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Name of the Game: Cell Ball Stage: S3

This game can be played in a gym (great game for wet weather). Students are arranged in a circle, with about 6-8 people in the middle. The
people forming the circle start with 1 large soft ball, which they then roll into the middle. They have to try and hit the students in the middle
below the waist. If a student is hit then they swap places with the person who hit them. Teachers can add in up to 6 balls to make it more
challenging as the game goes on. The aim of the game is to end up in the middle.

Why is this game important for this stage?

-This is a very active game where students have to stop, dodge, jump, twist, bend down to pick up the balls
-Students can develop their manipulative skills of trapping the ball with their hands, rolling the ball underarm with fair amount of force
-Minor ball game
-Fair play and safety considerations of others, eg. Not using excessive force when rolling the ball that will hurt someone
-Attack and defence skills

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

-DMS3.2, Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibility for consequences: accepts responsibility for their decisions
-MOS3.4, Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations: adapts action to cater for different types of
equipment for distance, accuracy and speed
-COS3.1, Communicates confidently in a variety of situations: uses negotiation skills in group activities
-GSS3.8, Applies movement skills in games and sports that require communication, cooperation, decision making and observation of rules:
participates in games and sports combining strategy, teamwork, movement skill and fair play, combines a series of skills for use in a game

Equipment and Teaching cues

-6 Large soft balls
-Teachers can add a ball to make it more challenging or take a ball away if it is too difficult
-Teachers should be aware of and try to suppress any aggressive behaviour
-Teachers could also introduce the game in relation to the word “cell”, like white blood cell’s attacking sicknesses in the body

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