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We will be playing in a big city called Mar’Alasaya. It’s a city of plenty.

A very large city where

anything goes. A city where “Freedom” is the main tenant of living. It’s ruled by 4 Oligarchs each in
charge of a different branch of the city: Law, Commerce, Military and Esoteric (Religion and Arcana).
This city welcomes all races and is a very popular “vacation destination”. It’s on the Black Coast, a
tropical area where the coastal beaches are black due to the large presence of volcanoes. The people in
this city range from Extremely Rich to Devastatingly Poor. Feel free to create
people/places/organizations if you feel like it, but keep it within reason people. Please answer these
questions about your character:
1) What is your name(full name preferable)? Do you have a nickname?
2) How old are you? How old do you appear to be?
3) Do you have any special physical characteristics that are unusual for your race? How do you
dress? Do you have any special equipment.
4) Do you have any quirky mannerisms or ticks?
5) What sort of personality do you have? (Are you quiet but easy to anger? Are you loud and
curious? Do you have prejudice against other races, religions or groups of people? Etc.)
6) What are your motivations? Flaws? Needs?
7) Are there any defining moments in your history?
8) What is your character’s greatest fear?
9) Do you have any secrets? Does anyone know them? What happens if your secret is found out.
10) Where are you from?
11) What was your childhood like?
12) Who is your family? Do you have any? (this can include romantic relationships and such as
13) Who are your friends/? (Are any dead? Missing? Mad at you for something?)
14) What is your profession or hobby?
15) Are you religious? Do you have any religious affiliations and how devout are you?
16) What are your major personal beliefs (Idologies?)
17) Do you have anything that you can’t live without? (Favorite food or drink? Music? Books?
18) Why are you here now? What do you want to accomplish in life?

1. Sasha, my name is...Sasha Evendane and no I don't have a nickname, that requires people who
care about you...I used to have one long ago, but not anymore.
2. I am 23 years old next month, and as soon as that day is over I can get back to my regular life, I
will no longer need to worry about it, at least for another year, until then I shall be cursing it
like a freaking sailor. I am afraid of it as my birthday is the day I am closest to it, and each year
I am afraid my will would falter and I will be lost forever.
3. You bet! I do have a bunch, but not like my twin sister, I bet she is even worse now wherever
she might be. Where my hair is white, hers is black, my fingers are black and the color extends
up to my elbows and slowly fades into some sort of runes of which I do not know the meaning.
The same is with my feet. So where I have black she has white and where my eyes are entirely
black with white irises that glow in the dark her eyes are normal, for human standards. Some
would say she fits in more than I do, maybe that is why she was able to disappear.
4. I tend to look down at the floor to avoid eye contact, unless extremely necessary. People ask a
lot of questions when they don't understand something, especially children. What should I tell
them? Yes...the eyes...yeah you know long ago my father made a deal with an elder god and are running away...good choice.
5. I like to talk to people who want to talk to me, however I am not the one to just trust random
people, most of them fear me because of my eyes and my hands, but I like company where I am
not the center of attention, since that attention usually means bad stuff's about to happen. Look
at me? Who am I to have prejudice?
6. Motivation? Avoid my sister for the rest of my life and avoid its influence as well. I know she
willingly joined our father's previous master, as his call was to strong to resist and I know she
wants me to follow her lead. Well I would rather die than be his minion, or anyone's for that
matter. My flaws? Well, I don't think I am the right person to ask, I mean I am perfect by any
standards...joking. Well, aside from my physical issues I do have a problem trusting people and
thus can't sleep properly so I can be grouchy at times and prone to running away instead of
causing a commotion, but I don't think that makes me a coward...does it? Well, I love to drink
and smoke from time to time. Needs? The only thing I really need is my freedom to make
7. Hmm, defining moments? My birth perhaps? My father's lack of judgment. Oh and my favorite,
my beloved twin sister joining and elder god...yeah that one takes the crown.
8. Fears? That I will succumb to it's influence.
9. Nothing major, no. I mean aside from my crush? That is a secret I intend to take to my grave,
because he would never notice me...oh, well he would notice me but not in a good sense, if you
know what I mean. He'd might want to be like off with her head and stuff. He is Camron
Westwood...he comes to the “bar” I love to visit occasionally and he isn't really getting along
with his General(as in a title) father.
10. I come from the other side of the mountains, from a small town of Redwood Grove.
11. I think I had a happy childhood in the sense that almost no one from the town ever said
anything about my sister and me, as it was a town that accepted everyone and anyone without
prejudice, but my mother and father really made it apparent that they were unhappy with the
way we turned out to be so they fought a lot and when they made another three children,
without any faults or issues with their appearance they sort of simmered down a little. But I
could always feel the fear I installed in them.
12. My parents are called Alon and Ynes and they were banished from their previous city on
another continent because of my fathers affiliations with the elder god so when they came to
Redwood Grove he stopped abusing magic and settled for a deal with his previous master. My
twin sister is called Alma and my other three younger siblings are May, Omar and Iven. I had
exactly two romantic relationships which ended when their families first saw me. Enough said.
13. I consider the girl that works at the “bar” I visit occasionally my friend and she does confide in
me so that must mean the feeling is mutual. She is a Half Orc called Rozara and if it wasn't
clear enough she is a prostitute. I had a traveling companion called Farkris and he is an Eladrin,
but he had to return to his home for a while. I hope to see him again.
14. I clean houses with my prestidigitation for money. When I work for the rich I get paid quite a
lot and I sometimes do some shady tasks like steal and listen to rumors, or even spread them if
necessary. All of that goes to my budget. I hope to buy a house one day...but I don't think that is
going to be this year.
15. Funny as it may sound I value the protection of Light and no mater which good god it is I pray
and leave a small token of my appreciation, It doesn't hurt to have light on your side when you
come with an origin so dark, right?
16. My ideologies? I owe nothing to society, but I value greatly people who are willing to help me.
17. Something I can't live without? It would be... a romance novel titled A rose in winter. It has a
sad ending where the girl dies after an amazing love affair with a young and innocent man who
was truly in love with her and he is sent to war where he dies so she ends her life to with him.
But they followed different gods so they will never actually be together so it makes it even
harder to think about! But I know...Sorry I am getting excited. Please continue.
18. I am here because I want not to feel like an outsider, and I want to find a place to belong. Also, I
heard there is this cocktail called the monkeyfish brain which I just had to try. Also, freaking
tanned men... :P

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