandles ButtonSacar.Click Diiu i As Intecfei: Dirá
-rgp As New Reg Empleado Dim aux Ks New Noció 1 i =
Val(TextBoxNodoSacar.Text) Control_Arreglos.sacar(i, rgp)
End Sub

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