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The Middle World

Document Preparing Adventure Setting

Game Preparation
Campaign Setup
Hooks & ideas

Overview of the Krasenvel - The Middle World

Krasenvel is a world filled with magic Empowered by the sun (Solus) and three moons
(Irida, Yarosal, and Chernsol). The Krasenvel is a 3rd planet in ist planetary system of 5
planets Rakados, Pentra, Krasenvel, Falvara, and Tambrex. The magic of the sun radiates
with magic and life making all of the planets inhabitable.
Krasenval is the main world whose moons, other planets, and sun influence the it’s magic
in many ways. The crossroad is the celestial event that relates to each planet's proximity to
the world.

Timekeeping and Important events

Time in this world is measured by years separated in 12 months, each consisting of 28
days, and 7 days in a week (total 336 days in a year).
The world has 4 seasons, each lasting three months.
Crossroad Tambrex is the celestial event that marks switching from one calendar year to
the next one. On this day the Krasenval and Tambrex are at their lowest distance and the
day is usually coldest in a year. On this day the magic associated with water, snow and ice is
most prominent.

Crossroad Rakados repeats once every five months on the 13th. The event moves
frequently and is a precursor of magical events. Usually on these days the weather is
usually warmer than usual. Magic users wielding flame magic have much harder time
controlling flaming magic and magic has more potency.
Crossroad Pentra is a world that circles the sun Solus the fastest, so the crossroad event
occurs once every 79 days. These days are noted to be days when magics associated with
weather, winds are greatly empowered.
Crossroad Falvara event occurs the least frequently. Due to the planet's movement speed
the crossroad event occurs the least frequently then other crossroad events.This event
occurs only once 5 years on May the 5th. The day is celebrated by almost every culture on
Krasenval and it is associated with prosperity and wealth. The world is associated with
riches, and magics associated with earth and stone, as well as craftsmanship.

Races and Nations

The most prominent races are Human, the Krasvel (half-elves) and Fallen (tieflings).

The life on this world is recorded to have come from the unknown home realms that
brought some of the races and species of animals and monsters from other worlds. The
only races claiming to be original inhabitants are Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings.
The continent of Arlona due to its riches in arcane raw materials was the entry point for
incoming races, Humans, Elves and Draconians (Dragonborn) settled on this continent and
started to expand. Due to martial advantage to Draconians, the humans and elves had
formed an alliance forming a new race native to this world, the Krasvel (half-breeds) which
extends to even.
The more racially pure humans became more concerned with their racial purity and
formed a nation to the west of Arlona and delved into unstable and questionable magic
and weapons that over time caused irreversible mutation into the Fallen. The Wars of Fall
was the war that pureblooded humans fought against other races. They unleashed their
magic that devastated the western part of the continent devastating their numbers and
civilization, causing them to live in an apocalyptic desert wasteland. The fallen are mostly
tribalistic and savage. Once mighty military force but now tribal raiders who prey on the
week, their own and others.

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