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Meet me in Phandalin:

This adventure has lots of High Fantasy- Tolkien-esque tropes. It’s mostly a
LINEAR story. This is one of those ‘Kill the monster, get the gold’ adventures.

You are in the city of ‘Neverwinter’ when your dwarf patron and friend, Dundren
Rockseeker, hires you to escort a wagon to Phandalin. Gundren has gone ahead with a
warrior to attend to business in the town while you follow with supplies. Once in
Phandalin, you will learn the storied past of the town, maybe chase of a troublesome
gang, maybe raid an old Dwarven mine -evicting a dragon who has made its home there,
possibly taking down an evil wizard who seeks to rule the province.

Dragon of Icespire Peak:

This adventure has lots of High Fantasy- Tolkien-esque tropes. It’s mostly a
SANDBOX story. This is one of those ‘Kill the monster, get the gold’ adventures.

Driven from lands farther north by more powerful dragons, a young white dragon named
Cryovain has de- scended upon the Sword Mountains, claiming the snow- capped range
as its domain. Typical of its kind. Cryovain is dim-witted and cruel. The dragon patrols the
skies around lcespire Peak. surveying its territory while hunt- ing for food and easy
treasure. With each passing day, the dragon's domain grows as it ranges farther across
the land, preying on anything it can catch with its claws or freeze to death with its icy
breath. Sightings of the dragon are becoming more common, as are its attacks.


This story is more of a choose-your-own adventure. High-Fantasy,
Medium Difficulty on the DM’s side.
This adventure begins at the Yawning Portal Tavern, from there, you have
these options:


You are eager to make a name for yourself. The legend of the Sunless Citadel is well
known locally, and stories indicate it is a place that holds promise for those intent on
discovery, glory, and treasure!

Another party of adventurers, locally based, delved into the Sunless Citadel a month past.
They were never seen again . Two human members of that ill-fated party were brother
and sister, Talgen Hucrele (a fighter) and Sharwyn Hucrele (a wizard). They were part of
an im- portant merchant family based in the nearby village of Oakhurst. Kerowyn Hucrele,
the matriarch of the family, offers salvage rights to you and your team if you can find and
return with the two lost members of her family- or at least return the gold signet rings
worn by the missing brother and sister. She also offers a reward of 125 gp per signet ring,
per character. If the characters bring back the Hucreles in good shape (of good mind and
body), she offers to double the reward.


The goblin tribe infesting the nearby ruins, called the Sunless Citadel, though no one
knows why) sells a single piece of magical fruit to the highest bidder in Oakhurst once
every midsummer. They've been doing this for the last twelve years. Usually, the fruit
sells for around 50 gp, which is all the townsfolk can bring them- selves to pay a goblin.
The fruit, apparently an apple of perfect hue, heals those who suffer from any disease or
other ailment. They sometimes plant the seeds at the center of each fruit, hoping to
engender an enchanted apple tree. When the seeds germinate in their proper season,
they produce a twiggy mass of twisted sapling stems. Not too long after the saplings
reach 2 feet in height, they are stolen- every time. The townsfolk as- sume the goblins
send out thieves to ensure their mo- nopoly of enchanted fruit. You are interested in
piercing the mystery associated with how wretched goblins could ever possess such a
wonder, and how they steal every sprouting sapling grown from the enchanted fruit's
seed. Moreover, you wish to find this rumored tree of healing, hoping to heal an ailing
friend or relative.


Medium-Fantasy, Medium Difficulty on the DM’s side. This is like Jurassic Park meets
the Hobbit. Moderately Linear. Moderate Mystery.

The characters are drawn into the story by Syndra Sil- vane, a retired adventurer and
merchant who, years ago, was raised from the dead. Now, she's withering away. When
she consulted priests, Syndra learned that the affliction was widespread and that no spell
could cure it. She spoke to her friends among the Harpers, who deter- mined the source
of the affliction: an ungodly necroman- tic device called the Soulmonger. The Harpers
received their intelligence from a lich, but they don't know much about the Soulmonger
other than its name and general whereabouts. Adventurers willing to help Syndra must
travel to Chult, a land of jungles and monsters, to find the Soulmonger and destroy it.
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

a treasure hunt set against an ‘urban’ backdrop. This is Diagon-Alley meets D&D
meets a Film Noir detective story. Also more of a Sandbox adventure.

• Half a million gold coins are hidden somewhere in Waterdeep. Many individuals
know about the cache and are looking for it. Adventurers can join the hunt and
prevent the cache from falling into evil hands.

• The city is threatened by escalating tension between two power groups that is
on the verge of flaring into violence. The Zhentarim, a shadowy network of mer-
cenaries, and Xanathar, the beholder crime lord of Waterdeep, are at odds, and
when they clash, the char- acters are pulled into the conflict

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