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Underdark Campaign



Drow are a tragically evil race. Worshiping goddess which is also a powerful demon “Lolth”
who demands only the powerful and cunning to remain in her favor, and it is that favor that
drives everyday life of the drow. This story is in stagnant city of strongest drow that had
remained after the 100 year time of “Lolth’s” silence and her abrupt return. And also a
strange disease that attacked only the most powerful priestess and taken their lives. The
time is just slightly after the dragon cult has had their attempt to summon the queen of the
Character Options

All characters created will belong to a 4th house of the city. And character class choice will
dictate that houses specializations, strengths and weaknesses. However there are special

1. Only female characters can be Clerics of Lolth

2. One can make a Warlock and hold the title of Cleric/Priest/es
3. Female characters with noble background will be considered to be more respected
then other characters, especially if female, male nobles will be limited to 2 per
house as third is sacrificed at birth.
4. Male players can play female characters, with gm’s approval
5. Playing non drow will relegate your character to rank of servant/slave/property
6. Open worship of any other deity, will make your character uncomfortable
7. Player betrayal will be allowed, expected and rewarded

Restricted Options

Due to specialized setting there will be few restrictions.

Setting Info

This adventure will start in last remaining city of drow in the southern continent, lost to
memory of all but themselves, survivors of many tragedies, and hidden blade under Black
Edge Mountains. The drow are decemated and their numbers are in decline. The Last
remaining noble houses hold tyrannical rule over lesser houses, citizens and slaves.

Orbben’velve is last surviving drow city, others have been sacked and taken by other races,
savages. This city has survived due to it’s long lasting militant nature, and cashe of powerful
items, and artifacts in care of ruling houses nobility. Each house holds a specific item as
symbol of their house. A mighty Iron adamantine walls infused with magic can withstand
almost any attack and have not been downed in recorded history. Entire city is crafted in
sinister/beautiful design. Locations of note marked in fanciful colorful lights giving it
somewhat neon look.

Style and Function. Everything clothing, weapons, buildings, jewels are made to hold
beauty and be functional. Having both sharp and curved motifs is very prominent in the

drow society. Also materials like spidersilk, and slick leather are mark of high fashion within
the walls of the Orbben’velve. Wearing jewels and objects of high value is projecting either
your power or stupidity, for only those truly powerful would flaunt their wealth and power
very openly. Many items of fashion are also either weapons or items of protection. So a
fancy set of clothing is also imbued with minor magics that protects user from dangers.

Law & Order. The noble houses hold order in the city. Keeping safe areas of import to the
individual house interests. Those not of houses are little better than slaves, and their needs
are taken care of by themselves with use of their own resources. Slaves harming a drow in
any way are dealt with swift and permanent measures. Although if you are not caught
doing something you didn’t do it.

Thievery within city is very disliked and harshly punished. Few are the groups with power
and desire to save those dumb enough to get caught act on it. But those who are skilled
enough are able to avoid unwanted attention are considered extremely skilled. And guilds
are most of the time sponsored and run by noble houses themselves.

Magic and Arcana. Arcane magic is main source of offensive and defensive warfare.
Arcane wards, fortification magic, divination and evocation are most used forms of magic.
But golem crafters, alchemists etc are often found as well. The arcane magic of the city is
taught in Nyagura’faer and is practiced by males almost exclusively, the pillar is headed by
an Archmage.

Magic is heavily controlled by the main houses and those who do not belong to them are
relieved of the magic that may threaten the houses, even by force if need be. And those
who sell and purchase magic from unreputable places are considered to be breaking the
law, and can be punished.

However with rise of warlock pacts there are multiple sources of gaining power. Most of
them deal with abyssal creatures like Lolth but they offer different avenues. Some of them
are noted in Entities of Power section below. Depending of the house some hold their
demonic sources hidden, and some make deals and house a retenue of signed warlocks to
a specific entity depending the house. It is notable that houses Tracinoa and Dlaen'
Del'Amatar are very affiliated with specific demons and sources of power. Warlocks are
highly wanted as arcane assassins.

Divinity and Religion.

Here are gods that belong to the drow pantheon.

Lolth, The Spider Queen

She reigns supreme from her domain in the Demonweb pits. Her
edicts dictate the direction of the drow race and is main course. The
drow are taught from young age to devote themselves to the spider
queen and her chosen priestesses. Female priestesses of lolth do not
tolerate open worship of any other deity. Her symbol is a Spider. Her
ascension from a demon lord to a divine being had grown her power
exponentially, many of her priesthood note that her gifts from before
and now are different, despite she is still considered to be the queen of spiders and her
minions are still being called upon.

Ro’byn, The Lady of The Burning Eye

Ro’byn is a demigod followed by the rare few fascinated with light. A rare
deity with a holy symbol of eye with a star in the middle of it. Her faith is
mostly dedicated to the destruction of the drow enemies, but mostly hate
the kobold race who are seen as pests to be destroyed. In visions this
goddess takes form of a shrouded female covered in black cloak with
scorching light escaping through openings for face hands and feet. It is
widely speculated that she is the granddaughter of Lolth, but such rumors are silenced as
heretical by the Lolth’s clergy.

Ryld, The Spider that Waits
He is mainly worshiped by drow warriors, since his domains are war and
slaughter, his temples are non existent and his warship is done in the
battlefield. His symbol is a spider with sword and mace crossed. The god is
considered to be Lolth’s champion and guardian. He has nothing but
undying devotion to the queen of the spiders.

Exal’Dal, the Eight Handed

Is a patron demi-god of drow wizards is a newly rizzen divine patron of
drow sorcery and is considered by scholars to be one of lords of spells.
His symbol is spider with a star on its body. There are no known shrines
to this divine, but calling upon his name by drow mages is said to
empower their spells. The new young drow wizards and sorcerers are
drawn to him, as his promise of power drives them to be better and more independent

F’orn, the Listener

F’orn is a demigod of male drow who favor secrecy, deception,
assassination and stealth. He is usually worshiped in secret altars where
as part of rituals parchments with secrets are burned so the written
messages are sent to him for safeguarding. His symbol is the number 8,
in a eight-sided shape. His worshipers mostly come from those who
deal in secrets and those who have secrets. From thieving scoundrels, to nobles with
secrets he is mostly followed by the males of drow society.

Ghaunadaur is an unpredictable deity. False worshipers were sometimes
rewarded by it, occasionally even with permanent magical boons, but
they might just as well have been devoured by the Elder Eye without a
second thought. Ghaunadaur enjoyed watching large horrible monsters
as they hunted and devoured their prey, causing much suffering.

Kiaransalee, Lady of the Dead

Kiaransalee, Lady of the Dead, The Revenancer or The Vengeful
Banshee. Her portfolio included vengeance and the undead. Kiaransalee
was a cruel, twisted and vengeful deity. The Lady of the Dead became
insane ages ago; however, she managed to keep her cunning and she
could still clearly remember every slight or insult towards her, whether it
was real or imagined. Kiaransalee was swift to anger, powerful, and
against all who have wronged her she plotted a dark revenge. The Lady
of the Dead preferred company from the mindless undead she could manipulate at will,
over sentient beings that are possessed of independent thought.

Societies in Orbben’velve

Within every city or large groups of people some specialized groups are formed for the
purpose of advancing one’s goals. In Orbben’velve these groups are either formed from
their social status, around religion, or simply goals. Here will be noted few groups that are
formed outside the house hierarchy and Lolth's priesthood.

Bae'qeshel, The Dark Minstrels

Bae'qeshel are a secret society of drow female minstrels who are also devoted to the spider
queen. Certain houses have time honored tradition to send one of their youngest
daughters to the Bae'qeshel to be train in art of spellsong in honor of the Lolth. They rarely
meet and are expected to serve Lolth’s cause first and then their own houses. It is rare for
any Bae'qeshel to know about any more member but her mentor and perhaps one or 2 of
other students, but they do recognize should they meet in the battle field, recognizing the
casting and fighting style.

Jaezred Chaulssin
Jaezred Chaulssin are a mercenary organization of male drow assassins, scouts and mages.
Although rare they can function as military force but it is not the way they operate. They
find talented individuals who they proceed to train to be the best tools for any job, from
spying, curriers, assassinations or scouting. They tend to excel in secret jobs. Since they are
composed of mostly houses males they can work for anyone who can afford their prices.

Luth'ol Tagnik'zur
Luth'ol Tagnik'zur are a house outside of hierarchy of drow. They function like a
independent army run by a enterprising male drow who is its main speaker J’hun
Tagnik'zur who has lived for a long time in exile from a long forgotten house. And has
returned a century ago making name for himself dealing with enemies of the drow and has
rose in high favor of top houses of the city as a reliable, ruthless and powerful group. They
number great numbers of very skilled drow and are in turn very versatile and can deal with
any situation. It is known that some members of destroyed noble houses are members of
this warband. When ever you see the members of Luth'ol Tagnik'zur (dragon spears) in
great numbers in front of you know that someone much more powerful has sent them for
you, so you might as well die by their hand, as it will be more merciful.

They are not much of a group but a common name for champions who fight in Red Widow
Arena, and not just any but ones who rewel in blood and gore, charging screaming in to
fray with little regard for combat doctrine or tactics. Some of these form in to groups and
go in to under-wild to slay powerful beasts, survivors boasting and displaying mementos of
their kills on their gear or their weapons.

Orbben’velve Locations

There are many locations of note within the city of Orbben’velve.

Orbb’valshath Palace

Is a central location of power within the city. This is where the ruling council of 12 sets the
races goals and organizes the path of entire race. Every matron of each house has a
personal quarters and baracks of their elite warriors, mages and priestesses, to guarantee
their own protection.
The building is a massive stalagmite rising and almost touching the ceiling. Marked with
unique shade of pink faerie fire, it stands out. It also has a secondary set of adamantine
walls infused with different kinds of magic preventing spying, divinations and teleportations
inside. And constant patrols on, below and above makes this building the most secure
place in the Orbben’velve.

Noble House Forts

Every noble house, greater and lesser, has a building which is a base of operations. Each
house holds a few buildings depending on their size, and protection befitting their station,
wealth and trade. Each house holds a shrine to the spider queen, walls, barracks and living
quarters. Of note are the houses of the ruling council, and they are sight to behold, each
showing of their wealth with top 3 having the grandest designs, protection and flaunted

Red Widow Arena

Every drow citizen sometimes needs to be entertained and reminded that no matter how
low they get there is still down to go. On a daily basis there are events held for the
entertainment. A broken of stalagmite has been hollowed out and made into a coloseum
like arena where slaves and house champions battle for their lives, glory and entertainment
of those who gathered to watch.

Area also holds many other avenues of entertainment. Like serving of alcohol and fine
foods, also rent of private rooms, and also renting of pleasure slaves. Damage of the
servers and property may lead to sanctions depending on agitators station.

This are is held by a lesser house Ssrigg'tul which holds the place of high favor of both
noble houses and Lolth herself and no one wants to incite wrath of the protectors.

The Pillars of Power

A Orbben’velve cavern has three masive natural pillars on which are situated three pillars
of cities power. Kil’lian’vlos, Nyagura’faer and Elghinn’tsoss. Each being the school and a
center of might arcane, martial and divine. All of the house youth are brought in the
respective pillar for training.

Kil’lian’vlos. Is a first pillar. And is a warrior academy where future house warriors and
scouts are trained.

Nyagura’faer is a second pillar. And is a school of magic where wizards and sorcerers are

Elghinn’tsoss is a third pillar. Here are trained all priestesses of Lolth.

Orbben’velve Market

The market is the heart of the city. Here can be found wares from everywhere, surface,
other planes etc. There are dedicated shops, stals, and even moving sale carts. Area is filled
with both commoners, slaves, merchants soldiers.

Other areas to be added later.

Noble Houses

Here are houses of note and general knowledge about them, and their known
representatives. Each will have a certain mark of their power and some will be defined a bit

Greater Houses
1. House Azrinae
The house of Azrinae is the eldest house to rise up after the plague among the most
powerful priestess. It holds the most powerful connection to the goddess, and holds
a very respected collection of artifacts and martial might.
2. House Dolour
The second house has a long lasting tradition and sits on the very prominent second
position. They pride themselves on knowledge collected over the ages. And this
knowledge is given to those who can pay the price.

3. House Rasivrein
The members of this house are masterful slavers that have mastered all forms of
enslavement and number a huge number of enslaved creatures that serve them
and every other drow.
4. House Dlaen' Del'Amatar
They are a house of living death and they have a strong culture with undead. They
craft the dead to serve and even hold secrets of transforming even more powerful
5. House Tracinoa
This house controls the water supply clean water. They are also known to be best
demon binders and at almost every hour a demon is being bound in deep parts of
their household.
6. House Vexidyre
Their main contribution is active trade with multiple non-drow sources and they are
responsible for all interracial trades on one level or another. They are also master
interrogators and tortures.
7. House Vonnarc
They are predominantly a house dedicated to arcane might, and house a plethora of
wizards of different specializations, even though they are probably the mightiest
arcane house their members were newer the city archmage.
8. House Teken'duis
This house holds the secrets of flesh-craft and create beasts of great power that are
sometimes displayed in the Red Widow Arena for testing. They are also ones who
have discovered a way to create the vile halfbloods called dragelolths.
9. House Coloara
Coloara consistently trained some of the best armies in Orbben’velve for the 3,000
years since the house's founding. Advancement was awarded for performance, not
noble stature as was the norm in most other houses. However, all of the most
famous military victories of the house were defensive rather than offensive in
10. House Maivert
House Maivert served as a lackey to a number of houses, most notably House
Azrinae, hoping to curry favor with them.

11. House Freth
The house was known for its wizards and warriors; its might was not based in the
clergy. House Barrison Freth was strong but had few allies, preferring to stand by
12. House Balartyr
The females of the house reign supreme and are famous for taking immense delight
in subjugating and terrorizing the house males.

Lesser Houses
1. House Caldrana
Known for their forges and weaponsmiths, followers of Flauros
2. House Misraria
Known for spies, assassins and messengers, followers of Nocticula
3. House Moivas
Masters of beasts and vermin, followers of Mazmezz
4. House Parastric
Masters of Fleshwarping, followers of Haagenti
5. House Sardavic
Artists and critics, followers of Socothbenoth
6. House Udrinor
Fungus farmers, followers of Cyth-V'sug[2]
7. House Teh'Kinrellz
A minor noble house.
8. House Zauvirr
A minor merchant house.
9. House Suun Wett
A minor noble house.
10. House Khareese
A minor noble house.

Entities of Power being worshiped

Areshkagal (Greed) - The Faceless Sphinx,Lord of Greed

Shax (Envy) - The Blood Marquis, Demon Lord of Lies and


Jubilex (Sloth) - The Faceless Lord,Lord of Sloth,Demon Lord

of Poison and Ooze

Nocticula (Lust) - Our Lady in Shadow,Demon Lord of

Darkness and Lust

Xoveron (Gluttony) - The Horned Prince,Lord of

Gluttony,Demon Lord of Gargoyles and Ruins

Socothbenoth (Pride) - The Silken Sin,Demon Lord of

Perversion and Tattoos

Tenebrius (Wrath) - Prince of UndeathDemon Lord of

Necromancy and the Undead

Flauros - The Burning Maw, Lord of Volcanoes, Demon Lord of

Fire and Salamanders

Mazmezz - The Creeping Queen, Lord of Vermin, Demon Lord

of Vermin and Bindings

Haagenti - The Whispers Within, Lord of Transformation

Cyth-V'sug - Prince of the Blasted Heath, Demon Lord of

Fungus and Parasites Lord of Filth and Pollution


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