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CEIP Solymar. 6º de Primaria.

Curso 2010-2011
 Como tal, no existe un tiempo específico de
futuro en inglés, sino que existen distintos
verbos y expresiones para referirnos a él.
 Para ello, veremos dos formas
fundamentales: el futuro con WILL y el futuro
 Primero veremos el futuro con WILL
 Will se usa en el futuro para:

 Hacer predicciones. (It will rain tomorrow=Mañana

 Cuando se toma una decisión espontánea. (I think I
will go out tonight= Creo que saldré de marcha esta
 Para prometer algo. (I will visit you next week= Te
visitaré la semana que viene).
I will read I will not read Will I read?
You will read You will not read Will you read?
He will read He will not read Will he read?
She will read She will not read Will she read?
It will read It will not read Will it read?
We will read We will not read Will we read?
You will read You will not read Will you read?
They will read They will not read Will they read?
 Se usa Going To.
 Cuando alguien quiere expresar un plan o una
intención. (Tomorrow I am going to visit my
aunt= Mañana voy a visitar a mi tía).
 La traducción hace que la diferencia entre
WILL y GOING TO sea evidente.
 I will read= Yo leeré
 I am going to read= Voy a leer.
I am going to read I am not going to read Am I going to read?
You are going to read You are not going to read Are you going to read?
He is going to read He is not going to read Is he going to read?
She is going to read She is not going to read Is she going to read?
It is going to read It is not going to read Is it going to read?
We are going to read We are not going to read Are we going to read?
You are going to read You are not going to read Are you going to read?
They are going to read They are not going to read Are they going to read?

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