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 Fascism- Political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of the nation or an ethnic

group, and the supreme authority of the leader over that of the individual
 Purge- The process of removing enemies and undesirable individuals from power
 Appeasement- Policy of giving in to a competitor’s demands in order to preserve the peace
 Resistance- Movement in France that opposed German occupation during WW2.
 Blitzkrieg- Kind of warfare emphasizing rapid and mechanized movement; used by Germany
during WW2
 Puppet State- A supposedly independent country under the control of a powerful neighbor
 Lend-Lease Act- 1941 law that authorized the President to aid any nation whose defense he
believed was vital to American security
 Selective Training and Service Act- 1940 law requiring all males aged 20 to 36 to register for
military service
 Liberty Ship- A type of large, sturdy merchant ship built in WW2
 Victory Garden- A home vegetable garden created to boost food production during WW2
 Carpet Bombing- Method of aerial bombing in which large numbers of bombs are dropped
over a wide area
 D-Day- Code name for the allied invasion of France on June 6, 1944
 Battle of the Bulge- WW2 battle in which German forces launched a final counterattack on
the west
 Holocaust- Nazi Germany’s systematic attempt to murder all European Jews
 Ghetto- Area in which one ethnic or racial group dominates
 War Refugee Board- Federal agency created in 1944 to try to help people threatened with
murder by the Nazis
 Nuremburg Trials- Series of trials in 1945 conducted by an International Military Tribunal in
which former Nazi leaders were charged with crimes against peace, crimes against
humanity, and war crimes
 Bataan Death March- Brutal march of American and Filipino prisoners by Japanese soldiers
in 1942
 Battle of Midway- 1942 WW2 battle between the U.S. and Japan, a turning point in the war
in the Pacific
 Island-hopping- A military strategy used during WW2 that involved selectively attacking
specific enemy-held islands and bypassing others
 Kamikaze- In WW2, a Japanese suicide plane

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