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City of Brass - Plane of Fire

Meet The Pasha Volcanis The Effriti Lord of Magman

He is an old looking effrity. He has old deal with Asul Rossen in exchange for an
guardianship of second key part, he was supposed to destroy one of his enemies. It's a debt
Volcanis aims to extract from players. They are to go and bring back an Effrity Prince
Molten of Ignis. In truth he will paint this person as the most vile person while it is only a
son of his hated enemy Magmor of Ignis. Volcanis of Magmin has a daughter Ember of
Magmin an impresionante and youthful.
a. Gift. Volcanis geets players as old guests despite of not knowing them and
gives them flame protection as long as they remain in the city. But to leave the
city his or blessing of any other Effrity Lord is required to leave.
b. Question. He wants to know what brings them here after a 1000 years. And
would they be willing to return him a favor from previous Archmage.
i. On refusal he dismisses it as no big deal and offers them his
hospitality for 7 days and 7 nights (exotic women, food, drinks, library,
ii. He allows access to his library for Archmage to find what he is looking
for but to allow players to go out they must either choose to do him a
new favor or fight in the arena as his gladiators for 5 matches in one
iii. After 3 days invites players for a meeting. He is expecting guests and
requires players to confine themselves to their chambers until a
someone comes for them. (A powerful devil is guest and wants to
avoid unpleasantries, devil is here to bargain for key head and will get
it if)

It is required a complete 4 successful Intelligence (Investigation) checks to uncover useful

pieces of information about location of Fourstar Mountain. But it is also required a head of
a key and a master smelter to fix the key and its magic which may require to be in good
terms with Pasha Volcanis of Magmin.

It takes a full day of research to make a single check and knowledge of any of these
languages (Abyssal, Infernal, Draconic, Primordial). Check DC is 20.
Special. The books in the library possess lots of different ancient knowledges of magic
anyone making a check and getting a 20 or 1 will learn one fire spell that can be cast once
per day without spending a spell slot. (on 1 you learn a cantrip or lev 1 spell, on 20 you learn
2-3 level spell). Learning new spell starts with a FUN miscast. If no one gets a fumble or crit
have one player (sanja) gain one random fire spell she does not have.

Princess Ember of Magmin

She takes to liking one of male player characters making tricks and hiding using her
masterful stealth in her palace(actually dc25 secret doors but who is going to argue). She
has the power to grant players protection blessing but she is wane and gifts and spending
time to impress her(even if failing) will be enough to give her courage to give her blessing for
leaving the city.
Love hurts. If by chance someone actually gets Ember in bed she will consider this act to
be of great love and will grant fire immunity to that character. But making character have
weakness to cold.
She will at times make character come to her or visit at highly inappropriate time. She can’t
cast wish but consider her to be sorceress of 14th level. And has ability to plane hop,
teleport and cast divination magics.
Leaving her will cause her to withdraw her GIFT. causing player from now on to have
weakness to fire too and will take wish or a miracle to remove this effect.

Gladiatorial Arena
Fighting in gladiatorial arena for Volcanis is one way to get in his good favor by crushing his
enemies in a duel. He wants characters to fight in 5 winning fights. Characters must commit
themselves to 3 duels each day.

Duels a are done in teams of 2 or 3 and names of teams are required. There is no limit to
what you want to bring in the battle (no weapon limitations). But gladiators may not be
elementals. FIghts are not to death, but deaths may occur. Ending a fight in less than a
minute is considered a bad show and will not count as victories.

Volcanis has arranged that first 2 duels are made against very weak opponents. While other
fights are against his nemesis and these fights he wants them to humiliate them.
1. Fajt sa Stone Giantom i Orc Sorcererom
2. Fajt sa Gorgonom i Gladiatorom
3. Fajt sa Young Green Dragonom i 1 Half Dragon
4. Fajt sa Drow Mage i 2 Elite drow Warriora
5. Fajt sa Chain Devilom i 2 Cambiona
The Molten prince
Prince Molten of Ignis is out on a hunt in forest of thorns. Hard to move through, unnatural.
He travels with his guards (Ignis, Fire Guardians - can’t use additional abilities) the prince
is using same stats(except his dex is 18 too) but fights more defensively while making
attempts each turn for players not to attack. He stops as one of his guards drop. He has
access to all abilities and longbow that he uses to hunt (same damage as longsword
attacks). He also has few hellhounds that appear as fight is happening.
If all players lower their weapons or drop them the guardians will not attack. And Prince
Molten agrees to come with players to defeat the Pasha Volcanis and will promise to help
players achieve their goals.

04 - Four Star Mountain - Plane of Fire

Four star mountain is area that is an island in the middle of lava sea, a trip taking up to 7
days. To reach it players must get on one of Effetti lords good sides or pay up to 30.000 gp
to travel there. When getting there characters may disembark and small boats will take them
to beginning of a staircase.

● Staircase. Start an encounter with medium sized swarms of fire flies (all of them
attack with advantage).
● Fourstar Entrance. The entrance requires a set of riddles to open. Character related
○ JJ. U kampanji sa Charlijem tvoj caretaker je bio poznat pod ovim imenom i
prezimenom. ()
U kampanji sa Averijem imala si kontakt sa ovom likusom u policiskoj stanici
kao pisarke. Kako se ona zvala ime i prezime? (Ana Handenberg)
○ Blacksmith. Koji kombat effekt smo zaboravljali za tvog lika u Stradovoj
kampanji svaki put kad si za napad zarolao kritikal. (Savage Crit)
Kao paladin koji pogadja sa kritikalom i koristeci onehanded longsword i smite
sa trecim spell level slotom. Kolko bi d8 damage-a radio undead zmaju. (6d8)
○ Stefan. Kao avery kada si naucio hand to hand kako se zvao ucitelj i ime
skole martial arta? (Black rose)
U kampanji sa Zeekeom, kako se zvao prvi mage na vasem brodu puno ime.
(Viszok Wirn)
○ Sanja. U kampanji sa Sofijom ona je imala ljubavnika princa Jandrik-a aka
Prince George Everflame-a. Ali kako su se zvala njena 2 lutenata puna imena
(Malech Ideal i Andre Skirmish).
U avanturi sa Kaptenom Bird-om ona je imala arch-nemesisa. Kako se zvao?
(Kapetan William Kris)
○ DubDub. U kampanji sa Goran Fekete. Kako se zvao poslednji skul u timu i
koji je power imala. (Larisa i See the future)
U avanturi sa Srboljubom on je imao par prijatelja koji su dolazili da pomazu
kako se zvao prvi koji je poginuo i sta je bio njegov ability.(Rale,
● Main Temple. Guarded by raging fire elementals. Have 2 encounters. One with
Armored Ignis Guards. And one with fire elementals.
● Final Guardian and The Gate. Adult Magma Dragon encounter. It flees if at half

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