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Winter NPC’s

Lady Lianshee the Ice Maiden

She is not worried that her request is not finished. But will say that not fulfilling one's promise
is bad for one’s reputation and that's why the creatures in fey are feeling hostile. When
confronted to cancel the deal

Winter Knight - James Glaze

A human, Rogue of Winter queen. He usually travels with a batch of mirror walkeers
(assasin statline with racial mysti steps and invisibility).

Mother Winter
A elderly looking women shown as one liking life for it represents the motherly affection of

Summer NPC’s
FEY DISTRUST. Other fey than Bear King are not trusting the party since they have not yet
finished the deal with Lady Lianshee and all can sense the air of distrust. All characters
(even as archmage) have disadvantage to deception and persuasion checks while
dealing with sentient fey. And there are random encounters on 16+ instead 18 while in fey.

A meeting at Bear King’s grove. Characters should arrive after few days in fey. Even if
guided have woods delay them as they have not yet proven as allies of fey lands. The
meeting is dire as Lady Sheylee was taken by fiends. Considering no fiend ever managed to
accomplish this they hope the archmages power and wisdom will provide correct info so no
one rushes blindly again to hell and back if able.

Truth this was done by their fiendish nemesis from the fire plane. But if actually want to
examine clues they should point at winter fey next to demons. By having fragments of ice in
every location around indicating a fey Lady Lianshee to be one. Lord Elden is not so quick
to believe that for fey have rules of warfare and won’t attack since stench of fiends is s
overpowering. Adam on the other hand indicates that this was ploy of Lady Lianshee and
would like the party to confront her first before making any other actions.

True action takers are a couple of mortals in service of Duchess Glasya, her warlock Orban
and a master strategist Blacksmith in cooperation with fiends. Adam has made a deal with
Blacksmith and if pressured to answer he never dealt with fiends and knows no fiends

The Whitefangs are loyal to Adam to death and will not surrender.
Adam if outed immediately summons his guards and attacks the weakest treat. Should
players come to be weakened in any moment he will show up and kill them for archmage is
a major treat and a key to his ascension. Summer and Winter have to gain from archmages
death. Adam runs if overpowered and will hide at unknown location in fey.

Mother Summer
Is a hateful elderly women. She represents the aspect of dieing nature of autumn.

Lady Lamphilia The Beautifull

She is currently a temporary guardian of Lady Sheylees realm. She is a nine tailed kitsune
sorceress and devious and would like to have any of males in her grasp. She will attempt to
slip in a potion of love to every male characters drinks in first meeting. This can only be
removed with greater restoration.

Adam Taurus Of The Whitefang

Second guardian of Sheylee and leader of white fangs. E is faun race with a pair of miniature
horns on his head. He is aiming to win no matter what and he aims to become a fey lord. He
vas promised a position in winter court for betrayal of Lady Sheylee.

He prefers fast and furious strikes against his opponents and is armed with his vorpal sword
and mask of invisibility and boots of teleportation. He prefers light armor and usesn his
mobility to avoid attacks and deal deadly blows with each attack.

He would use one of his lieutenants in disguise to act like him in case he dies in outer

Lord Elden of Eladrin

A marshal in military sense of fey lands he is also known as father to many. He is a close
friend to Shaylee and is looking to save her he went to hell and back only to lose his sword
in the process. He aims to get her back no matter what.

He prefers slow and tactical approach using formated fight. Prefers using his heavy armor
and shield to distract enemy while waiting to summon his reinforcement when the position is
the best. At his beck and call are deadly stalkers and mirror guard of fey elven warriors. And
sometime one of his kids are on his side.

Lord of Bears, The Bear King

Is a happy and jolly character. No one interacting with him will think him a treat. He is
extremely dangerous in fight especially in his own domain. He prefers hugs and would rather
sit on his fat ass and eat and drink then fight.
In fight he calls his army of bears who come to his aid.

Lord of Wolves, The Wolf King

He is a secretive one as he usually sends one of his many dire wolf allays to speak in his
name. His current voice is a wolf called Saphire an blue furred wolf.

Lord of Eagles, The Eagle King

Is never to be seen and rarely sends his birds as emissaries. If summoned he comes in form
of gargantuan Rock(double damage and hp, and add special breath like attacks).

To Hell and Back

The Negotiator
He is a Pit fiend with vendeta against Blacksmith who has summoned him and banished him
for 100 years. He is pissed of for becoming a guard dog but he will become happy once he
sees the players. If he is killed here he actually dies and he fights with no reservations.

Is an archwizard that currently serves Glasya as part of his plan. He talks little and uses his
abilities to summon swarms of hell wasps to distract ranged characters and summons
plague swarm. And keeps behind a wall of stone for as long as he can. He also summons
hel scorpions (giant scorpions). When killed his body is destroyed in sparkles of arcane light.

Is a warlock with powers of charm, chaos and domination using his abilities to distract
enemies while hiding behind a wall that blacksmith created. He is a face in charge and he
will talk he starts with temp 50 hp.

Is a cambion contractor. He is not important enough to be known by the hierarchy. He is
charming and holds certain favor with some more powerful devils. But he dreads becoming
important enough.

Is a pit fiend taking form of medium humanoid that transforms his iron wings in a cloak
providing him protection against all physical attacks. He has a silver tongue and silver
glowing eyes. He has an eye on neo ignis as he serves one called Hadriell in her secret
task. He won’t fight as he prefers to let his minions do the fighting. He is rarely seen without
his skimpy Erinnyes cohorts armed with whips and handcrosbows.

The Encounters

Should party somehow uncover the specific location in hell where Lady Shaylee is the portal
could be opened to a location in there from where party could go in and fight of the guards
and rescue now fiendish Lady Who despite her appearance is still sounding fey. Her actual
jailors are Pit fiend “The Negotiator”, “Archarcanist”(blacksmith kindun char in a mask) and
“Manipulator Black”(Orban) who hold pieces of magical orb that keeps lady here.

If anyone has gone through with them they are providing a powerful distraction for the
rescue to go of as well as it should.

If by chance they stick around for too long Duchess Glasya’s elite will show up and arrest
anyone and everyone and take to her.

Diplomacy. If characters want to deal with devils they will be able to summon a cambion
Lorkin to give them info they might need in exchange for some power. In case this is to be
done Adam will direct them to seek out an elder fey called The Mother (this is mother
Summer and Mother winter) who will grant them a scroll to summon a powerful fiend that
has lived existed for more than 500 years and scroll was taken from a powerful warlock

He is unafraid for he holds many magical rings one granting him the ability to planeshift. He
is not suicidal and would make a deal that won’t endanger his life. But won’t outright betray
Glasya. He knows about Luciuses influence and will trade for that as well. Trading with him.

Trading. Magical scrolls, items, souls and favors are all acceptable. He is a old soul and has
mastered the power of a “Deal” and a promise made in verbal form is all binding. Breaking a
promise means that one's soul is forfeited and belongs to his master. He must also keep his
promise to the best of his ability as if he breaks a promise the consequences are dire.

● He knows where Shaylee is being kept. (In Cranial Prison - inside the brain Socket
on humangos skeleton that makes the Glasya’s palace in Malbolge).
● And knows of powerful protections there ones tied to powerful fiends but not specific
● He can teleport them inside the palace itself but won’t do soo if he can’t make a deal
with the archmage it self.
● He knows a secret entrance that he has to be bribed for.
Adventure Steps
1. Travel to Fey
a. Locate Fey in the Forest and make them take you there
b. Open a portal
c. Locate Lady Leeanshee to take them
d. Try and summon Lady Hearhilia (they instead summon a squad of Feywild
Stalkers) that will take them to fey if they make an oath not to draw weapons
due to mistrust.
2. Meet the Berenguer The Bear King
a. Introduce other guests to Berenguer the Bear King’s meeting
b. Lord Elden of Eladrin - Is elegant looking in accompaniment of two of his
kids a son Saalibrus The Proud (Fighter Inspiring Leader) and his daughter
Enayeira the Slayer (Paladin). He is Lady Shaylee’s lover. ANd he has
already went to hel and was banished by the Great Rackshasa Tartach and
may not return to make things worse he had his sword shattered.
c. Lundix The Great Wolf is a giant wolf sent by Lecter the Wolf king himself.
He is there just to uphold the triarchy.
d. Introduce that Lady Sheylee’s was a great friend and powerful ally to
summer for she holds favors with summer queen herself. Her powers are of
deadly charm and her followers are dryads, nymphs and pixies. Her missing
has caused most creatures from her domain to become more progressively
corrupted by transforming animals into something they dubbed as The
e. An attack was perfectly timed and almost no clues were left behind. And most
actions taken till now were rash and without any result. He is emphatic about
her loss and is respectful of Lord Elden’s fail.
3. Visit a Forest of the Full Moon (a place of the attack, Lady Sheylee’s domain).
a. Attackers are Fiends (but no other clue is there grass burned,trees splintered,
no corpses left) high plan.
b. Assume betrayal from within, identity unknown so far.
c. Introduce Lady Lamphilia. She attempts to get any of male characters to fall
in love with her using potions. She is for a time ruling over Sheylee’s domain
and is keeping it in perpetual time frozen state keeping everything in same
state since her arrival.
d. Introduce Adam and the Whitefangs. Loyal guards focusing on stealth and
assassinations. They are under suspicion since they were in charge of her
e. Seed different ways to get to identify attackers. Even blame winter court spies
to have given hell in some way way to enter the heart of pallace.
4. Identify attackers
a. Seek out winter agents and discuss the allegations.Seek out either a Winter
Noble (Lady Leeanshee) or Winter Knight (may require some way to locate
him even ask one of mothers to arrange the meeting)
5. Find a way to rescue
Playeri imaju sledece
● Adam of Whitefangs
○ Uhvacen
○ Otkrivena izdaja prema paklu (napravljen deal sa 2 humana: Balassar the
Manipulator & Ishamael the Tactician)
○ Uzeta maska (napravljena je of vucije lobanje)
○ Treba da se izruci kod kraljice leta za Execution
● Elden
○ Mac vracenja drska
○ Bio je u paklu ali level 1
● Sheylee
○ Bila sucubsica pre svega
○ Imala prijatelja cambiona Lorkin-a koji je cesto dolazio
○ Party oce da ga summonuje trazi skroll

Party nezna
● Imena 2 humana
● Ishmael hoce da uhvati archmage-a i da ga ubaci u hell engine da bi extractovao
○ Ovo mu garantuje nezavisnost od hella za njegov plan.
● Mesto gde se drzi Shaylee (Cranium Pallace)
● Nacin da ode u Malbolge
● Put u pakao
○ Planeshift nije potpuno resenje jer ih baca u avernus kod Zariel (archduches)
and Bel (ex ruler and her advisor)
○ Finding the right portal
■ Find a devil who might know
■ Go to a great lorekeeper and expert of hell (Raven u Lazarus coast-u)
■ Make a deal with a powerful devil (Levistus, Mephistopheles)
■ Find a gate scroll
■ Get captured themselves and taken to hell (SOMEHOW)
○ Bezanje iz pakla mozeda bude problematicno ako nisu napravili dil ili nisu
napravili dobar plan (neko s druge strane otvara portal da im bude anchor za
teleport, imaju saveznika u paklu...)
● Zasto je kidnapovana
○ Hoce da joj ukradu moc za Balassar-a da bi postao archduke level
■ Traze na prajmu Hell engine da bi joj ukrali moc i ascendovali
Balassar-a u pravog devila (ovo ce uraditi svakako u nekom
■ Glassya nemoze da uzima moc dok ima wand of orkus, zato je
korumpirala Balassar-a s tom svrhom
Assault on hell encounters
1. Entrance Guards
Living walls. Anyone ending their turn on the wall or in 5 ft of it must make a
strength saving throw DC15 or become restrained, ad unable to take any other action
but break free Strength save DC 15. Devils are immune.
Parti nailazi na common soldiers. Bearded devils on steroids (max HP +2 Attack,
damage, AC and save DC)
2. Random Encounter Glasyas Personal Guards
Flight optional
Large area
3 ice devils on patrol. Attack first ask questions only after. Fight to mame not kill.
3. Elite Guard
Ground battle
close quarters
Little manuever space
A Squad of Erinyes approach the party. Offer them to surrender and die quickly 4 of
them attack.
Open space filled with pools of acid.
Use oozes, that will dissolve their armors and equipment
5. Succubus Prison Area
Large Claustrophobic area
Succubuses pretend to be prisoners among the trapped souls. All request to be
freed. Characters of strong moral should act accordingly if they release them they get
an inspiration.
Succubi will insist they can fight and follow them and betray them in next encounter,
or perhaps in this one.
6. Inner sanctum Guards
Large versitile area
Flight yes
Living walls. Anyone ending their turn on the wall or in 5 ft of it must make a
strength saving throw DC15 or become restrained, ad unable to take any other action
but break free Strength save DC 15. Devils are immune.
Fight 2 Erinyes, 2 bone devils, 8 Spine devils, 2 succubi.
7. Final - The Prison Chamber
Multilayer battle
Flying optional
Living walls. Anyone ending their turn on the wall or in 5 ft of it must make a
strength saving throw DC15 or become restrained, ad unable to take any other action
but break free Strength save DC 15. Devils are immune.
Parti ce da se sukobi sa Negotiatorom, Ishmailom (u greater invisibilitiju) i
Balassarom odma do kaveza sa Lady Sheylee. Ona je disabled i healovanje je moze
osloboditi buduci da se ne oslanjaju na magiju s obzirom na plan.
a. Ulazak otkrija 13 robovanih spodoba koje stoje i ne rade nista na uzdignutoj
oblasti u odnosu na party.
b. Fajt pocinje sa “Mordekainens dinsjunctionom” da obeshrabri parti i unisti
lesser magic iteme i onesposobi sve ostale.
c. Ulece Balassar i Negotiator (trose akcije da ponovo summonuju oruzija ako je
bilo disjunctiona)
d. Ishmail ne ostaje da se bije on je tu za disjunction i da omoguci get away za
e. Balasar ulece sa svoja tri spella ali ako padne na ½ odma bega
f. Negotiator ostaje dase bije bez obzira na sve do smrti

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