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UN Day: Child labour

By VladPomerantsev, SaiAgnihotram, David Pogrebeshky and Elliot Roazen

mhat is Child Labor?

c Child Labor- when children, like you, are forced to do jobs

that are against their will

c These jobs usually involve long hours and extremely low to

no payment

c Most of these jobs usually are usually bad for the health of
the children
mhat Types of Jobs?

c The children do hundreds of different jobs. Some of these

c Coal, gold, diamond, etc. miners
c Carpet makers
c Shoe and clothing makers
c Chimney sweepers
c Small jobs in factories
mhat the UN is Doing?

c The UN (United Nations) is a organization that tries to

improve the quality of life for citizens of the world

c One of their main missions is to improve the life of children

because a world suitable for children, is a world suitable for
mhat can YOU do?

c Every little helps, money donations to first on assistance

c There are many associations that·s primary concern is to

help these children, and this leads us to our activity

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