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1. What is your name? Do you have a nickname?

Krusk of Clan Killdagga, last remaining adult, rest of tribe is onOlamos, kids and women, I was trained
to be “Stormcaller” a battle priest praying to god of the Ocean, Ozmus.
2. How old are you?
Im 20 years old, a full adult.
3. Do you have any special physical characteristics?
Yes, i have my back tattooed with a scene of an ocean storm, with a ship, and people fighting.
4. Do you have any quirky mannerisms or ticks?
I'm an orc, I like fistfighting, fighting in general, but am not eager to die, I tend to work my god’s name
in to every conversation.
5. What sort of personality do you have?
I get am usually very intimidating as a Stormcaller of a tribe should be, when speaking im short of
yelling, also i tend to provoke people to fight me.
6. What are your motivations? Needs?
At the moment my clan was almost to a man killed by pirates called The Cobalt Reapers ” i need to
take vengeance on them before they die of natural means.
7. Are there any defining moments in your history?
Most defining moment was a moment when i was chosen by Ozmus to be his voice of the storm, it is
highly coveted place in my clan.
8. What is your greatest fear?
I fear of having to face my elders, and mother before I take vengeance for my elder brothers (Wright
and Drom) and Father Gorn Killdagga.
9. DO you have any secrets?
My most dire secret is that i will dishonor my clan, and that they find out that I’m stalling so much.
10. Where are you from?
Im from the continent of Olamos, small tribe/village/town probably remote/
11. What was your childhood like?
I was youngest of 3 males, above average strength and constitution made me potent warrior, but i
was trained by Eldar shaman Hordak Windsheer Dagga to be potent battle priest. Its was a childhood
of discipline, freedom.
12. Who is your family?
Father Gorn (dead ship captain), Mother (Wierna), Brothers Wright and Drom (dead clan warriors),
and 2 sister Krala and Fretee (one older second younger) and whole clan of uncles and aunts.
13. Who are your friends?
To this day i mourn friends killed on the ship, but in town i made a close relationship in temples of
oceans, (or any other relatable priesthood) where i befriended a goliath priest Jezek Thunderstep, he
and I go drinking and eventually get in a fist fight.
14. What is your profession or hobby?
I am secretly learning how to become more popular, playing drums, and in odd hours am learning how
to sing.
15. Are you religious?
16. What are your personal beliefs?
I believe that through strength and power you are able to get what you want an be no one’s bitch.
17. Do you have anything you can’t live without?
Things are passing, dishonor is forever.
18. When and how did you receive the invitation to join “Acquisitions Incorporated”?
Upon coming to town after escaping the slaver ship with my life I searched for a job, one job lead to
another until i used my skills to “save” Omin Dran by getting a unlucky mugger to be seen and helped
him disable him, that's when i joined and got in few odd jobs, that's why i’m not so mad about last job
19. Why are you here now?
I'm here to acquire power and gather clues about the slavers im looking for. And few meet-shields, I
mean friends won't hurt.

Krusk Killdagga
By storm an thunder I am Krusk of the Killdagga clan. Born as 3rd son of great sea captain
Gorn Killdagga, from the great island of Olamos. As third son i was trained to be a battle shaman, A
Stormcaller. Trained by the eldar storm caller Hordak Windsheer Killdagga.

As a third child and of 3 brothers i was thought to be strong. My two elder brothers Wrath and Dron
were strong and tough, fighting since day one for honor and respect. It looked like the clan was going
to stay strong for years to come. The blessing of Osmos the Stormrage. was strong, and our sea
barge was mighty indeed. Every but mightiest of ships would dare challenge us in battle, and when
they did boarding would eventually happen and there Clan Killdagga would dominate. But the might
know, there is always someone... Mightier.

On a clear windy day we were assaulted by a mighty weasel belonging to slavers called the The
Cobalt Reapers. On that day their gods blessing overpowered Osmos, and they have
decimated our crew, chained and enslaved some of them, killed the others. What became of
my father and brothers. I do not know. I was chained and impassioned. Unlike my kin i was
patient, those who refuse to eat or rebel were dealt with swiftly. I ate and submitted for a
time. Before time was long they took me out to brand me, while still in voyage, on the top
area of their ship's hold. Chained and getting ready for the pain to come i decided that i will
not scream, not shout. But Osmus had other plans. When they pressed the molten iron to
my back, the pain was unbearable, the scream that came was thunderous, but i screamed
one word OSMUS!!! The lightning and thunder struck everyone around me, knocking my
jailers everywhere. I took up a discarded weapon and proceeded to fight my way to release
my crew-mates, but the area was crawling with slavers. I did only one thing that I could. I
fought my way out, using the storm while it was within me to escape. On top deck there were
few dased slavers still recovering from the thunder. Thats when i saw the hated captain of
the The Cobalt Reapers. I wanted him dead as i knew he was the one who confronted my family, but
he was not alone. There are others with him so i jumped of ship, escaping them in the storm.

I spent days in the water in prayer and swimming. Luckily there was some floating wood to allow me
to cling to it. Eventually Osmus smiled on me and sent a small fishing boat where I met a good friend
a priest in training of Osmus, a goliath Jezek Thunderstep. We traveled back to his home city a city of
Mar’Alasaya. There I made home for a little time to recover, but my thoughts of vengeance have been
silenced, for a time, as shame came over me for running and leaving my crew-mates, my family in
hands of fate. I lied to myself that they will be better off alive then dead. So I stayed.

Days turned in to weeks, months. Shame was so bitter that no amount of alcohol or blood
could wash down. And i tried. A lot. Jezek bless his soul was there most of the way. To break
my teeth, jaw, a rib just to get me out of this rut. But there was very little to be done. I was an
opportunistic coward, and Osmus was still with me, why only he knows. But i wallowed in my
misery, failure. And it seamed it will last forever.
Some day i was going down the street, smelling like puke and failed dreams. When i passed
this tall strong bald man. Even though i was hammered i saw that he was being approached
by these rough looking brigands. There was a scent of an attack approaching, i yelled and
struck a man holding a large hammer. With each strike i thundered prayers to Osmus, for
these men were my enemies, The Cobalt Reapers, not in truth but in my mind. At some point in
time my hangover was completely gone and i proceeded to strike down every single one of them,
along with this bald man. After that I met him. His name Omin Dran (Ominifis Hereward Dran) a
master of the guild Acquisitions Incorporated. He offered me a meal then, herd my story, there was
something i trust in that person, and offered me to join his guild. Even though I wasnt looking for a job,
seeing opportunity to gain more power and ability to take vengeance on my dead family.

Days after i met the strangest group ever, ones who have became my new family, ones i hope not to
lose the same way. I will speak of them a bit later but the mission we decided to go on consisted of
few very important things.
1. It gave a 2000gp each
2. Had us reach questing location on an airship
3. A simple pickup od these strange star gems on uninhabited island ruins.

How bad could it be. The five of us were captured by yuan-ti and made to suffer through collective
nightmares for days and days. Each time we died we were sent back to relive the nightmare again.
And our nightmares fed their sinister god, Dendar The Night Serpent.

We managed to break free and after angering the high priestess of this yuan-ti civilization we run and
managed to get our asses on the airship barely escaping with our lives.

There was a lesson there. But who was trying to teach me? Dran or Osmus? I see that path forward is
full of lessons...

PART 2 Soon

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