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HW 3

Remember that :
- Deadline : 2 weeks
- You have two times during the term to delay your h.w..
- Delaying your h.w doesn't mean to exceed 5 days after the deadline..
- you will be welcomed to request any help to implement your project.
- The marks will be divided into these criteria
< Delivering on time
< Correctness of results
< Code Efficiency

This application should be delivered as a group work..

1- Given two bit strings, Implement a program that find the

bitwise AND, bitwise OR, bitwise XOR , bitwise conditional and
bitwise biconditional of these strings.

- The program should show an error message if the two strings

are not in the same length.

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HW 3

2- Include the part of finding truth value for two propositions

(that we applied in the previous lab) to your project using tab
3- Show the names of the group members in any way (tab page-
new form- message box)
4- Try to write a code in an efficient way
a. Using functions
b. Using events
c. Clear variable names
d. Using clear comments

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