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Twin Dragon Isle’s Events

Adventure events

Adventure events in Ravenstorm

The Red Alley

While traveling in the evening Player and 2 characters at random will encounter a crime. A
party of human and half-orc bandits are intimidating a lonely young nobles. A 22 year old
male Viektor Kastanik and beautiful veiled female in expensive dress Lady Tamara
The first thing party hears is a murmur of bandits snickering and and trying to intimidate a
nobleman. Bandits will want to take advantage of young female. And want to harm the
young man.

The bandits are a part of greater pirate group that wants to intimidate young man into
accepting a better deal for them. But thugs are unaware of this.

As soon as the party interferes bandits attack. Bandits consist of the Bandit Captain
(Half-elf Hugo Briarborn The Thorn) and Bandits (depending on party size). They run in
presence of overwhelming force.

Viektor and Tamara are thankful for the save and request to repay the party. Viektor is by
far more dominant person in conversation and speaks with air of authority. He is respectful
towards the party and vicious to any survivors of the attackers and is aiming to kill them
outright. If reasoned with he accepts to go and get guards while party watches for his

Viektor Kastanik is an attractive young man who made his fortune by using his skill as
captain in mercenary company and after leaving his mercenary life he decided to use his
accumulated wealth to start a gambling den “Peter’s Feathered Hat”. He is in rich looking
breastplate and wields a rapier and wears a beautiful red scarf with silver embroidered

Lady Tamara Bentworth is young and beautiful. After a short inspection anyone can
notice that lady is actually blind and carries a ornate blindfold of white silk. If left alone with
party she will gravitate towards most charming sounding male character. If anyone uses
insight and examens her body language will notice that she uses her known beauty to
charm people in false sense of comfort, and sounds suspicious. This is because she is
actually a high class prostitute.

When Viektor comes back and guards arrest the bandits Viektor will insist on repaying the
party by asking them to join him in his gambling den called “Peter’s Feathered Hat”.

If the party refuses to get to know them they will locate them and deliver gifts until they
seek him out to make him stop.

Peter’s Feathered Hat

When i Peter’s Feathered Hat the party can engage in games of chance, cards, dice and
ganes of skill (pool, darts...). Every game requires a pure luck check dc 13+ to win and earn
money back plus 10% per point above 13 (on 15 ist +30%).

The “working girls” and “guys” are doing their thing and prowling for interesting targets.

People of note are Salazar the Hound and Leisure are personal bodyguards to Viektor.

Salazar used to be a squire to a noble but has left service to seek out his fortune and
became over-eager protector to his new master Viektor. He is outright young, barely 18yo.
but he fights with an experience of an seasoned warrior. He has a tell when ever he is lieing
to rise his shield to cover his mouth.

Leisure is seasoned tiefling warrior. Past her youth years but she is secretly in love with
Viektor. She has outstandingly strong tail that she uses even in combat to support her
shield hand and sometimes even to attack. She is supremely loyal but she knows when to
back down and seek her own way out.

When party meets Viektor and Tamara again it’s here. In VIP section with tables and
dinner being served. Viektor aims to use party to help him put his enemies down without
getting his hands dirty himself. He has a fount of information, and rumors that he will share
to gauge interest of the party. To this instance he will share few rumors:

● A market of drow poisons being smuggled into the city. Through the docks and
being used to assault unwary citizens in their homes and rob them without killing
anyone, but being densely evil in certain situation by degrading and embarrassing
the affected in the process. It is rumored that the Sunken Star gang are biggest
purchasers of the items. (This is a revenge scheme since few of his employees have been
robbed and he was once attacked but prevailed).
● A quirky half-elf noble, Elenor Whitepeek is purchasing draconic artifacts. She is
known to be very rich and a noble of the city and has came to this den multiple
times. She is rumored to use a gang to help people to part with their precious things

in case they refuse to agree to let her by the treasure. (She has came and muscled
him into “selling” to her his prized dragon claw).
● A brother and sister, Lynnnara and Saler are starting a brothel. But it there is
something weird happening in the new “Velvet Sheet”.

Adventure events in Mapleham
The Escher Runway

The Eschers, Sebastian, Minerva, Dalnara and Tamara have after being impressed with
works of a master tailor Victoria Pride they chose to organize within a day a party meant
to sell Victoria’s wares.

On the night of a party there will be more then few people.

● The Eschers - who will pridefully try to out class their guests. They are liked because
of their wealth but are hated for their unusual arrangement of three wives of
Sebastian. Lord Escher is also master of the golden sali company.
● The Azuremans - Esteban and Marla Azureman are the closest friends. And he is
known as King of Grapes. They are glad to be invited and will not like any wine on of
their vineyards.
● Gildman - Horus Gildman is a rich tradesman leading caravans to and from
southern towns and has good relations with other human cities and has a trade
agreement with elves but can’t enter their territory. He hates Sebastian Escher and
has hired an assassin to kill him tonight, and make it look it was Azureman. He has a
wife Hannah and both Son Jadak his wife Irma and a single daughter Rihanon.
● Rivelen Agatelight - Is an high-elf. Here to perform an assassination of Gildman
but is just so far only observing and learning about him. He would like to know
about Gildmasn plot and will rather expose him then kill him. Party may recognize
Lanrien should they make a Perception DC 20 to recognize him.
● Sevant Sermun Dak - Is an assassin poisoner meant to pass along poisoned vine to
Lord Escher.
● Lady Inalliel Winglight - A grey elven nobles living in Mapletown making it as
exporter of threes. And is owning the shop creating masterwork furniture. She is
prone to purchase anything she fancies. And will like a male elf model.

1. Zailzal is gone

On the night after the show is done party finds out Zailzal is gone, and has not spent the
night in his bed. Victoria will show initiative to go and try and find him.

A wight Talenbor Grimglow has encountered Zailzal and has taken him prisoner in
attempt to take him alive to the rest of his group up in the Reldrakes Peak. Ha had with
him Armored and Armed zombies.

Talenbor has a dark draconic inspired plate mail (+1 Platemail) and slightly tattered purple
cloak with draconic runes and lined with gold which grants him once per day to use Mysty
Step spell. DC 20 religion check will recognize it as a regalia of the Cult of the Dragon. And a
Longsword +1 (Dragongleem) that glows cold blue light in presence of dragons, and those
of dragon blood. He carries a map where Reldrakes peak is noted.

Zombies wear broken chainmail (AC14) and wield either mace or handaxe.

2. Peak’s Frost Dragon

The cult is there using undead to dig out a corpse of a long dead dragon. They have
prisoners poorly treated and fed and watered just enough not to die. As the expedition is
lead by Calistra Kalmeralin, a necromancer of some power. If Talenbor dosent show she
gets worried that she will not have enough sacrifices and will, contact group to organize a
raid on Reldraketown near Mapletown. This will be done by The Conscriptors mercenary
band of humans, lead by a an dragonborn Crimsonguard.

While she waits she will proceed to dig up a whole body and try and raise him. His name is
Whitchill the Icytrail (use Tamabrax stats) as she will fail due to failing the sacrifice or
failing the spell.

Dragonrun Mage Guild

In Dragonrun a group of mages “Dragon Star Guild” (and warlock’s) lead by a Master
Kalrian Skywood. They are tasked to uncover the string of disappearances targeting
beautifull young travelers and locals of both genders. As characters enter just last night a
half-elven boy (of 16) has been kidnapped with no trace. They believe it is done by strange
group kidnaping in the northern area. Investigation is handled by two wizards Jullian and

Fionna of the Dragon Star Guild. Dragon Guild is housed in a noble’s estate that belonged
to an noble some years back.

So far only few people were found and all alive mad and riving and kept in chains since they
are prone to hurt themselves. And kept in a prison by Captain Dalmanor Pines, who
thinks mages have something to do with it, but since mages provide service to the watch
providing with healing potions, identifications and magical assistance to the town's mayor
Quentin Thunderhill and can’t openly confront them without proof, but can't get in their
estate to search it without a reasonable doubt.

People found were found trying to drown themselves, or trying to hang themselves. Both
are kids belonging to townsfolk.

Philip Thumbstone is youth of 18 years and has scratches over his body. Examination
shows signs of whipping and burning scars being treated. He is unable to speak.

Olianna Knotmaker was a youth barmaid of the innkeeper Costrian Knotmaker. She
had her teeth have been broken, signs of beating and whipping. She has lost her memory
that priests have not been able to recover. She is only able to remember agony, fear and
feeling of loneliness.

And last is Greg Wolfheart. He was one of few who was first one lost 4 years ago. He has
no memory like others but he does remember that he had a blackout in small wood just
outside of town. And he thiks he was gone for at worst few days but he has visibly aged
from a 16 year old to a 20 year old.

Dragonwood Search

Small wood has plenty of trees and rocky formations, but to be able to find hidden location
characters will have to use a form of magical search. And on certain stone formation they
may find magical illusionary stones with magic mouthed sounds of Owlbears closing in. This
is ruse to make commoners runaway.

Dragonstar Cultists

The wizard hold prisoners and torture, rape, and commit to vile acts that show signs of
worship of a Daemon Prince Sanguine, master of indulgence, excess and merriment, a
child of Grazzt. His symbol is seven pointed star with a symbol of upside-down heart.

Mages fight to the death to protect their secret. And may just resort to conjuring a demon
to aid them.

Deadwatch Inn

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