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The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing the Right Insulation

Read this guide and you’ll discover how to avoid 4 Insulation Rip Offs; 6 Costly Misconceptions about
Home Insulation; The Mold, Moisture, Music, and Money that are Seeping , Weeping, and Galloping
through your Walls and Ceilings; Which Method Insulates Best; 8 Mistakes to Avoid when Choosing
Insulation; The Importance of Value and Price; Why You Want a Comfortable, Healthy, Money-Saving
Home; 100% No Risk Guarantee; and 4 Steps to a Money Saving, Healthy, Comfortable Home.

By Mark Munns
Guardian Energy Technologies, Inc.
The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing the Right Insulation

Dear Homeowner:

Choosing the right insulation isn’t easy. Why?

Because you’re bombarded with misleading advertising, confusing claims, and just bad

From super low prices and high pressure sales to unqualified technicians and their
worthless methods, how do you ever find qualified, competent, professional information
about insulation?

You start by reading this consumer guide. In this fact filled booklet, you’ll discover how to
avoid 4 insulation rip offs, 6 costly errors, and 4 steps to an energy saving home.

We wrote this guide to help you better understand insulation. Now, with this information
you can make an informed, intelligent decision.

If you have questions about your insulation project, you’re invited to call us at 1-800-516-
0949. We dedicated our business to educating consumers. We’ll be happy to help you in
any way.


Mark Munns
Guardian Energy Technologies, Inc.

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The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing the Right Insulation

4 Insulation Rip Offs .................................................................................................................... 5
Focusing on R-values versus Air Barriers: ........................................................................... 5
Bait and Switch: .................................................................................................................... 5
Poor Installation: .................................................................................................................. 5
Full Fill:................................................................................................................................. 6
6 Costly Misconceptions About Insulation: ................................................................................... 7
All Insulation is the Same .................................................................................................... 7
R-value is King ...................................................................................................................... 7
You Should Go All Closed Cell Foam ................................................................................... 7
All Spray Foam is the Same ................................................................................................. 7
Bigger is Better ..................................................................................................................... 8
Spray Foam Is Too Expensive .............................................................................................. 8
The Best Method to Seal and Insulate ........................................................................................... 9
Filling Existing Walls (Both sides up): ................................................................................. 9
Walls (Inside Face open) North of Atlanta, GA.................................................................... 9
2x4 studs (New or Remodel): ................................................................................................ 9
2x6 studs (New or Remodel): ................................................................................................ 9
Open Walls (Inside Face open) South of Atlanta, GA .......................................................... 9
2x4 studs (New or Remodel): ................................................................................................ 9
2x6 studs (New or Remodel): ................................................................................................ 9
Around Windows and Doors: ................................................................................................ 9
Attics (Rafters) North of Atlanta, GA: .................................................................................. 9
Attics (Rafters) South of Atlanta, GA: .................................................................................. 9
Attics (Floor): .......................................................................................................................10
Cathedral Ceilings: ..............................................................................................................10
Crawlspaces: ........................................................................................................................10
Metal Buildings: ...................................................................................................................10
Pipes <250 Degrees: .............................................................................................................10
Roofing Repairs: ...................................................................................................................10
Full Roofs: ............................................................................................................................10

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The Consumer Awareness Guide to Choosing the Right Insulation

The Mold, Mutants, Music, and Money Seeping Through Your Home .............................................11
Mold ......................................................................................................................................11
Mutants ................................................................................................................................11
Music ....................................................................................................................................11
Money ...................................................................................................................................11
8 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Insulation............................................................................13
Focusing Just on R-Value ....................................................................................................13
Neglecting the Whole System ..............................................................................................13
Houses Must Breath ............................................................................................................13
Insulation Should be Cheap.................................................................................................14
Misunderstanding Payback Periods ....................................................................................14
Not Trusting Yourself ..........................................................................................................15
Not Making a Choice............................................................................................................16
Choosing Only on Price ........................................................................................................16
The Importance of Value and Price .............................................................................................17
Why You Want a Comfortable, Healthy, Dollar-Saving Home ..............................................19
Lower Energy Costs .............................................................................................................19
Higher Resale Value ............................................................................................................19
More Desirable .....................................................................................................................19
More Comfortable ................................................................................................................19
Mold/Moisture ......................................................................................................................19
Pest Resistant ......................................................................................................................20
Fewer Allergies ....................................................................................................................20
100% No Risk Guarantee ........................................................................................................21
4 steps to a Comfortable, Healthy, Dollar Saving Home ........................................................22
Determine What You Want .................................................................................................22
Determine Your Investment ................................................................................................22
Educate Yourself ..................................................................................................................22
Do the Project .......................................................................................................................23
Appendix: Foam It Green ........................................................................................................24

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4 Insulation Rip Offs

With so much conflicting information out there, companies find it easy to take advantage of
consumers. Here are some common rip offs seen in the insulation industry:

Focusing on R-values versus Air Barriers

You see this everywhere you look. Everyone talks about R-value as THE measuring stick
for comparing different insulation. That’s fine and dandy, except The US Department of
Energy states that sealing a home can save you up to 40% on your heating and cooling bills.
Unfortunately, the very common forms of insulation like fiberglass and cellulose just can’t
seal out the air costing you thousands of dollars.

What’s worse is that air leaks dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the cheaper
insulation’s r-values. Air leaks often bring moisture in to the cheaper insulation, further
reducing its capacity to insulate.

That’s why we think this is public enemy number 1. This misinformation is fed to
consumers day in and day out. Yes, R-values are helpful in comparing insulation.
However, an R-30 fiberglass batt is not in itself better than an alternate form of insulation
that’s R-24 or R-16 if there’s an air barrier involved.

Bait and Switch

This is far more common than any of us would like to think in this day and age. For
instance, there are a tremendous number of contractors installing non-fire-rated spray
foams into homes and commercial buildings. This happens throughout the country –
literally from sea to shining sea.

We’re sure the quote says fire rated formula for the unsuspecting customers, but we know
they then use the non-fire rated foams. Total savings per board foot: $.05. Yes, $30 for 600
board feet. Now that is not only illegal, it’s absolutely immoral! And the local inspector
may have a difficult time figuring out if they used is the right foam that’s approved for use
in buildings.

Poor Installation
At the end of the day, it’s not just about choosing the right product, it’s about installing it
properly. Many people are afraid to do it themselves, but if they only knew how many
contractors don’t know what they’re doing or don’t care enough to do it right. If they only
knew how easy it was to do themselves.

This isn’t to say contractors are bad – many of them are superb professionals. However,
slip shod installation is one of the easiest ways companies shave some of the costs out of the
package. We’ve seen many people not get the results they were looking for from their

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Full Fill
Most companies are going to want to unload what they have to sell. Whether it’s fiberglass,
or cellulose, or someone in the spray foam industry, you’re going to get a lot of urging to go
all in with just their product.

The truth is you can often save thousands of dollars and get great results if you follow the
right recipe with different insulations to take advantage of their various strengths and
overcome their various weaknesses.

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6 Costly Misconceptions About Insulation:

There are some misconceptions that cost homeowners tremendous amounts of money each
and ever year. Here’s how to avoid getting caught:

All Insulation is the Same

The R-value myth has made us all use the same yardstick to compare very different type of
insulations. When we do that, some insulation looks extremely expensive compared to
other types of insulation.

The same problem arises when comparing a Hyundai with a Lexus. If someone uses the
standard of 4 wheels they can’t imagine why anyone would want a Lexus. Then they
expect Lexus to have to sell at Hyundai prices. That’s absurd but people do it every day in
the insulation industry!

R-value is King
We’ve discussed this before, and it bears repeating. R-value is one way to compare
insulations. There is a very important quality that R-value totally neglects. It’s the ability
to seal out air.

There are 2 types of energy loss: Conduction and Convection. R-value measures
Conduction, how long it takes for heat to get through something. Convection is not
calculated in R-value. And guess what destroys the resistance to Conduction in fiberglass
and many other insulations?

You guessed it: Convection! That means moisture and air flow significantly lower R-values,
the ability to withstand energy loss through Conduction. Yikes!

You Should Go All Closed Cell Foam

Hey, if you can afford a stable of thoroughbreds, do it. However, for most of us, all foam is
pretty pricey. And there’s a great reason for that. With just 1-2 inches, closed cell spray
foam insulation seals out air and moisture. After that, each additional inch is just adding

Now here’s the point: you can buy R-value for a lot cheaper than the closed cell spray foam.
Use the closed cell spray foam for what it does best: air sealing, resistance to moisture, and
a high R-value per inch.

Then use other insulations for what they can do: provide an r-value at a low price.

All Spray Foam is the Same

It’s extremely easy to be confused by the variety of offerings on the market for spray foam
insulation. Often people mistakenly assume all spray foams are the same. They think that
open cell foam is the same as closed cell foam. It’s not.

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This can be a disaster waiting to happen. If the comparison is done merely on price, the
open cell foam is less expensive. There’s a reason for that. Open cell foams are sponge-like,
have half the R-value of closed cell foam, and they absorb and hold moisture, which can
lead to mold.

Bigger is Better
This is a classic misunderstanding of how spray foam is priced. It’s a common
misconception that the larger, non-DIY systems are cheaper. They do appear to be so at
first glance because the price per board foot (a square foot at 1 inch of cured foam) is lower.
That’s because one’s buying a larger quantity of chemicals. The truth is the larger Non-DIY
systems are very expensive to get into.

The 2,000 board foot refillable tanks include costs that will make that initial board foot
price much less attractive: $5,000 hoses, rental fees and transportation, training and
licensing, the separate nitrogen tanks, the additional labor, the risk that waste or
misapplication is far more likely, etc.

On top of that, the 55 gallon drums don’t include the $25k-$100k spray foam trailer needed
to spray them.

If you’re spraying foam every day for your business, buy the refillable tanks or even a spray
foam rig. If you’re doing a few projects, stick with the portable and disposable kits.

Spray Foam Is Too Expensive

This is a common misconception that comes from the fact we see cheap insulation all the
time. Indeed, for most of us, it’s all we ever know. Our homes and buildings are chock full
of cheap, low performance insulation.

It’s simply not fair to say these cheaper insulations lack any redeeming qualities. They
have 1 truly remarkable feature: they offer a very good balance of R-value with cost.

While this only addresses Conduction and not Convection, these cheaper forms do a great
job at that until there is either moisture or air leaks. Unfortunately, most buildings have

That means lower cost alternatives don’t perform as well as other insulations. The cheaper
ones cost less on the front end but cost more every month until the real problems are

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The Best Method to Seal and Insulate

The answer is (drum roll, please)

. . .

It depends. Seriously. We promised you facts, not a sales piece. Here’s what we
recommend day in and day out to consumers to best serve their interests:

Filling Existing Walls (Both sides up): Foam it Green Slow Rise formula or
Cellulose contractors. This is a very common challenge that many people face in older
homes. You should be careful when one or more sides of the wall is gypsum wallboard or
other material that might not withstand the pressure of the expansion.

You can see some of the techniques and challenges on our Slow Rise video online.

Walls (Inside Face open) North of Atlanta, GA

2x4 studs (New or Remodel): All Closed Cell Foam because flash and batt
only leaves room for 1.5 inches of batting.

2x6 studs (New or Remodel): 2 inches Closed Cell Foam + A low cost
insulation like Fiberglass, Cellulose, or Rockwool for R-value. This is called flash
and batt, and it’s important to do 2 inches to avoid any condensation issues in the

Open Walls (Inside Face open) South of Atlanta, GA

2x4 studs (New or Remodel): 1 Inch Closed Cell Foam, + A low cost
insulation like Fiberglass, Cellulose, or Rockwool for R-value.

2x6 studs (New or Remodel): 1 Inch Closed Cell Foam, + A low cost
insulation like Fiberglass, Cellulose, or Rockwool for R-value.

*If you’re in a higher altitude location and frequently heat during the winter, refer
to the North of Atlanta recommendations.

Around Windows and Doors: Open cell 1 component foams you can find at your
local Home Improvement store in order to avoid squeezing the frames.

Attics (Rafters) North of Atlanta, GA: Closed Cell Foam, only if you’re using the
attic for living space. Otherwise we recommend sealing and insulating the floor.

Attics (Rafters) South of Atlanta, GA: Open Cell Foam or 3 inches of Closed Cell

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Attics (Floor): 1 inch of Closed Cell Foam + A low cost insulation like Fiberglass,
Cellulose, or Rockwool for R-value.

Cathedral Ceilings: 2-3 inches of Closed Cell Foam + A low cost insulation like
Fiberglass, Cellulose, or Rockwool for R-value.

Crawlspaces: 1-2 inches of Closed Cell Foam

Metal Buildings: Closed Cell Foam. 1 inch seals and ends condensation.

Pipes <250 Degrees: Closed Cell Foam

Roofing Repairs: High Density 3lb Closed Cell Foam, covered by elastomeric rubber
Roof Coat paint to protect from the sun’s UV rays.

Full Roofs: Closed Cell Roofing Foam Contractor

We love the hybrid method of 1-3 inches of Closed Cell Foam and a low cost insulation like
Fiberglass, Cellulose, Denim Batting, or Rockwool for R-value. Most companies hate it
because they sell 1 or the other. However this hybrid method works great because it gives
the air barrier without mold and mildew issues that only closed cell foam can.

Then it uses the cheaper insulations for what they do best: R-value at a low cost.

By using a combination method, it’s the most economical way to slay both energy demons:
Conduction and Convection. It’s very true that you can do it with all closed cell spray foam
instead of combining the two methods, but why pay more when it’s unnecessary?

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The Mold, Mutants, Music, and Money Seeping Through Your Home

Everyone is afraid of black mold, and for good reason. It destroys our homes, costs alot to
remediate, makes it impossible to sell, and can cause serious health problems. Mold is a
sign that moisture isn’t evaporating fast enough to keep mold from growing. Mold spores
love dark and moist areas.

The mold spores feast upon particles and moisture trapped in the cheaper insulations like
fiberglass. You’ll often hear people that sell fiberglass say fiberglass doesn’t feed mold.
They’re technically right. The problem is fiberglass provides the means to trap particles
and moisture. These particles provide the food the mold needs to grow and spread.

Unfortunately, the first signs of mold are often late in the cycle. You may see unsightly
black spots, or have allergies or more serious health problems. These are the tip of the
iceberg so to speak. As you pull down your walls you’ll find a huge colony underneath that
dwarfs whatever you’ve seen up to that point.

Walls and attics are wonderful spots for rodents and insects to hide. They’re warm, dark,
and much safer than outside. Plus there’s plenty of food in a home to keep them happy and
breeding. The cheaper insulations leave plenty of wiggle room for these pests to enter your
home and set up their nests. It’s good bedding to make more of themselves. The first real
sign of trouble will be when you discover a mouse or roach or ant. Where there’s one,
there’s many more.

Whether it’s a neighbor, a teenager’s music, or just walking up and down the stairs, the
everyday noises of living can drive a home’s perceived value much lower. It’s almost like
seeing in and through the walls of the home. Let’s call it a sonic x-ray.

Many insulations leave air pockets and plenty of room for air to transfer from 1 space to
another. In other cases, it can be a lack of structural integrity that lets the stairs creak.
Not many insulations can help on stopping sound transfer, but closed cell foam can.

It costs money to heat and cool a home. When the air that’s been heated or cooled just goes
straight out of the home through holes, it’s money wasted. It’s like trying to fill a bucket
with holes in it. As fast as you can pour water in it, it’s leaking out the sides.

Now this would be frustrating in the best of cases, but with energy costs skyrocketing, it’s
unsustainable. Worse still, massive investments in alternative energy sources will keep
energy prices going higher for the next 50 years.

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That means people won’t buy buckets with holes in them. People won’t buy homes that
waste energy. In fact a 2008 study showed that even despite the housing bubble bust, 80%
of buyers would pay more for an energy efficient home. So not only should you seal your
holes for the short term, but also as part of your longer term investment.

Finally don’t forget in 2009 and 2010 the federal government is also incenting you to seal
your holes with 30% back, up to $1,500.

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8 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Insulation

Focusing Just on R-Value

Am I beating a dead horse here? I don’t think so and here’s why. Once you go back out
there, you’ll see R-value time and time again. It’s hypnotic. It can easily sway you to going
back to comparing apples to bananas.

There’s more to insulation performance than just R-value. Keep that in mind, and ask how
the insulation performs against air leaks, moisture, mold, and pests.

Neglecting the Whole System

The walls and ceilings, roofs and crawlspaces in a building make up a complex system.
Let’s call it an organism. There’s even more to it because you have heating and cooling
ducts, air handlers, air conditioners, vapor barriers and more exotic surprises to think

It can be very confusing. It can cause you to think you need a contractor to figure it out.
Just remember the vast majority of contractors are not building scientists. They do what
they do: if they’re spray foam contractors, spray foam is the answer. If they do cellulose,
cellulose is the answer.

The truth is most of this is pretty logical and fairly simple and straightforward. You just
need to avoid neglecting the whole system – it’s not just a wall or an attic. They’re parts of
a complex ballet.

Houses Must Breath

We’ve all heard this one countless times, right? Ask your contractor and he’ll probably tell
you the same thing. Let’s think about what this means.

It means that air from outside must come in and air inside must go out. Now, you don’t
draw your breathing air from the electrical sockets in your home, do you? Presumably you
go out through a door, open the windows when it’s nice, vent your dryer and stove, and so
on. That’s enough opening to let in clean fresh breathable air for you and your family and
let out the moisture your body expels.

So what besides you needs to breathe in your home? The insulation that absorbs water of

Therefore, if you have the cheaper insulations, you’re forced to leave enough room in your
walls for air to escape and outside air to come in. So, in the winter the air you heated needs
to escape and the cold outside air needs to come in. In the summer the air you just cooled
needs to escape and the warm air outside needs to come in. All to dry out the wet

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Yikes. This doesn’t sound reasonable at all! And do you remember what crushes R-value
in cheaper insulations?

Air and moisture! Convection! It’s a deadly circle that will absolutely cost you tens of
thousands of dollars in energy over your lifetime. That doesn’t include the costs to redo
your insulation time and time again as it molds.

Insulation Should be Cheap

How did we get this belief? Homes are definitely not cheap. Energy is no longer cheap and
won’t be for at least 50 years. Why do we expect the very things that control and contain
this energy in our homes and buildings to be cheap?

It must be that energy was once so inexpensive. Customers tell us every day about how
their builder used no insulation or the cheapest possible (imagine fiberglass in a house next
to the ocean where the wind whips the spray through the wood and into the insulation).

The cheaper insulations offset only a small cost of energy so it made sense. Back then,
energy was cheap. Therefore a larger investment in insulation back then would take longer
to be paid back in energy savings. Plus, America is pretty late to the green party so very
few people cared if a house was energy efficient or not.

Do your insulation once and do it right. It’s not something you see every day and once the
drywall is up you won’t want to take it back down.

Misunderstanding Payback Periods

This is a huge one. I had a consumer recently tell me that 2 years was too long to get all his
money back. If he understood Payback periods, he’d understand that he was turning down
a 50% return on his money.

Now, investments that return 50% every year are EXTREMELY RARE and frankly quite
exotic. The S&P used to average 8%. Homes used to gain 3% a year. So here is someone
who thinks 50% is too low because he doesn’t understand money and he doesn’t understand

The truth is a 50% return on an investment in your building’s insulation is possible. But
let’s look at other common scenarios:

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Time until your investment is paid off Rate of Return

36 months / 3 years: 33%
48 months / 4 years: 25%
60 months / 5 years: 20%
72 months / 6 years: 16%
84 months / 7 years: 14%
96 months / 8 years: 12%
108 months / 9 years: 11%
120 months/ 10 years: 10%

Even if it took 10 years to pay for itself (and it almost never does), investing in the right
insulation outperforms almost every other investment over that same time period.

The standard payback is usually between , 3-4 years. That means that the proper
investment can yield somewhere between 25 -33%. I wish there were more investments out
there like that because I cannot stuff my 401k into my home!

It’s a limited amount of money I can, or need to, put into my home’s insulation. And I’m not
really investing in insulation per se, I’m investing in avoiding energy costs and my home’s
comfort and value.

There’s another thing to think about here. It’s important to say the right insulation. Most
people add insulation based on R-value and never get any savings. Why?

Air and moisture lower the cheaper insulation’s ability to control Conduction. And we know
that the cheaper insulations can’t stop the convection that is already undercutting their
performance. Adding more of them isn’t going to stop the problems plaguing them! That’s
like adding more wood to the fire.

Not Trusting Yourself

Insulating a building with the right insulation can seem like a big challenge. However,
turning over the responsibility to someone else who doesn’t know enough or care enough is
not going to solve the problem. In fact it can make it worse, or it can just cost a lot and not
give the desired performance.

The truth is no one cares about your money more than you. You! Likewise no one cares
more about your home, your project, whether you save energy or have a comfortable home
more than you. YOU.

And guess what else. No one can live up to your standards and how you want it done more
than you.

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There are exceptional builders out there. There are exceptional contractors, handymen,
insulation companies, energy auditors, and others out there. At the end of the day, these
exceptional companies still work on your behalf, based on what you’ve told them, and try to
make you happy.

Making your building comfortable, efficient, and quiet is something that’s not hard at all if
you make the right choices.

Not Making a Choice

Many people look at the dizzying options out there and give up. There’s so much conflicting
information they have no way to sort it out. You do have a way because you have this
guide. You have people you can call. But they don’t. And very often they choose to do
nothing rather than make a mistake.

So they leave the walls empty of insulation, or they go with the cheap stuff. Or they leave
the mold in the attic. They don’t fix the problems costing them hundreds or thousands of
dollars each year.

So, even though they fall behind where they could be each and every month after, they are
ahead of doing the wrong thing and falling even farther back.

Choose to fix the problems bothering you. Make the decision to stop wasting thousands on
energy, or listening to your neighbor’s band practice, or suffering stains on your ceiling
from wet, moldy, attic insulation. Stop sacrificing comfort and good air quality. This is
easier than you think.

Choosing Only on Price

In a world of thinking R-values are King and confusion between options, most people
default to price. That’s a disaster. Why? Because the lowest price insulations are often the
very sources of the problems people are trying to solve.

Mold, moisture, high energy bills, noises, rodents and insects, drafts, allergies, worries.
These are the problems people want to solve with insulation. When they choose on price it
has NOTHING to do with addressing any of these problems.

What’s the net result? A huge waste of money and they’re no closer to solving the problem
that’s driving them to action in the first place. Yikes. I hate to even think about it.

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The Importance of Value and Price

People who choose insulation based on price are always disappointed. They spend the least
they can and then find out they didn’t solve the problems they wanted to. The net result is
they spent more than they ever needed to if they’re not solving the problem at hand.

Think about it – they had a problem. Then they spent money and still have the problem.

That means by spending the least amount of money they could, they wasted a lot. The so-
called “more expensive” solution would actually have solved that problem driving them

That’s why I urge you to make all your consumer decisions based on value and not price.

Do you wear the cheapest clothes you can possibly buy? Do you wear the cheapest shoes,
drive the very least expensive car, own the cheapest home, live in the cheapest part of the

Probably not.

So price is not that important. It’s certainly not the most important thing.

However, many companies love to get well-meaning consumers to focus in on price and not
value. Here’s how they do it with some examples of the shell game from our own industry.

A company can offer you an attractive lower price if they know they can use the non-
fire retardant foam in your home.

They can offer you a lower cost per item if they jack up the shipping costs.

They can strip out things you’ll need, like a gun to spray foam, or nozzles, or safety

They can skimp on service.

Or skimp on support such as fixing issues or handling defective products or


They can slash quality.

They can focus on a low board foot cost while leaving necessities like the costs of
nitrogen tanks, licensing and transportation, and hoses off the table.

Or perhaps they use a lower density of foam so you end up with spongy foam instead
of closed cell foam. Who’d ever know?

These are all great ways to lure people in to looking at price, focusing on it, making a
decision based on price. Who wins? They win. Who loses? Surely you can guess by now.

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The important thing to focus on is value. Will it really and truly solve your problem? How
much more will you need to spend to fix your problem? What happens if it doesn’t go as
planned? How does your problem get solved then? Is this what you really want for your

In other words, if you want the lowest possible price on spray foam, go find someone to
spray foam that should never pass inspection. If you want the lowest price on insulation, go
to your local home improvement superstore and price shop. Or buy someone’s used

The truth is finding the lowest price isn’t hard at all. It never has been. However, I
already know you’re not concerned solely with price because you’re reading this consumer
awareness guide.

You want to make an informed, intelligent choice for your home. That’s truly excellent. If
you want that, ask questions, and don’t focus on price. Focus entirely on value, on how to
solve the problems you want solved, and your results will be phenomenal.

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Why You Want a Comfortable, Healthy, Money-Saving Home

Lower Energy Costs

The number 1 reason people invest in insulation is to save money on heating and cooling a
home. The U.S. Department of Energy states that 40% of the energy in a home can be
saved by sealing air leaks. With energy costs skyrocketing, this makes it more and more
important to plug the hole in your pockets.

Higher Resale Value

2008 Research shows that 80% of Americans are willing to pay more for a green home.
That means energy efficiency not only saves you money month after month, it also puts
more money in your pocket when it comes time to sell. That’s like owning a stock that puts
large dividends in your pocket each month and goes up in value considerably.

More Desirable
Not only will people pay more for energy efficient homes, they want to pay more. That
means your dollar saving home is more attractive to buyers. Not only can it fetch more
money, people are going to want to compete for it more. It’s more comfortable, it has
substantially lower energy bills, it’s mold and moisture and pest resistant, and so on. The
days of uneducated home owners buying empty walled homes are coming to a close very

More Comfortable
A home without air seeping through it is much more comfortable. First, it retains the
conditioned air that you set on your thermostat. So, your thermostat no longer says 70 in
the winter as you shiver with drafts and wear long johns because it’s 55 in your home.

Second, drafts are distinctly annoying and noticeable. Cold floors are not very pleasant –
just imagine if your floors actually were room temperature like they should be. You’d let
your kids play on them again. Friends and neighbors come over and envy your draft free
rooms and warm floors.

When your energy costs are lower, and you don’t feel drafts, and you don’t worry about
mold or moisture or pests, you’re just going to be more comfortable. That’s easy to take for
granted. However, peace of mind is truly a wonderful thing.

The slime and grime every home owner fears. Mold destroys a home’s value and can be
very expensive to remediate. It’s also a significant health risk and can force people to move
out of their homes while still having to pay the mortgage. Mold comes from moisture that
can’t escape the home.

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A properly sealed and insulated home resists mold because moist air doesn’t infiltrate.
Better yet, there is insulation that doesn’t hold moisture because the cells are tightly
packed together.

The cheaper insulations trap particles that serve as food for the mold spores, almost like a
spider’s web holds food for the spider. Rigid and solid insulation leaves no room for this
“food” to exist within them.

Pest Resistant
Most insulation doesn’t offer a barrier to insects or rodents. The fact is insects and rodents
want inside your wonderful home for very good reasons. Let’s call it the survival instinct.
It’s comfortable, there’s plenty of food, and it’s safer than being outside where they’re at the
bottom of the food chain.

Having dense, rigid insulation provides a solid barrier to entry that makes it harder than
it’s worth to get in. They’ll look for an easier port of entry, perhaps at the home next door.

Fewer Allergies
If your home is breathing like most unhappily do, you’re letting in outside air and dust.
This can lead to allergies or at the very least, it prevents your home from providing a nice
retreat from allergies outside.

Thankfully getting your home the very same air barrier that saves money and makes it
more comfortable also makes it much healthier for you and your family to live in.

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100% No Risk Guarantee

You want results. You want value for your money. You want to get what you pay for. This
is very reasonable on your part. So it’s shocking how few companies offer 100% No Risk

Are they scared to do it? Are they unwilling to back up what they’re offering? Do they
doubt you’ll be satisfied?

I really cannot answer this for them.

But I can recommend that you make sure you look for companies that will back up the
product or the installation in a way you find believable.

That way you get the results you really want and need. Isn’t that why you’re investing in
your home in the first place?

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4 steps to a Comfortable, Healthy, Dollar Saving Home

Determine What You Want

What problem are you trying to solve? Mold, drafts, pests? High energy bills? If you don’t
know what you want, you can’t look for the solution.

This sounds very basic, I know. But you’d be shocked at how many people jump in before
they know what they want and then go buy something based on R-Value because that’s
what everyone is talking about.

Determine Your Investment

Wait, isn’t this putting the cart before the horse? Don’t you need to see price ranges first
before you decide what the budget is?

No, because budgeting means thinking about what you REALLY can afford to invest.
People often default to the lowest price possible if they haven’t set a budget ahead of time.

But you now understand payback periods and you recognize saving on energy costs may in
fact be the best investment you can make right now. You understand you have 1 shot at
doing this easily. (Your investment is even a hedge against higher energy costs in the

Then you take into account tax credits (the 2009 and 2010 federal tax credits put up to
$1,500 in your pocket) and local incentives and decide on a range.

Now consider why we do this. If you just call around for prices for X, you’ll be thinking in
terms of prices. If you don’t know your budget, what are you going to choose? The lowest
price of course.

By determining your budget ahead of time, you can ignore the lowest price categories
because you realize you’re not going to get as much of a return on your investment. And
that you get what you pay for.

And when you find the right solution, you think of how you can afford it.

Educate Yourself
Find out what you can about the different options in your investment range. Ask questions.
Find companies that will stand by their product or service, and frankly stand by you. There
are great companies out there who want you to get the results you want to get. Find them.

As you prepare, make sure you calculate the volume of what you’re doing. Yes, it involves
basic math. Here’s how to do it.

Grab a tape measure and measure the length and the width of the area in feet that
you’re going to be insulating.

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Take these two numbers and multiply them. This is your square footage.

Repeat for each new area. Add all the square footages up. This is the total square

Even if you’re planning on hiring someone, you should know these numbers so you can
check their math. You don’t want someone quoting you 2,000 square feet if it’s in fact
1,500. That’s off by 33%! If that seems insignificant, try paying 33% more than the checker
asks for the next time you’re at the grocery store.

Do the Project
People love to hesitate, to hold off, because we hate to make mistakes.

Once you’ve made an intelligent, informed decision, it’s important to follow through. Get
the project done so you can enjoy the rewards you want in the first place.

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Appendix: Foam It Green

I’ve included some information about our company. You can find more just by visiting us at There’s a 1 minute video on the Home Page showing you just how
easy sealing, insulating, and adding value to your home can be.

We dedicated our business to educating consumers. If we can help you in any way, please
let us know. You can call us at 1-800-516-0949 or email us at

I’m proud to say we’re the only one in our industry offering 24/7 customer support, even on
holidays. And we’re also the only one to have a Professional Results, Your Way Guarantee.

Foam It Green
Do It Yourself Polyurethane Spray Foam Insulation

The Easy to Use Spray Foam Kit

Closed-cell polyurethane insulation
E-84 Fire Rated Class I Spray Foam Insulation for use in buildings
No CFC's, Penta-BDE's, VOC's, Urea Formaldyhyde
Sprays on just like paint, expands to 1 inch thickness
Quick and Easy
No outside source of pressure or power needed
Portable and Disposable
R-value of 7 per inch of cured foam
Just 1 inch seals out air and insulates

Professional Results, Your Way, Fast.

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Save Up to $1,500 w/ 2009 Tax Credits!

You can stop air leaks cold with Foam It Green Polyurethane Spray Foam Insulation. Even
just 1 inch seals out air infiltration and exfiltration from your home. And with a high R-
value of 7 per inch, you get twice the R-value of fiberglass per inch too.

Our Spray Foam Insulation Kit’s Features

An Air Barrier - Just 1 inch can seal the air leaks that cost you bundles.

A Vapor Retarder - Our closed cell insulation does not absorb moisture, unlike open cell
spray foams, cellulose, or fiberglass.

High-R Value Spray Foam Insulation - An R-7 per inch of cured foam.

Light Green Foam – Takes the guesswork out of whether the 2 components are combining
properly. Other spray foam insulation kits have white or tan foam, making it hard to know
if you’re wasting expensive chemicals.

Simple - we've seen experienced contractors work with the separate nitrogen tanks and
spray foam rigs and have one heck of a time. These kits are simple to use so you'll be sure
to impress yourself, your spouse, your neighbors, and if you’re a contractor, your customer.
Nothing looks worse than looking like you don't know what you're doing!

Quick and Easy - Sprays on like paint, then rises to roughly 1 inch thickness

Mold and Pest Resistant – Foam It Green has no nutritional value so pests don’t want to
eat it. Since it is closed cell, the foam cannot hold moisture, which makes it mold resistant.

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Portable & Disposable - No additional hardware is needed.

Cost Effective - Avoid high priced contractors and high priced distributors with warehouse
direct pricing from Spray Foam Direct.

Safe - No CFC’s, Penta-BDE’s, VOC’s or Urea Formaldehyde

Green – 80% of Americans are willing to pay more for a Green Home. You can add to your
home’s value with Foam it Green spray foam insulation kits. They save energy, are carbon
offset by Terrapass, and are recognized by the US Green Building Council.

Try Foam It Green Spray Foam Insulation Kits today and discover what thousands already
have. Foam It Green Kits are today's solution to the problems in your home that are
literally costing you thousands of dollars in wasted energy.

What is Polyurethane Spray Foam Insulation?

Polyurethane Spray Foam Insulation is used in industries ranging from mining to movies,
from cold storage to marine flotation. Spray Foam Insulation’s ability to seal out air and
insulate quickly means it’s always in high demand for residential and commercial
applications. Spray Foam Insulation is critical for solving our nation’s energy challenges
because it dramatically reduces the energy needed to heat and cool our homes and offices.

Why You Should Choose Spray Foam Direct

You want Fire Rated E-84 kits approved for use in buildings. That’s our standard offering
because it removes your risk of ordering the wrong thing for your project.

You get warehouse direct pricing without a bunch of distributors between you and the

You save on low freight costs based on our volumes with a few select nationwide carriers.

You get the best gun in the business, patented because it offers you the most control. This
means you get the most value out of your spray foam insulation kit.

You have 24/7 customer support

The instructions are simple and clear.

You’re be protected by the strongest warranty in the business.

You’re using a Green Building Material that saves you energy and money. Plus it’s carbon
offset by Terrapass, and is recognized by the US Green Building Council.

Click here for more information on Foam It Green DIY Spray Foam Insulation Kits.

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What to Expect

From Foam It Green 602 Board Foot Kits:

• 2 tanks roughly the same size as those on your gas grill

• Each tank weighs 60 lbs
• Each tank comes in its own separate box
• Each tank holds different chemicals
• Once the chemicals meet in the nozzle, they make foam.

• The hoses are very easy to attach – thread them on and turn
• The black nozzle easily clips onto the face of the gun
• The little green wing nuts screw on the end of the nozzle if you want a fan spray
• Once the nozzle is clipped on, turn on the valves.

• The gun feels just like the one on your garden hose at home
• The gun is optimized to be the very best it can be and still be disposable
• The gun has a safety so if dropped, the foam won't spray everywhere
• You don't need an air compressor, separate nitrogen tanks, or any other tools
• You can easily control how much you spray and where.

• The tanks are pressurized with nitrogen

• There are no cfc's, vocs, urea formaldhyde, or penta bde's
• Closed Cell Foam, R-7 per inch, doesn't allow water to pass through
• Pest and Mold Resistant
• Class 1 E-84 Fire Retardant Formula is Standard

• You get a 15' hose so you don't have to constantly move the tanks
• The liquid crystal gauge helps tell when tanks are ready to spray
• The surface temperature should be between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

• Spray the foam like you're spraying paint

• If you can water your lawn, you can seal and insulate your home
• The foam rises to approximately one inch per pass
• The 2 chemicals make a light green foam when working properly

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• It dries to the touch in about 30 seconds.

• Bonds to metal, wood, concrete: everything except oil and plastic sheeting
• Easy to spray on ceilings, walls, and floors.

• The foam rises and dries to bond with what you're spraying
• It seals out air by filling in every gap and because it becomes solid
• You can paint over it easily
• Use elastomeric rubber roof coat paint on foam exposed to sunlight
• The foam is firm and solid, NOT spongy like open cell foams
• You should get Professional Results, Your Way, Fast.

• The foam we ship is very fresh

• Almost everything ships within 14 days of manufacture
• An unopened kit has a 13 month shelf life
• Once you open it you have 30 days to use it
• Once opened it's just like a soda bottle
• The nitrogen compressed in the tanks pushes out the foam
• After 30 days, there is less “fizz” to get all the foam out.

• Your Order most often ships the same day if we get the order by noon
• UPS is pretty reliable but doesn't offer a guaranteed delivery date for ground
• You can have us air them but UPS makes it pricey ($400+).

• Less-than-truckload shipments come on a pallet

• The driver will use a liftgate to get the foam to you
• The truck line usually calls ahead of time to arrange a convenient delivery date and
• Guaranteed delivery dates may be available for reasonable additional charges ($40+)

Click Here to Learn More!

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See the 67 Second Video

Click the link above to see how fast you can make a great investment in your biggest
investment, your home.

A Special Offer
Right now, get 1,200 board feet of DIY spray foam insulation delivered to your door
in the lower 48 states for only $1,369.

This includes all you need to spray foam. No surprise costs, no tricks, just what you need to
do the project and get professional results, your way, fast.

2 of our 602 board foot kits
E-84 Class 1 Fire retarded foam
Closed Cell, R-7/inch
Shipping included to the lower 48 states
24/7 Customer Support
100% No Risk Guarantee
Foam Like a Pro Helpful Hints
17 Free Extras including a Tyvek suit, goggles, gloves, and extra nozzles and tips.
A $50 coupon for your next order over $250

Click here to Order

How to Reach Us

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