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Weapon Master

While most warriors are fantastically good fighters, Weapon masters are masters of a single weapon
to a level above any other. They are most dangerous while using their own weapon but may be at
severe disadvantage if for some reason weapon master is without its chosen weapon.

Special requirement: To qualify for this class you must have at least 13+ Dexterity.

Weapon Mastery
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you chose a specific weapon (example: Long
sword or Battleaxe or Longbow etc.) and you become a master with chosen weapon and you may use
your new Weapon Mastery Points to enhance your fighting ability. You also gain Mastery Maneuvers
which you choose from the list below. You can use only one Mastery Maneuver per attack.

Mastery Maneuvers. You learn three Mastery Maneuvers of your choice, which are detailed in a list
below. You can use only one Mastery Maneuver per attack.
You learn one additional maneuver at 7th,10th and 15th level. Each time you learn new Mastery
Maneuvers, you can replace one maneuver you know with different one.
Weapon Mastery Points. You have four Weapon Mastery Points. A Weapon Mastery Point is
expanded when you use it. You regain all of your expanded Weapon Mastery Points when you finish a
short or long rest.
You gain another Weapon Mastery Point at 7th level and one more at 15th level.
Saving Throws. Some of your Mastery Maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to
resist the maneuver effect. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Mastery Maneuvers save DC = 8+ your proficiency bonus + your strength or Dexterity modifier (your

Weapon exclusivity
At 3rd level, you gain exclusive feel with your chosen weapon gaining +1 to attack and damage rolls,
but you gain -2 to attack with any other weapon.

Master Positioning
Starting at 7th level, while wielding your chosen weapon you can confidently use the battlefield to your
advantage. You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used
only to take the Disengage, or Aid action.

Defensive mastery
At 10th level, as long as you are wielding your chosen weapon, and are not incompasitated, paralized,
held, blind, you add +1 to your Armor Class.

Never Unprepared.
Starting at 15th level, when you roll initiative and have no Mastery points remaining, you regain 1
Mastery point.

Mastery Maneuvers
Here are Mastery Maneuvers you can choose.
Damage Mastery. When you make a successful attack roll you may spend a Mastery point and do
maximum weapon damage (this does not apply to smite,sneak attack or any other miscellaneous
Masterful Strike. When you make an attack roll you may spend a Mastery point and add your
proficiency bonus to the roll. You can use this maneuver before or after making the attack roll, but
before any effects of the attack are applied.
Critical Strike. Whenever you make an attack action and you roll 18+ on your d20, you may spend
mastery point and turn that roll into a critical hit.
Master Finisher. Whenever you score a critical hit you may spend a Mastery point and add additional
weapon die to your critical hit.
Master Clieve. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one Mastery
point and use same attack roll to hit another target 5 feet from same target dealing one half of
damage you rolled for additional attack.
Combat Readiness. Whenever a creature would moves away from you you may spend a Mastery
point to use your reaction to attack even if other rules say you couldn't (Mobility feat and Disengage
action do not prevent you from making opportunity attacks, even if someone else moves without their
free will also can cause opportunity attacks, teleports do not). You may use this if you already used
your reaction.
Master Parry. When you are attacked with a melee attack you may spend a Mastery point and roll
your weapon damage and reduce damage by the same amount.
Sniper Shot. When you make an attack with a ranged weapon you may spend Mastery point and
ignore range penalty, half and three quarter cover.
Master Dodge. When you are attacked with a ranged attack you may spend a Mastery point and roll
your weapon damage and reduce damage by the same amount.
Master Riposte. W hen a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and
expend one Mastery point to make a melee weapon attack against the creature. If you hit, you add
your proficiency bonus to the attack's damage roll.
Trip Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Mastery point to
attempt to knock the target down. You add your proficiency bonus to the attack’s damage roll, and if
the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you knock the
target prone.
Disarming Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Mastery point
to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it’s holding. You add the
proficiency bonus to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a
failed save, it drops the object you choose. The object lands at its feet.
Distracting Strike. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Mastery point
to distract the creature, giving your allies an opening. You add your proficiency bonus to the attack’s
damage roll. The next attack roll against the target by an attacker other than you has advantage if the
attack is made before the start of your next turn.
Pushing Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Mastery point to
attempt to drive the target back. You add your proficiency bonus to the attack's damage roll, and if the
target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you push the target
up to 15 feet away from you.

Lady Lamiphelia’s Magnificent

This is a mansion created by The Lady Lamiphelia The Beautiful. Meant to be gifted to her
loyal servants. The mansion is fueled by her immense magical power and it can be used to
communicate with her. In creation of this mansion she has included some of her most
favorite features and each room has something special about it. And includes its own
servant named Hearthelia who is able to maintain the mansion and serve mansion’s master
and her guests.

General Features
Servant. While spending time anywhere in house you may speak the name of caretaker,
Hearthelia, and she will appear and great the amulet holder with utmost respect. She takes
form of polite and pretty kitsune female, dressed in fine looking servant clothes, willing to do
anything in her power to accommodate any master's request. She controls the whole house
and can alter temperature, light, it’s tone and intensity, clean or not interfere until called.

Air in whole mansion is always fresh. Windows may not be opened but may show any kind
of scenery and simulate effects of light or even darkness. And any hostile gasses and smells
(including spells like Fog cloud, Stinking cloud and Cloud kill) are dispelled with ease.

Magic Mirrors. In specific areas there are magic mirrors that one can use to see and walk
through and enter any other room that possesses a mirror. These mirrors may be used to
scry but all of them are attuned to the prime plane and can’t be used to scry any other plane.

Doors. All doors are considered unlocked until mansions master designates a door to be
locked. That door is then closed and an arcane lock spell is cast on it. If the arcane lock is
somehow broken master is sent an alarm as long as the master is in mansion.

1. Grand Foyer
Entrance to a grand foyer is entered through beautifully crafted wood door with leaf themed
decorations and a dim view through green tinted glass that shows up to 10 feet of what's on
the other side of the closed door. Unreally beautiful potted plants with flowers of all colors
and sweet smells are placed on all corners of the room and two fine crafted statues of
beautiful fox tailed women greet all entering the mansion.

1a. Coat Room. Here you may leave your traveling clothes. Here you can store all bad
weather clothes, weather cloaks and shoes. All items of this type left here after an hour are
cleaned and restored. Weapons and armors are cleaned but not fixed.

1b. Store Room. Here is room that has plenty of crates that can be filled with access gear for
long term storage. And this room also has access to a basement housing mansions

2. Main Hallway

Empty areas of a hallway have tastefully spaced shifting paintings that tend to show pictures
of masters memories or whatever master designates to be showed in a specific picture.

3. Living Area

A large bed is big enough for taking a nap and comfortable enough for just lounging around
and reading one of many books stored in side walls. A warm fireplace can be lit with a
simple command. A soft, warm carpet covers most of the room and with a command word its
design can be changed to any image or pattern master wishes.
Area here has plenty of books relating to history. Researching historical subject can be made
with an advantage.
4. Dining Hall

A large dining table can seat up to 6 medium humanoid creatures. Every piece of furniture is
finely crafted and depict beauty of fey craftsmanship.

On a command word table is set and on another is cleared as if nothing was ever on the

5. Kitchen

This area consists of fulli supplied kitchen where you can find all common and uncommon
spices, masterwork set of cooking tools allowing anyone who can to make masterful meals.
Oven is simple and ordinary and uses coal to create heat.

Anyone who is proficient with cooking can make all coking checks with an advantage.

6. Food storage

In food storage one can find almost any kind of raw food. Cold air keeps most of food fresh
and unable to spoil. This is not enchanted to resupply itself but any food brought here for
keeping is kept from spoiling until the food is taken out.

All meats and vegetables put in this room is prevented from spoiling. This does not cause
rotten food to become eatable again.

7. Restroom

Before entering into the toilet (area 7a) small rugged areas serves as an entrance hall to The
Lady Lamiphelia The Beautiful’s throne room.

7a. Toilet. Toilet is tiny and consists of strange looking area for doing “the business” where all
waste is disposed completely. A small shelf holds a couple of useful items to keep yourself
clean, and fresh. Hair brushes, toothbrushes, nice smelling liquids, pastes and ointments.

8. Lady Lamiphelia The Beautiful’s Throne Room

When you first enter this room you will notice whole room is created to show reverence to
The Lady Lamiphelia. The arcane circle in middle of the room glows a faint pinkish light and
are covered with symbols describing how to contact the Lady. Statues on each side depict
beautiful fey creatures bowing with respect to the golden throne which is lifted few feet of the
ground floor.

Any humanoid entering this area must make a Charisma saving throw every DC 13 when
first entering this room and after ending of every minute without leaving this room.
Humanoids failing a saving throw are then compelled to seek out sexual gratification with
closest available person.

Also any non metallic and non magical object left here is over time turned into a overly
sexualised form of same item.Leaving a dress will turn it somewhat transparent, leaving a
wooden statue of male athlete will eventually show its erection…

9. Guest room

This small room is made to accommodate a single occupant. Work table, bed and a closet to
keep your stuff.

10. Hidden room

This small room is made to accommodate a single occupant. Work table, bed and a closet to
keep your stuff. Special feature of this room is that the mansions master may choose to
completely remove the door from the outside and keep this room a complete secret.
Powerful divinations (like True sight) can see the hidden door.

11. Main Bathroom

When entering this bathroom you might be thinking you have entered a completely different
plane. Whole room is made from fine cut polished marble. Fine carvings on the walls are
depicting scenes of revel of beautiful fey. Statue in the corner is also a fountain shaped like a
statue of a humanoid whose shape and pose can be changed by the mansions master, as
small berry bushes grow from the base of the statute and are always ripe and sweet. Large
tub is 4ft deep and is filled with water. With areas on all corners allowing all occupants to sit
down and just relax.

While bathing in the water you are affected by the lesser restoration magic.

Also statue is a guardian that only answers to the one holding the masters amulet. Guardian
has same statistics as the Porn Golem. If Porn golem leaves mansion turns to dust and is
destroyed forever.

11a. Toilet. Toilet is tiny and consists of strange looking area for doing “the business” where
all waste is disposed completely. A small shelf holds a couple of useful items to keep
yourself clean, and fresh. Hair brushes, toothbrushes, nice smelling liquids, pastes and

12. Kink Sanctum

The Kink Sanctum is pretty small room but is meant to be both intimidating and kinki.
Chamber possess some interesting “torture” and bondage devices. The closet has toys and
devices of very experimentive mind. Set of books named “Tomes of Exquisite Pleasure”
provide a good read and help get imagination going. This room can only be accessed by
master amulets holder and room can also be made to vanish just like Hidden room (area

This room has same effect as Lady Lamiphelia The Beautiful’s Throne Room (area 8).

In this room there is a special book on the single chair. The book is simply labeled “Book of
Erotic Fantasy” and the book is tied to this room with powerful magics. When this book is
taken outside the book magically reappears in this room in a random location. Special: If you
read this book as per item's description you may read the book again and change the feat
you have taken by reading this book.

13. Master Bedroom

Master bedroom’s key feature is a large mastercrafted bed large enough to allow two large
humanoids to fit in it. The sheets are always freshly washed and unable to become dirty.
Large painting at the beds head depict a regal image of master amulet’s owner. Bookshelves
have a collection of novels and stories of fiction meant to entertain.

While spending a rest in this room you regain maximum HP from spending Hit Dice.

13a. Closet. This large room has lots of spare clothes of almost any stature and gender.
Also any clothes left in this room are automatically cleaned, repaired and stored for later use.

14. Basement Dungeon

Sometimes you don’t bring guests. Sometimes you need a place to keep dangerous
prisoners. Dungeon is covered with dark marble. Doors are made from sturdy wood.

14a. Dungeon Storage. Here you can leave prisoners access gear. Items placed in keeping
crates can be pried open by making a DC 25 strength check. Here are also spare blankets to
be handed to prisoners along with water barrels and some dry edible tasteless food.

14b. Solitary. Solitary is penal area where you can fit a single prisoner and left alone unable
to relax not even one bit.

14c. Dungeon Cell. Chained manacles are tied to the walls. On command word racks,
ankle/wrist stocks, bonding cross. Mansions master can on demand summon a device that
she see’s best fitting. Each of these cells may house up to 3 prisoners connected to these

14d. Torture room. In this room a closet holding common and uncommon torture tools
(knives, whips, paddles).
Lady Lamiphelia’s Magnificent
Mansion 2
2nd Build

1. Main Hallway
2. Toilet
3. Dungeon
3a. Barred Prison Cell
3b. Barred Prison Cell
3c. Prison Safe Storage
3d. Interrogation Room
4. Storage Room
5. Kitchen
6. Dining Room
7. Common Room & Library
8. Training Room
9. Bedroom
10. Master’s Bedroom
10a. Master’s Closet
11. Kink Sanctum
12. Master Bathroom
13. Red Bedroom
14. Purple Bedroom
15. Storrage of Lust
16. Lady Lamiphelia The Beautiful’s Throne Room

This is a mansion gifted by The Lady Lamiphelia The Beautiful to her loyal servants. The
mansion is fueled by her immense magical power and it can be used to communicate with
her directly. Mansion’s own servant, named Hearthelia, is able to maintain the mansion and
serve mansion’s master and her guests.

General Features
Masters Amulet. One person bound to this amulet may use it to open a doorway invisible to
all but ones designated at moment of opening. Amulet also grants special bonus features
inside the mansion to one holding it. Amulet if lost can be summoned again by completing a
complex ritual requiring a sacrifice of at least 100 gold in works of art.

Servant. While spending time anywhere in house you may speak the name of caretaker,
Hearthelia, and she will appear and great the amulet holder with utmost respect. She takes
form of polite and pretty kitsune female, dressed in fine looking servant clothes, willing to do
anything in her power to accommodate any master's request. She controls the whole house
and can alter temperature, light, it’s tone and intensity, clean or not interfere until called.

Fresh Air. Air in whole mansion is always fresh. And any hostile gasses and smells
(including spells like Fog cloud, Stinking cloud and Cloud kill) are dispelled automatically.

Magic Mirrors. Large Mirrors are placed in almost every room. Anyone who knows a
command word may use any mirror as a window to another mirror. Only master holding
amulet may open doorways between mirror and keep them open until dismissed.

Doors. All doors are considered unlocked until mansions master designates a door to be
locked. That door is then closed and an arcane lock spell is cast on it. Specific doors
(marked in purple) can only be seen and used by amulet’s holder and using specific words,
master may permit specific people to be able to use these doors freely.

House Guardians. In most rooms there are statues made of polished white marble. These
in truth are guardian golems (use animated armor stats). All take shape of live like
humanoids wearing togas or anything the master wishes. All are works of art and damage to
them takes master craftsmen to restore it.

1. Main Hallway
Each of hallways is covered by pristine red carpet covered in fine texture. The carpet has a
specific feature that anyone walking on carpet will alert amulet holder. A mental ping wil then
transfer basic info to holder creature type, size and gender.

2. Toilet
Toilet is tiny and consists of strange looking area for doing “the business” where all waste is
disposed completely. A small shelf holds a couple of useful items to keep yourself clean, and
fresh. Hair brushes, toothbrushes, nice smelling liquids, pastes and ointments can also be
found here.

3. Dungeon
Sometimes you don’t bring guests. Sometimes you need a place to keep dangerous
prisoners. Dungeon is covered with dark marble. Doors are made from sturdy wood. Every
lock and binding is difficult to break requiring DC 22 checks to break, unlock or bypass.
Entrance holds a chair that can be used to relax while watching over the prisoners.

3a & 3b. Dungeon Cell. Both cells can either hold up to 5 prisoners bound to the walls.
Specific Devices can also be brought in. Barred doors can be opened by Amulet holders
word or with specially made keys.

3c. Dungeon Storage. Area to store prisoners gear, dungeon tools for interrogation.
3d. Interrogation Chamber. In this chamber are few bondage devices meant to secure
interrogatee if necessary.

4. Storage Room
Any material stored inside is affected by a special preservation magic, that prevents the
effect of time to affect it. Here is stored mostly food, water, other kinds of drinks. This power
would also prevent dead from decaying, cloth, paper etc.

5. Kitchen
Cooking tools, pots, pans, oven, kitchen table and shelves filled with spices in single word
everything one might need to make food.

6. Dining Room
A large dining table can seat up to 6 medium humanoid creatures. Every piece of furniture is
finely crafted and depict beauty of fey craftsmanship.

On a command word table is set and on another is cleared as if nothing was ever on the

7. Common Room & Library

A large couch is big enough for taking a nap and comfortable enough for just lounging
around and reading one of many books stored in the shelves on side walls. A warm fireplace
can be lit with a simple command.

Area here has plenty of books relating to any knowledge. Researching any knowledge skill
while using these books add +3 to all knowledge checks.

8. Training Room
Training room is just big enough for up to 3 people sparing at the same time. In closets are
spare light and medium armors, and on the table can be found 1 of each simple and martial
training weapons (Note: Training weapons do regular amount of damage, but are unable to
do real damage to any of houses statues). Statues in this room can be armed and used as
training partners.

9. Bedroom
This bedroom has a large bed, book shelves, study table and small closet in rooms corner.
Room also has access to its own private bathroom and access to the “Kink Sanctum” (area
11). Area is comfortable and books found here are works of fiction.
While resting here maximize all spent Hit Dice rolls when restoring health.

10. Master’s Bedroom

This is mansion masters private sanctum and door opens only for her. The Master Bedroom
has a large bed, book shelves, armchairs and access to master’s close. Room also has
access to the “Kink Sanctum” (area 11). Area is comfortable and books found here are works
of fiction.

While resting here maximize all spent Hit Dice rolls when restoring health.

10a. Master’s Closet. This large room has lots of spare clothes of almost any stature and
gender. Also any clothes left in this room are automatically cleaned, repaired and stored for
later use.

11. Kink Sanctum

The Kink Sanctum is meant to be both intimidating and kinki. Chamber possess some
interesting “torture” and bondage devices. The closet has toys and devices of very
experimentive mind. Set of books named “Tomes of Exquisite Pleasure” provide a good read
and help get imagination going. Escaping from bondage devices requires a DC 22 ability

When a living, sexual creature spends more than hour in this room must make a Charisma
saving throw DC 13 or be affected by a Sex Slave spell (Nymphology Arcane II book) with
following changes. Creature affected considers anyone else but itself to be the caster of the
spell. Creature spending more than 1 hour must make a save again after every hour passed.

Book of Erotic Fantasy. In this room there is a special book on the single armchair. The
book is simply labeled “Book of Erotic Fantasy” and the book is tied to this room with
powerful magics. When this book is taken outside the book magically reappears in this room
in a random location.
Special: The gain the books benefits a creature must spend 24 hours reading it over the
span of 6 days. After every reading session creature is overcome with desire to practice the
knowledge gained from the book, to resist this urge the creature must make a Wisdom save
DC 22.

12. Master Bathroom

Whole Bathroom is covered with pristine polished white marble. A small pool is actually a
jacuzzi tub activated by its own command words to operate intensity and warmth of water. A
more massive statue performs the work of a fountain, it takes a form of handsome nude
male. Amulets master can reshape statue to any humanoid form.
Restorative Waters. While bathing in the water you are affected by the lesser restoration

Bathroom Guardian. Fountain statue is actually a powerful guardian known as “Porn

Golem”. It only comes to life on amulet holders command. If Porn golem leaves mansion
turns to dust and is destroyed forever.

13. Red Bedroom

This red themed bedroom has all features meant to have a single occupant’s use.

14. Purple Bedroom

The purple themed bedroom has all single occupant needs for taking a long rest.

15. Storage of Lust

This room has a special feature to make almost any object in it be infused with energies of
lust magics. Over time any object will have its shape changed to a random sexualised shape
that would closely resemble it.

When a living, sexual creature spends more than hour in this room must make a Charisma
saving throw DC 13 or be affected by a Sex Slave spell (Nymphology Arcane II book) with
following changes. Creature affected considers anyone else but itself to be the caster of the
spell. Creature spending more than 1 hour must make a save again after every hour passed.

16. Lady Lamiphelia The Beautiful’s Throne Room

In this room a creature could perform a ritual summoning Lady Lamiphelia The Beautiful in a
specially prepared circle. Two Porn golems here answer only to Lady Lamiphelia. Bondage
devices are set next to each wall. An exquisite throne is set just few steps above the ground
and can be used by a large creature or smaller.

Servant. These quarters are used by Hearthelia who spends her spare time here inside
circle usually sleeping.

Throne. Creature that is sits in this throne must immediately make a Charisma saving throw
DC 22. On a failed save creature is enthralled by Lady Lamiphelia The Beautiful. But should
the one sitting in the throne make the save or be allowed to sit in it by Lady Lamiphelia The
Beautiful, the creature sitting is allowed to cast mass suggestion as an action, and all spells
that compel, charm or has mind effect to disable a living creature are made with a
When a living, sexual creature spends more than hour in this room must make a Charisma
saving throw DC 13 or be affected by a Sex Slave spell (Nymphology Arcane II book) with
following changes. Creature affected considers anyone else but itself to be the caster of the
spell. Creature spending more than 1 hour must make a save again after every hour passed.

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