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Pre- Production

Technology Used Where Why? Successful/ Unsuccessful

Throughout the project To present my work as well as keep Using Blogger was difficult at first as I
Blogger track of where I have got up to via was not used to using it but as we have
blog entries. progressed, I have learnt all the features
and been able to successfully present my
work with pictures, colours and
hyperlinks to appropriate documents.
Production logs week 5-10 All of these are videos which I then Using YouTube was also something new
Animatic uploaded to YouTube for easier for me but I found it quite simple and
YouTube Feedback of video draft viewing. The production logs were easy to use. I think it was quite
Final Production to add to my blogs on blogger. The successful putting videos up as a way of
animatic was a rough sketch of how making things more interesting, rather
my partner and I wanted our than just a lot of text.
production to be like.
Throughout the project I used Google to get certain This was very useful as I did have to look
Google information and images about up a lot of things in order to do my
existing Film4 Films as a part of research.
Microsoft word and Microsoft I used Scribd to convert all the At first it was difficult to embed
Scribd PowerPoint Documents. Microsoft word Documents I had so documents onto blogger but the more I
it would be easily presentable onto used it, the simpler it became.
Shifty Case Study This was so I could gather lots of This website was very useful as all
Information on Film4 Films information about existing Film4 information I needed was in one place. Films including: Company Credits,
Box office, and details about cast
This also helped me get a feel of all Film4
Films so I got an idea how to make my
and storyline. own.
*Conventions of an opening I used Microsoft PowerPoint to I think these were all very successful as I
sequence mood board. create these as I wanted them to be am very familiar with the program and it
presented clearly and as I did many came out well presented.
Microsoft *Analysing conventions:
slides on each, it was easier to keep
it all together.
*Shifty Case study
Production Logs 5-10 Used to film the video blogs Being filmed on the laptop, it was easily
Transferrable to YouTube as soon as I
Webcam via had recorded them, causing me less
hassle than a filming using a mobile
laptop phone.

Technology Used Where Why? Successful/Unsuccessful
Panasonic During filming the dream We used the camera to take I think these photographs helped
Still sequence pictures of how we created our explain how we used the lighting
Camera dream sequence and show how to set the mood and the awkward
we used lighting to create the positioning we did it in. This was
romantic mood. just an extra to support my text.

Whole production Used this camcorder to record This was successful as it was
Panasonic our whole production as we handheld making it easier to film
GS230 wanted to use similar equipment during production and able to
to existing Film4 Films. pick up sound instead of having a
Camcorder separate microphone. Over the
course of making the production,
I became more familiar with the
camcorder and its features than I
was with the Preliminary exercise.
This was successful for our long
During Production We used the tripod to avoid any shots as it kept the camcorder in
Tripod shaky camera movements and for one position without any
steady close-ups. disruptions to its position. There
was one shot where we should
have used the tripod ( cutaway to
the clock) as we realised this was
quite shaky in our end product.
First few scenes of Production We wanted it to be as real as I think this was quite successful
Mobile possible and the latest teenager but we did have a few initial
Phones craze is the BlackBerry, so we problems with the camcorder
wanted to incorporate this into being reflected onto the phone
our production as people but this was easily fixed.
(BlackBerry’s) watching will be able to relate.
This also represents the modern
age of communication between
people and how they can feel
towards simple texts.
We used the iMac during Using the iMacs at first was very
iMac During Production production to work out what difficult as I am not really fond of
& shots we had and what we had to them and find them complicated.
Post- Production still film. This kept my partner and However, due to my partners
I quite organised. We also used strength being editing, I was able
this post-production to edit shots to learn more quickly and little
and add sound as well as shortcuts making it easier for me
graphics. to edit with her.

Post – Production
Feedback from our class This was so we could see what I think was interesting as we
Flip our peers thought of our received both positive and
production and if our point we negative feedback. This made it
camera was aiming to portray was put much easier to see where we
across. had gone wrong as we cannot
pick out these faults after
watching it over and over again.

Throughout whole production Used to put together our shots Along with the iMac, I found
iMovie and edit our production, as well iMovie also difficult at first as it
as add sounds and graphics. Also wasn’t like normal computer
enabled us to cut out any software for me, but as we
unnecessary shot and sounds. progressed through the
production I was able to learn
how to use some features.
However if I wanted to improve
next time, I would try to learn
more features of iMovie as it
would come across in my work.

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