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no matter how much my parents spoke fondly about the sunrise I wonder if
I will ever get used to it. This human disguise is offending as well..who would have
known that the form of the amulets I "borrowed" are 2 burly humans. Never saw a
hairy penis like this one before at least not live...and attached to me.

Alton Can't stop laughing every time he looks at me, he said i am not walking the
part. Well it takes some time to get used to walk with something so big between your
legs! He had years of practice. Besides it is only day 1 of our daring adventure!

I know you can already notice that we are both a bit young, Alton is 50 years older
than me though. Considering the world he was born into he gave himself too much
freedom. He is first born of a powerful matron mother, he is her first and only child.
Huge disappointment might add, she was full on expecting a female but again she
didn't kill his father after giving birth to him so can’t be all that bad? Alton's father was
a big deal in his young life. Probably a part of a mischievous Alton's nature. The
matron also has a younger sister that has no children and she together with his dad
played a big part of nurturing him into a man he is becoming. He got injured a lot
when he was a kid, his dad is a warrior and was teaching him all that manly stuff, his
aunt is a sorcerer and she was trying to imbue him with magical affinity.(steva to
chose which part he went to ). Older he was getting more popular he was becoming
with the ladies where real problems have begun, at the age of 97 he has made a
maid(that wanted to move up in the world) pregnant which did not sit well with
mother. lucky for him after the child was born it was determined it was not his but
never the less his mother blames him nonetheless. The maid was just one of many
one night stands he had after indulging in alcohol and all good things in life. He just
couldn't take life seriously I guess and had a lot of friends who were bad influence,
piggybacking on his mother's status. Until one day his mother had enough. There
was a notion of an alliance between the 2 matron houses from the old underdark
(they became a bit more liberal) and ours. He was to be given to one of the
priestesses, daughters of the matron of the second house in that underdark to be
wed (yes to be wed, now days Loth has put it as a sort of a new standard that she
approves and gives bonuses to married couples in order to promote the new thing).
That sent shivers down that 130 year old young man's spine. My mother was talking
to his aunt and i overheard it might not be true...but our matron is crazy anything is how do i fit into all of that? well :)

My family is not as important but we do live in the compound and we serve a part as
trusted advisors to her rain. As much as i can gather we have been there forever but
do not come from this place, my mom and dad met on the surface and finally after
many years of travel decided to make a life and alliance with her. When i was born i
was pampered to death by my mother, she thought kids are a thing she will never get
to experience, she also said my dad was super scared as he didn't know how i will
turn up. My dad teaches me independence and to be proud at my drow heritage.
Woman before man and all those things, at least he tried. They are a loving couple
but not exclusive(do date and bring others to bedroom) from what i could have
gathered. they were hands on raising me though, they kind of retired from doing
things apart dealing with me and indulging my every need. all i did was run around
played games read and learned miscellaneous things from my mom. They told me
so many stories of surface and the world above. from what i gathered my mom loves
the surface more than dark but she loves my dad more then surface :)

Alton was always present in my life ever since i was born, there was mixed emotions
as there were jealousy, end i end up bruised after that (cos his mom sometimes was
nicer to me then him, although he said she is different in public with him then when
they are alone), even as a baby he would pinch me when we were alone, i know cos
my mom told me… He was also a great friend that would get me into trouble and get
me out of it,. so many times he took the blame for something i have done...actually
every time. Older i was more we were hanging out, playing games in the yard,
learning together, going out together although he never took me out when he was
going with his older friends to get into fights, drink and to get laid. he said it is not my
place i am way to innocent for that, he treated me like a princes. little did he know
that since i was 70 i stumbled upon a book in my parents library that taught me all
kind of stuff. my parents made me promise not to mention the indiscretion to
anyone though… He is my best friend in a whole world! so when i heard what faith
is about to be bestowed upon him i had to do something. From my parents stories i
know of 2 items they had in their possession. they used it to disguise themselves
while on the surface, they have even invested in it to make the magic even stronger
just before i was born, now both amulets in addition to capture an image of body they
give to the wearer they also cannot be scryed and once worn cannot be seen or
touched except by the wearer, it blends underneath the skin and only the wearer can
remove it. I asked why like this now that they don't need to hide their appearance
anymore and they told me they will tell me that funny story when i am older…

Anyway back to the story of how i got here, well i know where they keep the amulets,
collecting dust in the private mansion!

And I had a plan! I begged my parents to let me participate in this year's summer
solstice celebration because i am 80 i am old enough and elven city is a safe place, i
saved allowance and argued that if Alton goes with me there is nothing to be worried
about especially this being the last summer before he is being sent away. i planed to
stay in the elven city for 2 nights before returning to under the tree underdark (you
cough on by now whose child i want to be). of course my parents couldn't say no and
matron agreed that it will be a good start of Altons practice in responsibility as his life
will depend upon it soon enough.
I was so happy we packed our bags and went for the event. I "borrowed" the amulets
the day we left and leaving a letter in its stead. i knew it will be a while until they find
out it is missing as they don't go to the mansion as often these days. anyway once
we arrived in front of the designated inn i had a confession to make. I told Alton what
i have done and that if he wants we can run away, together because stealing one
amulet and returning home is worse than stealing 2 and not coming home :) or if he
chose we can enjoy the festival and come back home like nothing happened. his
eyes were wide and his jaw dropped. His baffled expression was even more funny
then when i came up with the idea to see this festival in the first place. I guess he is
not used to me taking initiative in anything...ever. it was always him having ideas
of what games to play, what mushroom to climb, what cave to hide… this was all
new for him. considering the long pause I continued saying if we are leaving then we
need to do it now as i have the money for the tavern and food ready to be spent
outside the elven kingdom. That made him react and he just briskly said he wished
he knew about this as he would pack differently. I just said that this was the point and
our element of surprise. We left right away, we had no trouble going out of the
borders of the forest as it was teeming with all kind of life. He was smart to get us in
the back of a caravan. but surprisingly the loose elves ask no question during these
festive times. Once out of the forest we abandoned the ride. The plan was to make
camp in the morning and put the amulets on but my feet were hurting and was so
hungry and tired! We made camp at night agreeing to put on the amulets that
morning and continue, we had some crackers and water from the stream...water
poaches will definitely be our next investment. in the morning we put the amulets and
behold! My clothes is completely ruined, his is not much better...i knew that the
disguises would be human...but didn't think it would be human men...huge ones at
that. it was too late now as we couldn't risk being seen anymore as us. Altman asked
in his ripped clothing "now this is f***** what is next, what is your plan?"

Omg...what plan...I had none beyond this point. Mmy face said it all. he immediately
realized i had no plan, boy was he mad. He was kicking grass and everything. He
pinched my arm(as he tends to do when he is upset with me) so hard i screamed in
a terrible sounding manly voice. That got us both laughing and then laughing even
more due to how we both sounded. He gave me one of his mischievous looks and
said:"we are in this together now, let;s have an adventure". we put from clothing that
we had some sort of cover for the pants and continued naked chested. no weapon
mind you apart form a dagger of mine and a sword of his. on the first village we
passed through we got some clothing, but i was surprised that in this disguises we
were sweating, apart from other things, wonder why did they made them so
powerful? I know from the stories they were not as powerful...and i realized in the
elven city that 2 images can be stored inside one of a completely new individual and
second one of ourselves but as elves (stevo slika sto si mi poslao za njega) although
i wouldn't risk it being us this close to home just in case...need to find a woman(slika
koju si mi poslao za nju crvenokosa riba) to take her image for me...i dont think i cant
live with this penis much longer! although it is only day 2...not even second
night...first night as a man is coming...i can see light in the distance i guess we are
going to stay the night...good cos i am hungry, my feet hurt and i am tired :( this is
not as fun as i imagined it to be...

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