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I wanted to start a business on granite industry for which we need many

machines and well skilled labour.Granites and marbles are the materialiastic thing
which are needed for the decoration of an house as well as for the flooring which
we need to walk on;on the floor.


In the business the most important thing that we make out is the money as well
as a good reputation.this business with a good reputation includes that there is
no cheating that can be done,because a piece of granite or a marble includes the
state of mining and possible polishing of the has got a very good export
as well as the import business in our country.


It includes a risk with the operation of the machines . we also need to find the
granite where it is available and then we need to seek the permission of the
government .which is a difficult process to seek a permission from the
government if it is in a legal way to get the permission ,but we can bribe the
officials and get the has also got the risk of transportation as at any
time there might be any situation that could cause the damage of the goods by
any means like wise an accident.

RESOURCES:CAPITAL:for the investment of the business we need to go for a loan

or find some investors as partners showing the project of our idea which can be
done by;go to an venture or any builders and convince them by showing good
rates contract with them as promissing with them that I will be responsible for
the marbles and granites they needed while the construction process and also
make deals with the retail shoppers.

The raw materials which we need are:



Size of the industry depends upon how much we need to produce for an accepted
contract and depending upon that we need to have an size,because if we need to
produce more amount of materials then we are opted to have an machinery and
people with more in the number which means to be increase in the size of the
industry horizontally or vertically.


We need to have an office with in the industry as well as the office with in the
near by cities of the industry which has got an qualified people to maintain the
accounts,financial as well as the marketing people provided with their own
private individual cabins and high equipped office with all the comforts which
make them an working environment .so that they don’t feel uncomfortable as
well as compare with some others offices which may also have a the persoanl
required for the industry does not involve a lot of qualification but should have an
good experience in the field they are like working experience in some other
industry of the stone or working in a place of where the stone mining was this field we can get the people for working in our industry by only
saying the words of showing them the future than where they have been working
and of course we need to have the employees trained working with the machines
that we get imported.

LOCATION:PLACE:I think it is an industry with heavy machines and lot of

transportation within the industry .it is to be located as far from the city which
excludes the problems of the traffic which makes an main issue in the transport

-machines which are used to make the mines to an layered state and then which
are used to make a complete layer of the granite and marble as well as to be
ready for the transport which speaks used for the floring as well as the showcase

-mines are the regions where we get the granites and marbles after having a
heavy machinery to search for a place we are not sure for even having the
required material .we need an skilled person for searching such a sought of
region where we need to have all the material likely to say the stone which we


The people that we need has to have a good mateurity of marketing as well as
the mateure mentality in handling the thing that happens ,because it is an
industry which may completely faith because the marbles which is supplied to a
place is not for a certain time with short period ,but it will be of long period
negative opinion on the industry.


As we discussed earlier financing which is the main aspect for any business to
start we need to either take a loan or attract any other investors on expressing
our views or by any means.mostly we need to seek for a loan by the bank which
gives good interest rate.we can assume that any bank which attracts to any
investments depends upon the project and the business we put in front of showing like we have an contracts with the builders and some of the
enterpreneurs who own their own ventures of real estate and some other local
retailers of the marbles and granites by providing them a good deals which also
involves marketing for only just promotion of the industry.

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