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Macro retícula. Unidad III. Cuida tu mundo hoy para disfrutarlo mañana.

Identifica causas y efectos de diferentes acciones

Competencia disciplinar básica de los alumnos: identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o
escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural y. Se comunica en
una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situación comunicativa.
Habilidades comunicativas básicas: Comprensión auditiva (listening), expresión oral (speaking), comprensión lectora (reading
comprehension) y expresión escrita (writing).
Meso retícula. Competencia. Piensa críticamente para prever consecuencias.
Micro retícula
¿Qué pasaría si las predicciones se vuelven realidad? Argumenta los resultados de una acción.
Grammar Plantea suposiciones.
Condicionales Cero y Primero.
Worksheets / Exercises Rubric 15%
WebQuest Rubric 25%
Final Writing Test 60%

There´re different types of conditional of the If – clauses.
Type If clause Main clauses
Present Real Conditional or Zero Simple Present Simple Present
Future Conditionals or First Simple Present Will Future
Present Real Conditional or Zero
Form Explanation
If//When…Simple present…., Simple present The Zero Conditional is used to talk about what you normally do in real –life situations.
NOTE: Both “If” and “When” are used in the Present Real Conditional or Zero.
* Using “If” suggests that something happens; less frequently
* Using “When” suggests that something happens regularly.
If I work hard in English class, I get good grades
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Present simple Present simple

If you communicate to your family and friends by chat, It is faster than e-mail.
If my Father woks much, He gives to my Mother things.
If Adam lends his cell phone, It spends credit.
Brenda is in the school If she wears the uniform.
We understand very well English If We always practice it.
If We take care of the animal species, they don´t disappear.

Future Conditionals or First

Form Explanation
If//When…Simple present…., Simple future. The First Conditional describe what you think you will do in a specific situation
in the future. You are usually imagining, or guessing about the future.

If I exercise, I won´t be sick.
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Present simple Future simple

They won´t throw garbage out the desk If they love our planet.
If there isn´t nothing interesting on TV, I´ll do early my homework.
If my father has a day off from his work, He will stay all day in my house.

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