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LiShaBre Garland-Hall

Mr. Hewitt

ENG 052

27 April 2011

Healthy Food Equals Good Health

Most people won’t check what’s in their foods before eating them. Would you check

your food to cause a healthier life? These unhealthy foods are causing bad health issues. “Staying

lean and eating right are both crucial for maintaining health though the years” (Landau 48).

Eating healthy foods is a way to prevent bad health.

To contain a healthy diet, eating vegetables and fruits should be included in your diet.

Eating vegetables can decrease the chances of strokes or heart disease. They also can stop certain

cancers from forming in the body. As you reach an older age, that extra bad weight could begin

to turn into diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases (Landau 48). Beginning to eat vegetables

and fruits could turn a bad diet to a good diet. Fruits and vegetables can result in positive

outcomes. For example, eating carrots can better your eyesight.

Including grains in your diet is another way to prevent bad health. Grains are healthy

such as, wheat and oats. Eating cheerios is a good way to lower your blood cholesterol. Grains

carry vitamins and minerals. Grains can benefit you health in many ways.

Finally, dairy products can also be added to your diet to prevent bad health. Dairy

products can help the skin and body because some have vitamin A. Milk such as whole and low-
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fat are dairy product that are healthy. Milk makes bones in the body stronger due to the calcium.

Dairy products can also include yogurt, eggs and cheese.

To decrease the chances of having bad health, healthy foods should be included in your

diet. Eating healthier foods cause fewer problems with your body and health. These foods could

cause you to feel more confidence and much more. Beginning to start eating these foods would

lead to a healthier life.

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