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Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

George’s Diary

I was beginning to think Lennie ain’t ever gonna get to sleep tonight. All he

thinks about are those rabbits. I’m glad we stayed here the night. The bus driver

should have taken us all the way to the ranch. I hope Lennie remember to keep his

mouth shut tomorrow when we meet the boss. I’m really fed up with Lennie losing

us every job we get. He’s always getting into trouble, and I always have to get him

out of it. I could have such an easy life without him. He didn’t understand that

the dead mouse wasn’t fresh. I must try not to get so angry with him. I guess

I would be lonely without him.

George’s Diary

I knew that woman was going to wreck our dream of having that farm. Why

couldn’t she just stay away from Lennie? He ain’t mean and I know he never meant

to kill her. I hope Lennie has remembered where to go and hide. I sure am glad

that it was old Candy who found her body. The other men might have thought I

had something to do with her death. They would have forgotten that I was playing

horseshoes with them. Curley wants to kill Lennie. I have stolen Carlson’s gun. I

hope I find Lennie before the others because they want to lynch him.
George’s Diary

This has been the worst day of my life. I was so relieved that Lennie

remembered where to hide. He was upset that I wasn’t very angry with him. He

really wanted to hear about the farm and how he was going to take care of the

rabbits. I knew what I had to do. I couldn’t let Curley and the others find him.

They might have hurt him before they killed him, or they may have locked him up

and he would have hated that. They was only one thing I could do to protect

Lennie. I had to shoot him with Carlson’s gun. When the men found us, they were

surprised I had managed to take the gun away from Lennie. Slim was the only one

who understood what had happened.

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