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Veluuthra - Victorious Blade of the People

vladajuca familija Grey Elfova

Strength: Strong warriors, Honor, Justice

Weakness: Stubborn, Calculating, Careful
Leader: Marcaunon Veluuthra (Ruler of the home)
Army: Silver Guardians - Warriors/Priests

2.H'ei'Yal Drathinmaleé - Steel Dancers

Grey Elves and others

Strength: Fast Warriors, Skilled, Darring

Weakness: Quick to act, Proud, Vengeful
Leader: Cristiel H'ei'Yal Drathinmaleé (Sword) (female)
Blade Dancer
Army: Steel Hearts - Rangers/Warriors/Rogues

3.Elladyr -Starstrike
Grey elves and others

Strength: Archers, Druids(plant), Mysticism

Weakness: Careful, Merciless, Hate Orkoids
Leader: Elenion Elladyr (A Star) (female)
Army: Starsouls - Rangers/Druids

4.Theur - Sheld
Grey elves and others

Strength: Tough Warriors, War smithing, Tactics

Weakness: Proud, Competitive, Rowdy
Leader: Thandiel Theur (Shield) (male)
Army: Avengers - Warriors/Rangers
5.Gyrah - Bird
Grey elves + others

Strength: Trade, Ships, Diplomacy

Weakness: Pacifist, Merciful, Thrusting
Leader: Lainadan Theur (Free Man) (male)
Army: Guild of Trade - rogues/bards

6.Kyre - Flawless
Grey elves

Strength: Trade, Rich, Navy

Weakness: Greedy, Proud, Arrogant
Leader: Aeroniel Kyre (of the sea) (female)
Army: Sapphire Wardens - Navy/Warriors/Rangers/Wizards

7.Ivae’ess - Light Bringer

Grey elves

Strength: Priesthood, Horses, Warsmithing

Weakness: Code of honor, Hate non elves, Predictable
Leader: Egleriel Ivae’ess (praised) (male)
Army: Emerald Wardens - Warriors/Rangesr/Priests

8.O’Si -Mother
Grey elves + others

Strength: Priesthood, Arcane Tower, Trade

Weakness: Like non elves, Ambitious, Dislike for authority
Leader: Anameleth O’Si (dearest) (female)
Army: The Sisterhood - Wizards/Sorcerers/Bards
9.Fhaorn - Transformed
Grey elves

Strength: Arcane Tower, Trade, Warsmith

Weakness: Ambitious, Arrogant, Greed
Leader: Locien Fhaorn (Dragon) (male)
Army: Quor Tower (Communion Tower) - Wizards/Sorcerers/Spellswords

10.Suoress - Blessed
Grey elves

Strength: Arcane Tower, Mining, Ancient Knowledge

Weakness: Jellous, Ambitious, Proud
Leader: Caladwen Suoress (Light) (female)
Army: Quor Tower (Communion Tower) - Wizards/Sorcerers/Spellswords

11.El'Tael - Bladesingers
Grey elves + others

Strength: Blade masters terrasse, Combat Magic School, Monks

Weakness: no fort, outsiders, code of honor
Leader: Valpamiucon El'Tael (Tiger) (male) - High elf
Army: Temple Guardians

Eastern Border “Akai’ye” - Ancient

All elves

Strength: Stealth, Druidism, Information

Weakness: Proud, Dislike authority, Freeminded
Leader: No real leader -many small ones acros kingdom, many are ancient kings who lost
territories, and many are just best of others and became leaders, but have
representative in council when necessary
Sellion Arael (child - heart)
Army: The protectors - all classes no real specialties
Elven racial templates

High elf
Most common race of all rpgs. Light color hair; blue, green, brown eyes. Average height 5,5 ft.
High elves are mostly a backbone community. They used to be unified race that all aspired to
be, but over time they changed to other races, but because they ran into some bad luck they
lost their lands and now they serve the Gray lords as soldiers, artisans, advisors. They live in
outer circles of society mostly and rarely aspire to a place of power but if their personality is
strong they become powerful people.
Advantiges: Pts Disadvatiges: Pts

DX bonus +1 20 Skinny 5
Perception +1 5
Magery 0 5
Elvish revery (Less sleep -4) 8

Total 33

Grey elf
Ruling race, tall, smart beautiful. Average height 5,8 ft; Silvery or golden hair; eyes shades of
blue and purple. They resent those lesser than them. Which mostly are all non gray elf races.
They like everything civilized and are not fond of roughing it out. Although they are a ruling race
only the heirs of noble families are revered and close members of their families. Most other gray
elves choose to make a reputation as craftsman or mages making generations of their
Advantiges: Pts Disadvatiges: Pts

IQ bonus +1 20 Skinny 5
Will +1 5
Magery 0 5
Elvish revery (Less sleep -4) 8

Total 33

Wood elf
Race of elves that choose to live like their ancestors. Low tech, living in trees and serve as
watchman for gray elven empire. These are of smaller elves 5,2 ft. With brown hair; darker
shades of eye color green blue brown. Most wood elves are rangers patrolling woods. Most
swear to protect the forest and dislike being ordered by those who have left ways of forest. They
usually live in separate communities from others but will commute to trade with other elves for
items they need in their communities.
Advantiges: Pts Disadvatiges: Pts

DX bonus +1 20 Skinny 5
Perception +1 5
Night Vision 5 5
Elvish revery (Less sleep -4) 8

Total 33

Night elf
A race of dark purplish skin, tall 6 ft, with dark hair spanning from black to even green and blue.
Eyes are almost cat like light colors of green blue or yellow. They are a small race that lives
alongside druidic circles serving sacred areas of forests. They are mostly warriors and druids in
circles but will do work elsewhere if the circle needs it. They are usually ones to employ
peaceful solution to any conflict, but will go to extremes other than killing sentient.
Advantiges: Pts Disadvatiges: Pts

DX bonus +1 20 Skinny 5
Perception +1 5
Night Vision 5 5
Elvish revery (Less sleep -4) 8

Total 33

Wild elf
Advantiges: Pts Disadvatiges: Pts

DX bonus +1 20 Skinny 5
HT bonus +1 10 Bestial 10
Night Vision 5 5
Perception 5
Elvish revery (Less sleep -4) 8

Total 33

Sun elf
Advantiges: Pts Disadvatiges: Pts

IQ bonus +1 20 Skinny 5
Perception +1 5
Magery 0 5
Elvish revery (Less sleep -4) 8

Total 33
Wild Surge Table

1 Repulsion field centered on caster

2 Caster's clothing changes color

3 Squirrels appear around caster

4 Caster becomes itchy

5 The caster glows (Oooo!)

6 Caster hit by a Fireball

7 The caster's gender changes

8 The caster's color changes

9 Everyone in the area turns around

10 Explosion animation centered on caster (no damage)

11 Entangle spell centered on caster

12 Slow spell centered on target

13 Target Polymorphed into a Wolf

14 Caster Held

15 Caster Hasted

16 Caster Polymorphed into a Squirrel

17 All the party's gold is destroyed

18 Target Enfeebled

19 Sunfire spell centered on caster

20 Target's walking speed lowered

21 Fireball centered on caster

22 Caster Held

23 Fear spell centered on target

24 Roll twice more. Both effects apply.

25 Entire area exploded

26 Globe on invulnerability centered on caster

27 Silence 15' Radius centered on caster

28 Caster becomes dizzy

29 Target becomes Invisible

30 Pretty sparkles! No other effect.

31 Caster becomes spell's target (if already was spell's target, no effect)

32 Caster becomes Invisible

33 Color Spray shoots from caster

34 Birds appear around caster

35 Fireball centered on caster. No damage.

36 Gems created on caster

37 Combat music starts

38 Goodberries created on target

39 Fireball aimed at target

40 Charges drained on area effect around target

41 Random treasure generated on caster

42 Caster is combat ready (+2 bonuses to THAC0 & damage)

43 Teleport field spell centered on caster

44 Teleport field spell centered on target

45 Area effect hiccups centered on target

46 All doors in area of effect open. If there are no doors, roll twice and use both effects.

47 Caster Polymorphed into Wolf

48 Spell chooses a random creature as its target

49 Caster recuperates as if he/she was fully Rested

50 Monsters (friendly to caster) summoned near target

51 If outdoors, start snowing. Otherwise roll twice more.

52 Loud noise: Target must Save vs. Spell or be Stunned.

53 Target's hit points double

54 Summon demon to attack target

55 Spell fired normally, but with loud squealing noise

56 Spell goes off but duration is halved

57 Strange visual effect as the spell fizzles

58 Projectiles (arrows, etc.) travel at half speed

59 All weapons in the area glow

60 No saving throw is allowed against the spell

61 Target Held as per the Hold Person spell

62 Detect magic spell centered on target

63 Roll 4 more times. All effects happen

64 Slow spell centered on target

65 Instead of the chosen spell, a different spell of the same level goes off.
66 lightning bolt spell cast at target

67 Target Strengthened

68 Heal centered on the target

69 Entangle target

70 Caster Enfeebled

71 Fireball spell centered on caster

72 Flesh to Stone on target

73 Spell fired normally, and caster instantly becomes Rested

74 Heal spell centered on caster

75 Target becomes dizzy

76 Sunfire centered on target (caster unaffected)

77 Target Held

78 Target Blinded

79 Target Charmed

80 Gems created on target

81 Target's movement rate reduced

82 Random treasure generated on target

83 Target polymorphed into Squirrel

84 Silence 15' radius centered on target

85 Target's gender changed

86 Fake explosion (no damage) centered on target

87 Stinking cloud centered on target

88 Cow falls from sky on target

89 Target becomes dizzy

90 Spell has 60 foot radius at target (change projectile)

91 Target becomes itchy

92 Caster's hitpoints doubled

93 Target Held

94 Target Hasted

95 Destroy all gold on target

96 Spell casts at double effectiveness (duration, damage, etc)

97 Spell cast, -4 to target's saving throw

98 Target's color changes

99 Spell cast at double the caster's level

00 Spell casts normally

Sestra: Lutenat Aranel Cromus - sestra player charactera

Iquar - Arcane archer kapetanbwd\

Lalala Fhaorn - Mage aristocrat Fhaorn familije. Povredjenih usta zavrsila avanturu u divljini.

Crysis(M): Nantar – ‘Destinies’ - Enchanter i self alteration mage skole Fhaoorn brat blizanac
Nante i jako pozrtvovan borac.

Haste(F): Nanta – ‘Destiny’ - je enchanter wizard Fhaorn skole magije omiljn spell bejavsi haste

Ruavel(F) – ‘Star Blade’ - Cleric ikare iz divljine, tesko povredjena skoro ubijena

Melaamin Suoress - “MyLove’s Blessing” - jedina naslednica kuce Suoress. Rodjena sa

snaznim blesingom moci u najranijim godinama se pokazala kao jako lepa i mocna
savladavajuci najmocnije enchantmenete i forme magije. U 120 toj godini je dobila titulu
mastera u svojoj akademiji nakon cega se prikljucila elfovskoj rezervi. Tamo je za samo godinu
dana pokazala znanje i moc da bude punopravni Kapetan. Skole specijalizacije su Gate,
Kerym (Sword) (M) - The body guard and guardian ready to fight and die for his charge
Melaamin. He uses a longsword and a set of wands charged with powers of the elements.



Elirion Veluthra mage prestolonaslednik

Valentiel the Tailor


Dragathil - zmajica

Junyitera - aprentisica chromus mame.

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