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Bracers Of Physical Perfection

These iron and brass gauntlets resize to fit its wearer perfectly. And grant its wearer
appearance of specimens at pinacle of health and strength. Originally created for a noble of
long forgotten age now it has traveled from person to person, writing them down in legend.
One of last known wielders was one snow elf that punched admiral of blood elven ship from
docks and tens of meters from docks.

These bracers were also created to provide additional protection and even rendering most of
weaponry used for it fulfilled it’s dual purpose. Granting power to punch with strength of
some of mightiest weapons.

Being item originally created for a noble the item is meant to educate one in proper way of
speaking that comes to noble born as a prerequisite. Thus this is also an educational item
meant to teach young men the proper way of speaking.

Physical Perfection. While attuned and wearing these bracers increase your Strength,
Dexterity and Constitution by +2 up to a maximum of 22.

Battle Gauntlet. While attuned and wearing these bracers give your unarmed attacks +2 to
attack and damage, and is considered magical for overcoming creatures resistance to non
magical attacks. Your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage.

Natural Athlete. You gain proficiency in athletics and acrobatics, if you already are proficient
double your proficiency bonus. You are also able to until beginning of your next turn cast
Enhance Ability (Bear’s Endurance, Bull’s Strength or Cat’s Grace) on yourself or Jump spell
at will.

Mighty Blow. As an action you may make a single unarmed attack dealing 3d12 thundering
damage and forcing creature hit that is up to one size category larger than you to make a
Strength saving throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your strength bonus, or be pushed
back up to number of feet equal to damage done and knocked prone, on successful save
creature moven only half that amount and is not prone. This attack makes a loud thundering
damage equal to thunder.

Secret. This power is unlocked once the unknown conditions are made. Cast Thunderclap

Flaw. While attuned to this item, whenever you curse, speak in improper manner you take 1
point of psychic damage. You also have following flaws while attuned to this item. “Never to
refuse a challenge from an equal” “Never to turn the back upon a foe” and “Eschew
unfairness, meanness and deceit”

Yang’s Recurve
This is a bow made for Hvestan elven hero named Yang Windleaf. Hero had fought in all
wars of the tear and had died defending forest from an ancient enemy. The bow was lost in
time and never recovered.

It is said that bow was originally created to hunt dragons and great monstrosities. It was sid
that it turned back singlehandedly many of dragons, giants, and raging demons. It is also
known to create bolts of pure light upon impact.

This items beauty is outstanding making anyone seeing it for the first time to shed tears and
express desire to hold it, and even own it.

Enchanted. When attuned and attacking using this bow you add +2 to attack rolls and
damage rolls, and is considered magical for overcoming creatures resistance to non magical
attacks. Arrows fired from this bow are destroyed.

Elven Trickshots. When attuned to this item you gain 3 trick shot dice (1d6) to be used to
change the way shots act. You regain all trickshots when you finish short or long rest.
● Distracting Shot. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend
one trick shot die to distract the creature, giving your allies an opening. You add the
trick shot die to the attack’s damage roll. The next attack roll against the target by an
attacker other than you has advantage if the attack is made before the start of your
next turn.
● Precision Attack. When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature, you can
expend one trick shot die to add it to the roll. You can use this trick shot before or
after making the attack roll, but before any effects of the attack are applied.
● Pushing Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one
trick shot die to attempt to drive the target back. You add the trick shot die to the
attack's damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength
saving throw. On a failed save, you push the target up to 15 feet away from you.
● Trip Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one trick
shot die to attempt to knock the target down. You add the trick shot die to the attack’s
damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving
throw. On a failed save, you knock the target prone.

Colosal Bane. Attacks made with Yang’s Recurve do additional 1d8 damage against
creatures of size huge or larger.

Secret. This power is unlocked once the unknown conditions are made.

Flaw. While attuned to this item, whenever you roll a natural 1 in combat, you move down
one step on the initiative list as you grow distracted by this item's beauty.
The Zaisen’s War Quiver
This war quiver was first found in hands of famed archer in 2nd war of the tear. Said to be
enchanted with endless supply of arrows of various abilities. It was said that every Zaisen’s
shot was different from spraying fire lightning ice to fiering almost guiding arrows.

It was lost shortly by the end of 4th war of the tear. Wielded by a mystic from isle just of the
shores of Folonghide. It is said that mystics of that sacred land had imbued additional
enchantments upon the quiver but those may just be tales from times long forgotten.

Unlimited arrows. While attuned to this item whenever you reach for the quiver there will
always be an arrow ready. Arrows are considered magical for purpose of overcoming
creatures resistances to non magical weapon damage.

Trick Arrows. While attuned to this item you may whenever you draw an arrow from The
Zaisen’s War Quiver you gain 12 trick arrows that you may choose to pick before you make
an attack roll. Whenever you do you expand one of these trick arrows. These trick arrows
replenish after you finish a long rest.
Guiding arrow. This arrow grants you an additional 1d8 to attack roll.
Slayer Arrow. This arrow grants you an addition +2 to attack roll and damage.
Flaming Burst Arrow. Arrow deals additional 2d6 fire damage to the target and each
creature within 5ft of the target hit.
Lightning Surge Arrow. Arrow deals additional 3d6 lightning damage to the target and 3d6
lightning damage to target within 30 ft of creature hit.
Blinding Arrow. Arrow when it hits a creature bursts in bright light in 15ft radius of target hit
all creatures must make a DC 13 constitution save or be blinded until end of their next turn.
Acid Splash Arrow. Arrow deals additional 4d6 acid damage to the target hit.
Entangling Arrow. On hit you deal normal damage and target is grappled and target must
take an action and make 13 Strength saving throw to break free. Or destroy the binding
using a small blade like dagger and doing enough damage (AC:8; HP:5: immune to psychic
and poison damage)
Special: If an attack using a trick arrow is a natural 20 or 1 the DM will alter the arrows
ability effect.

Dawn’s razor. While attuned to this item you may draw an enchanted shortsword +1 called
Dawn’s razor. If you lose this weapon it will reappear at next dawn if exposed to direct

Secret. This power is unlocked once the unknown conditions are made.

Flaw. While attuned to this item, whenever you roll a natural 1 in combat, you move down
one step on the initiative list as you grow distracted by this item's beauty.
Folonghides Cloak of The Phoenix
This item was forged by ancient order of priests in the ancient lands of fire called
Folonghide. This item meant the mantle of highest authority. As fire of high priest was setting
ablaze all enemies with righteous might and purged the sinners.

Its power augments all flame powers of the user and grants great control over one's power.
Thus making fire purge the unworthy while slaying the wicked.

Secret. Righteous Fury. Sight of evil makes you enraged. While fighting Obviously evil
creatures (demons, dragons, devils, undead) you become enraged and deal 1 additional
damage for each die you roll. But after combat you suffer two levels of exhaustion. You may
resist this effect by making a successful Charisma saving throw DC 22.

Sacred Embers. You may as a bonus action change the damage of your fire spells in to
Radiant until end of your turn. You may use this feature up to three times.

Fire Immunity. You become immune to fire damage.

Protecting flames. WHen casting spells with fire damage type you may choose up to 3
carget creatures within area to be immune to your spells effect.

Phoenix Rebirth. When you are taken to 0hp you are turned to ash until beginning of your
next turn. And when you get to your initiative order you reappear with 11 hp left. You may
use this feature again after finishing a long rest and casting this cloak in large flame as a part
of an ritual.

Flaw. Generosity. While attuned to this item, you feel incredibly generous and will give gold
to anyone in need. As noble as this bird is you are compelled not to let the evil triumph. Gain
flaw “Fire of hope must never be extinguished” and “Purge the wicked, les their bile
Glittering Glamorous Garment of The
Glorious Gall

This +2 Studded leather armor was created for the faery court handmaiden of Lord Elden,
The Lord of Eladrin, Marshal of Summer and Founder of the Court of the Unseen. This
garment is is granted to his greatest and most trusted servants and is a symbol of office in its
unchanged form. Members of Fey courts recognise it and act accordingly.

First worn by Lord Eldens oldest daughter who had fell in love with an mortal and left to live
on mortal plane. After starting a loving family she was murdered by, a jealous refused lover
turned tyrant king. Her death came in her trust in always having another way to solve any
conflict. Thus paying with her life to save the rest of her family. The garment remained in the
family until one day becoming lost in time.

Garment in natural form is mostly silvery white with accents of Dark blue. Golden and silver
intricate embroidery cover subtly placed armor pieces hidden in this garments. Garments
themselves seam to have been made out of Fey long strands of hair giving it the shining,
glittering effects.

Glittering. The shining of the Garment makes any ranged attack from more than 10 ft away
are made with a disadvantage. Any spell targeting specifically you you get to roll a d6 and on
roll of 6 the caster must choose another target if able.

Glamour. The Garment has the power to change its shape to appear as any other piece of
clothing as per disguise self spell, however this is not illusionary for the garment reshapes to
its new form util willed otherwise as an action or reverted back to natural form. This may not
increase it’s Armor class even if it appears to be full plate and weights the same as its new

Glorious. While wearing this armor you shine with aura of confidence. Whenever you grant
an bardic inspiration to a creature roll your inspiration die, that creature gains that much
Temporary Hit Points plus your Charisma modifier for next minute. These hit points don’t
stack with any other temporary hit points.

Confident. While wearing and attuned to the Garment you are immune to fear effects. You
also add an enchantment bonus to your Persuasion and Insight skill checks.

Secret. This power is unlocked once the unknown conditions are made. FEY ESCAPE ON
Flaw. While wearing the Garment you feel the confidence and unwavering belief in peaceful
resolution. While wearing this item you gain a flaw “We must always strive for solutions that
lead to shedding of blood of the innocent.”

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