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ENTP By: Ava Douris


- Very outgoing

- People person

- I feel comfortable in groups


-I am interested in doing new things

-I read in between the lines

-I solve problems by leaping in between different possibilities Bugs Bunny is also an ENTP
personality type

More about ENTP
-I look for logical explanations.
-I make decisions with my head.
-I am honest with people.

-I work in bursts of energy.
-I stay open to response.
-Stimulated by an approaching deadline.

My Strengths: Walt Disney is another

- Reading people well and changing gears quickly. example of a person with a
- Having great confidence ENTP personality type.
- Being creative at selling your self.

My blind spots:
- Not being very organized
- Having unrealistic expectations
- Talking too much, and not being a very good

The best career choices for ENTP:

-Actor and performer
-Painter/ sculptor

Not the best career choices for ENTP:

-Personal counselor
-Social scientist
- I6nternet marketer


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