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I remember the last time I felt I really judged someone without knowing what it

feels like and I felt sorry for him for doing such thing. The last time I misjudged
a person is that of my classmate and this person is very kind to me, during my
grade 12 days, someone who is closed to me but there is an instance that led to
do which I considered a funny moment but teaches me a moral lesson at the
same time. I noticed that he only has his false teeth (dentures) falling as he
speak and I can’t believe it and so I tell it to my other close friends, then we
started burst out laughing as we laughed we don’t notice that he was looking at
us by that time I stopped laughing then go back to my seat and thought, what
have I done? In the same day, that night I chatted him and say sorry that we
laugh at him amidst of his situation and during that night he forgive me and
our relationship still the same after everything happen. I realized that I should
not be laughing on someone’s imperfection but rather I should accept it as who
they are because they are God’s creation and we can’t blame them for what
they have and what they become. This situation also teaches me to grow as a
person that not everything funny is funny I also learned to be aware in
everything I do.

“An unexamined life is not worth living for...”

We should understand that we should have better understanding of ourselves

so that we can make our lives better and worth living for, the way we respond
to our struggles is what makes us stronger and better person every day.
Believing in ourselves, facing negativities, passed through it, before achieving
the sweetest success of life.

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