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Interview with LADY GAGA
Interviewer: Hello audience͙.. Today we have a great famous singer of pop. Let͛s receive LADY

Lady Gaga: Hello honey!!!!

Interviewer: Hello LADY. It͛s a pleasure to have you in our program.

Lady Gaga: Thanks for your invitation.

Interviewer: Well͙. Let͛s start with the interview. How do you feel when you͛re on the escenarie?

Lady Gaga: Mmm͙.. I feel very exciting to see many fans yelling my name.

Interviewer: Ooh great! How do you consider yourself?

Lady Gaga: I consider myself a bad girl full of grace, my beaty, my voice and my beautiful way to

Interviewer: You͛re a very sure girl of their attributes. Mmm͙. For you͙.what is the love?

Lady Gaga: For me the love is a madness, it͛s something for silly͙.. The love is own͙.It isn͛t for
somebody who doesn͛t care

Interviewer: Ooooh ok ok. That is something in what is cannot say well͙. Changing topic.

Lady Gaga: So BAD ROMANCE, created a lot of furor in my fans

Interviewer: Great! You͛re a talented girl͙. Could you sing for us?

Lady Gaga: Ok yes, yes!!!

Interviewer: Very well with you Lady Gaga͙. Claps please

Lady Gaga: (I sing!!!) BAD ROMANCE

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