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Twin Dragon Isles

The Twin Dragon Isles Lore

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Twin Dragon Isles

Time Before Colonization
Age before these lands vere settled by the humans, elves and other races little is known.
The land seemingly came from nowhere, only populated by beasts, and monsters. Upon
arrival of first explorers the land seam to have had a civilization before. Only clues found at
very tops of the mountains, or very deep under the same. Forgotten stone buildings and
underground passages are filled with clues. But no writing has kept these isles previous
inhabitants a mystery. From depictions they were serpentine, lizard and bird like
humanoids. Pictured to have warred among each other in grand cities. But nothing but
speculation can be said of them. Also there are markings left referring to dragons that once
lived and interacted with the old races.

The First Arrival


This savage island was one stormy night visited by the now famous ship Ravenstorm, and
stranded itself on the shores of this previously unknown island. The crew and passengers
had organized to try and survive but savage beasts and monsters have over time thinned
out the numbers of people who had originally landed. When people were finally able to
fortify and explore local area and ammas the first troves of treasure. It took 4 years before
they were found by another ship and taken back taking treasures to make their lives, but
some wanted to return and using same treasure they brought back organized full
expeditions and over time the islands were settled.

The Colonization
After the initial colonization at Ravenstorm Landing site over time menu had decided to
come and start their lives here. First ones to do so were the elves of Selenalune, and
dragon born of Stormdrum. Over time other cities and settlements vere founded and
grown over time. Rising cities and bringing scholars from all over the world to try and unveil
the mysteries of the island.

The Pirate Wars

As soon as the knowledge of islands hidden riches was discovered there were those who
wanted to take it first. Pirates of the Maelstrom were attacking the island wanting to
plunder all gathered treasures earned and found. But valorous colonists have fought of
the pirates using whatever they could, improvised weapons, some magics that were
discovered. In these wars were first founded nobles and Raven Lords who championed the
defense against the Maelstrom Pirates. Elves of Stormdrum founded the Sunswords by the
same named family who used their battle knowhow to defend their city. The Viemneery
(dragonborn) of Stormdrum also provided using their flying giant bat force and defended
their city with ease. It is said that remaining pirates that did not submit to punishment of
natives went and founded the Town of Ogzakh Ad.

Great Cities
Is a large trade city. Populated by mostly humans, but is also welcoming of all other races.
Anyone is allowed in as long as the laws are abided by. It allows ships from every part of
the continent. And in its markets one can find anything and everything as long as you have
enough gold.
City is split in two sections Eastern and Western. They are connected with a single
retractable bridge at its closest point but people use ferry too also boats. There is a wall
and towers watching over bay area and land on all sides. So far many pirates have tried to
take the city but all were unsuccessful.
Ravenstorm has gotten its name from a ship that was shipwrecked on the shores of
eastern isle. And its survivors vere the first settlers to these islands. Later in time when the
isle was charted there was an attempt to change the town's name to Twindargons but
name never caught on.

Rule and Law

It is a lawful community lead by Council of 17 lords of city appointed nobles. These nobles
are not known to general public and are elected in place by other ruling members. Every
member is only known to the other members of the city.
Noble title can only be granted by the city if person has done a “noble deed” to the city of
Ravenstorm. For example building a school and bringing the teachers to teach, opening a
mine in the mountains that opens jobs for the city residents, sponsoring a large
construction project in the city, bringing a church of a good deity. And only after the project
is complete is a person granted a title with benefits and obligations to the city.
City has a City Watch, and a military force called Raven Lords. A single male member of
Ravenstorm noble family must become a Raven Lord, or must sponsor a person to take
their place as Raven Lord. Raven Lords are an elite knightly order serving the city and
Council of 17. They must provide enough funds for training, food and gear.
Judges preside in cases and in case of minor crimes the guilty serve in communal jobs for a
time. While truly heinous acts are punishable by exile and death, although rarely.
On the other side Ravenstorm has a very active dark side. It’s open gates have allowed a
few less than savory people to start working behind the curtains. From sponsored gangs by

individual noble to an organized underground group of thieves and burglars, and in rare
circumstances even assassins, under the codename Plain Sight. They recruit individuals to
join although no one really knows but its members what is their initiation process.

Trade and Commerce

But to open one's business one must belong to a merchant guild. Guild expects monthly
payments in exchange for a membership and licence to open a business. There are few
guilds and they are Silversails, Krowngrain, Golden Scale guild, to name a few. And every
sales person owning a shop pays his dues to his guild.
People in city usually work the docks, from teamsters, warehouse keepers to sailors looking
for work on boats.
When you need to purchase something you can usually find the thing you need in the city
open markets, big squares filled with merchants peddling their wares. From grains, woods,
stones, clay to finished products like statues, pastries, furniture even ceramic.

Religion and Theology

City has little in ways of religion. However few churches have been made in the area.
Morninglord, Umberlee and Lady Fate have made their presence known here. But almost
any other religion can be found worshiping inside people's own home, unless the religion is
viewed as vile and evil by majority of people.

Arcana and Mysticism

Arcane magic is not stranger to the city. A Great Spire is a mage's tower that belongs to a
cities Sapphire Robe(an archmage's title) and his Order mages. They serve city in protecting
it from outside magical influences. It is also a school but members of the order have final
say whether anyone can be admitted to the studies of magic.

NPC’s of interest
So far no ide will figure it out over time.
This Here is just a placeholder
Really no idea.
That's it.

City Districts

H. High Spire
High spire is an elite part of the city. Noble’s mansions are located here and also The High
Spire, The ruling chambers of the council and main office of Raven Lords. The island just
offshore is a prison for most dangerous and vile criminals referred by the people of
Ravenstorm as The Cage.

T1. The Great Market

A market where one can find most of common and uncommon goods. Thefts are not
uncommon because of poor security and disorganization of sellers stands.

T2. Jewel Market

A market offering its services through private shops. There are few to very little open shop
stands, since in this area oe can purchase and sell high end commodities. Jewels, magic
shops, high end clothing can be found here.

C. Coin District
Coin district is a trade center where Great guilds hold their offices, also warehouses and
rich merchant mansions can be found here.

D1. North Docks

D2. Inner Docks
D3. Ravenstorm Shipwrights
D4. Trader Docks
S. Shrine District
Here you can find churches and open shrines dedicated to worship of gods. Major locations
are Temple of Waves dedicated to Umberlee, Church or Dawn dedicated to Morninglord
and Shrine of Destiny, dedicated to the silent lady.

N1-N3. The Nests

Here live most of regular people of the city. Each is given name and as they rise in numbers
the quality of living and expenses are rising.
N1. Gray town
N2. South Town
N3. Silver Town

This town was first founded by newcomer gnomes that settled here, both the rock and
wood gnomes and named it Silverrun, but within the first two years the dwarves of the clan
Coalbeard have came and renamed the town Noghgrum after the family patriarch leading
them Master Noghgrum of the Clan Coalbeard. This honor was done when Master
Noghgrum had single handedly defeated a mighty gorgon that plagued the area. Soon
after another clans have gathered here as base of their clan crafters while others went to
the mountains to look for ore and bring back and sell it to those who can afford to pay for

The gnomes had tried to get themselves noticed but today they hold 2 of 5 voices within
the Noghgrum council. Now almost 75 years later the city is a most industrious place
where almost 40% of all island’s metal smelting and crafting is done.

Town of Lakewell is most known for its well. This well is an ancient construction of
indestructible stone, made by the unknown creator and enchanted with magics that said
that water of the well has healing properties, although no arcane scholar is able to detect if
water is affected by the strange magics of the well. Founded by farmers, woodcutters and
Lake well was in its beginning plagued by Tanabrast the Purple Dragon. When a group of
adventurers came and defeated the dragon.

Is a town located in The Laughing Tides Strait. A large woods town. It’s a part of Raven
storm for it holds a Prison for Nobles, called The Shackle. But town actually is known for its
maple trees and maple syrup they make and export.
The Shackle became its name sake when now famous Noble Rolskrin Reldrake became
tired of being famous explorer and decided to give back to the people he loved so much. So
he devised a safe place for criminal nobles to serve out their debt to society in absolute
safety. City is run by a hereditary line of Reldrake Mayors and now Mayor Daugolt
Reldrake makes his noble rule over the fair Mapleham.
City is great exporter of wine, fruits and wood.


Is a biggest and only elven city on the Twin Dragon isles. Located in the area of strong
natural magics. Where the first settlers landed they started assimilated the land with magic
making their city into a natural marven infused with protections others could only dream
of. They named the new settlement Selenalune, by its new lord Selendar Sunmane, who
rules to this day. Elves have explored most of the local forests and made an alliance with
local creatures.

City is split in three distinct sections. Northern area, the largest is most populated with
people, southern area is mostly noted with a shipyard, and The Sun Citadel that is floating
on a raised island above water with a fort of slightly white-yellowish stone. Armed with
mighty magics and weapons to foil invaders that approach too close. Also two tall
lighthouses housing schools of magic.

Rule and Law

The city is ruled by the Sun lord Selendar Sunmane and his rule is hereditary. Few of elven
families have noble title but final say in ways community advances, or rime punished is by
the Sun lord. If sun lord is to busy the everyday problems are solved by the Sunkeepers, a
group of eight, consisting of representatives usually nobles.
The main military are The Sunswords, warrior/mages/clerics who are trained in the art of
war and are main peacekeeping force of Selenalune. The Sunswords vere founded by a
noble family called the Sunswords whom defended the Sun Citadel and became its first
true guardians. Now the noble family is at the head of The Sunswords and dedicate their
training in all aspects of battle, through healing of Carillion Lothlorien priests, Arcane and
Holy warriors to fight, and arcane scholars to maintain protective magics of the domain. No
matter the type of training all are known by the name The Sunswords.
When the sun lord encounters a problem that takes a tactile approach he can call upon
The Lotus, the trained assassins run by the As’zvaltara noble family, and run by Lady
Matriarch Lyn As’zvaltara. They train assassins, monks, warriors, rangers, but special
thing is their unity and total awareness over the area they cover. Loyal to almost fanatical
level to The Lotus. The lotus employs the most drow that chose to come and make life

Trade and Commerce

Artisans and merchants are free to supply their wares without overwatch of any guilds. City
produces masterwork tools and weapons. The shipyards are at the southern part of the

Religion and Theology

Corelion Lothringen is prime religion of the Selenalune. Main temple is located in
artisans quarters and are called Morning Rise and Evenings Hope. Since elven city uses
natural materials druidic circles of stone and wood are considered builders and demand
respect of nature and keep the city alive, they are called The Circle of Growth.

Arcana and Mysticism


Arcana and mysticism are a part of elven nature no matter the race. Since arrival the Moon
Tower has stood in the city transported magically. It is watched over by a Archmage Lunar

NPC’s of interest
Sun lord Selendar Sunmane
Marshal Virgo Sunsword
Gweneth Sunsword
Lyn As’zvaltara
Archmage Lunar Nightwind

Halflings have settled this place fairly recently, only two decades ago. Named Timbershire
for it’s large trees, halflings have made a safe location for themselves. Run by a “do it
yourself” mayor Benny Grasstoes makes sure every family is free to settle and expand
without getting on anyone else's toes. His plan had encompassed all the villages in the area
and each will focus on particular commodity so they do not fall into servitude to the ruffian
large races. Also paid mercenaries provide protection to the town and most known among
them are the Dusk Raiders.

This town was founded by Human settlers who did not want to enter noble hierarchy
Ravenstorm provided, most settlers here were looking to get away from nobles, crowns,
and “noble” lawmakers. Thus a savage but somewhat democratic town of Smoothbarrow
was built by exiles, runaways and those who were put down by higher ups. Each man is
given a voice and is made to serve in town’s militia. Those who steal, cheat or pillage must
either pay reparations to the victim, or be run out of town or executed by the town’s folk.
Town has it’s speaker, like mayor but has little in way of power who is chosen to watch over
and be a public face, but a gathering of citizens will vote on all things that are brought to
Speakers attention.
Town has grown much and way of it’s rule has encouraged for others to seek refuge. This
has brought trouble from everywhere but comradery of town’s people has pushed back all
invaders and provided safe haven for those who wish to contribute and work.

Though town has its militia, Smoothbarrow provides it’s own product in mercenaries who
go out of their way to defend lands from strangers and invaders. Timberwolves are more
famous and they have hunted out of the local woods gigantic brown wolves.
They trade using both ship and road routes with neighboring cities but are not well liked by
other cities.

Rose Keep
Rose Keep was settled by a crown family Rose. A lott of wealth was brought here and all
dwarven made stones used to build it were brought from across the seas. The family had
also brought their servants and peasants to provide them with food. Eventually a group of
mages had settled in the keep serving the Rose family. The wizards magic had cleared area
quickly and made a lot of progress with building their tower within the keep. Known as
Rosethorn tower, and housing its wizards also known as Rosethorn Wizards. They serve
the Rose family but it is rumoured among the people in whispers that it is actually the
wizards that hold all the power.
Rose Keep also houses Knights of The Rose serving the lord and keeping the peace in the

Is one town created on top of a large ruin. Some time after the discovery of the Twin
Dragon Isles a necropolis was found on its southern border. Despite many attempts by the
explorers to cleanse it, it took and actual army of dragonborn who came and destroyed the
vile inhabitants (both undead and monstrosities) and made their noble pyramid shaped
city of Stormdrum. Now inhabited by Vayemniri The pyramid became filled with life again
and guarded by its now famous Bat riders it is a marvel to be seen.
It is ruled by clans of dragons and color of one's scales does not define anyone, they look at
every Vayemniri as a person, while all munthreki(non dragonborn) are looked at with
mistrust. They strive for self sufficiency but will trade food for ore or services.
Their city elite force are The Lance Defenders.
The Vayemniri dislike and distrust religion. Rather looking to get by on their own know
how and not prey to a great master for favors.

Ogzakh Ad
Town of Ogzakh Ad was founded by orkish surviving pirates from times of Pirate Wars.

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