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Losing My Best Friend

“I should have never be friend with you in the first place!” that were those last words Raymond ever said to me
before our friendship came to an end few months ago. Came to think about it, I wish that foolish action of mine
could be taken back and I could relive that moment once again.

That was just a normal school day like all the other days. I woke up tiringly as usual, dragged myself out of bed
and got ready for school. Upon reaching school, I saw my best friend, Raymond, who was walking with a group
of rebellious looking boys and what’s more, they were trying to get him to smoke. Deep inside my heart, as I
have grown up with Raymond, I trusted that he would make a right choice and resist doing what is not right.
Sadly, I saw him talking the smoke from that boy’s hand and started smoking excitedly. I wanted to ran over to
stop Raymond from what he was doing but, afraid that I might get myself some problems from those boys so I
decided to wait till recess to talk to Raymond personally.

The recess bell had gone and without hesitation, I caught Raymond up at the corridor and asked whether we can
have a talk in private. He looked a bit blur and I could tell from his face each time he was confused or worried.
After we got away from the crowd, I looked directly into Raymond’s eyes and I really immobilized for a
moment or two before I could even say anything. I did not know exactly how to break it out to him so I just
went directly to him that I was a little bit upset and disappointed to see my one and only best friend smoked
despite knowing better. As expected, he looked at me surprisingly and might be wondering how did I find out.
He was frozen. He tried to give me explanations, or rather excused as how I took it, on why he chose to have
that cigarette. Impulsively, I thought that all his sayings were so unreasonable and I also thought that he refused
to accept his fault. I threw a big tantrum at him and stomped away. After that, I did not know what had gotten
into me and I made my way to the discipline master’s office and reported the incident. Raymond got called up to
the office immediately after that, he admitted it and obviously, he got to do with some punishments – especially
the canes.

The next day, I could feel a strange vibe between us. I did not open up to him anymore as if there was something
holding me back. When I saw him during recess, he gave me a cold pair of eyes and looked away. He acted as if
he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He tried to avoid me as much as possible and the best he could do
was basic greetings. I knew I was in the wrong and I knew that things would have gotten better if I apologized
to him and maybe everything would have been solved.

Months after the incident, even a stranger could tell that our friendship was torn far apart. I found myself
walking along most of the time and spent some of the weekends at home on the bed instead of hanging out with
Raymond like how we always did before. It was my birthday that I remembered the most, there wasn’t someone
sending me messaged of happy birthday in advance anymore and no one to prepare the party with. There were
moments where I found myself so lonely and I thought I could not go through it. I wish I could turn back time
and in that moment, I should have trusted Raymond and gave him a chance to correct himself as he was my best
friend. I guess it is too late to do anything now, sometimes I hated my childishness and impulsiveness when I
have to pay a big price for it by losing a buddy.

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