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Marriage - A Bond Which Needs the Maximum Care and Attention

Marriage is the relationship, which binds a couple into a lifetime bond. It is considered to be
the most respected and the purest bond in the Indian society. Marriages in India are not meant
to be broken; they are groomed with the belief of getting stronger with each passing day.
Whether its arranged marriage or love marriage, people always try to save their marriage and
make their journey cheerful. Indian brides and grooms are instilled with the values of
respecting the wedding bond and making each possible effort to fulfil the wishes of their life
partner. The atmosphere in the Indian families, does not introduce their children to words like
divorce or break- ups. From the very starting of their life, they are made to believe in the
strength of the marriage bond.

All the customs performed in the marriages of India are to increase the life of the bond. India
is a land full of cultures and religions, due to which different rituals and traditions are
practiced respectively. The sanctity of the wedding customs remains the same, even with the
change in time. Same ways, the respect and the dedication of the bride and groom towards
marriage has to remain same, even the atmosphere or the mindset changes. This is one thing,
which parents and the families in India, would not only expect but also never accept from
their coming generations. New ways of treating life and modern approach all have been
welcomed by the elders in the society, but taking the marriage bond lamely is not

Problems or ups and downs in marriage life can be seen in a number of families, which are
supposed to be tackled carefully. Intelligent and balanced approach towards life, can help the
bride and groom, fight with the difficulties of married life. There are a lot of changes, which
one experiences after getting married. These changes are on both the sides, i.e., of bride and
groom both, and each of them expects the other one to bring their life back to normal. It is the
duty of the brides and grooms to keep the factor of happiness alive in each other’s life.
Marriages in India are celebrated with great spirits and bride and groom wait for the D-day,
from the very beginning of their teen age. This dream can be lived in reality only, if the bride
and groom both contribute equally towards the resurrection of optimism in their lives every

Many couples consult marriage counselors for a better married life. The consultation is taken
from the experts both before and after marriage. Before marriage, couple generally consult to
know their compatibility and whether they would be able to lead their life together or not.
After marriage, counselors are addressed with the marriage problems and the ways to sort out
them. Thus, marriage counselors and agencies have started playing a significant role in
helping the couple strengthen their wedding bond. The trend of these counselors has grown,
due to the increasing dependency of common man on the single word called advice. To an
extent using their services is not wrong, but as the Indian mythology goes, the couple should
themselves try and solve their problems.

One most important step towards the accomplishment of a successful wedding bond is a
proper communication between the spouses. Communication gaps, not only creates
misunderstanding, but also lessen the amount of trust the couple has on each other. Talking
about small-small things in life, en-root the wheels of marriage to a stable and a joyful
wedding journey.

Gurleen writes on behalf of, which is India’s fastest growing matrimonial

website providing online Indian matrimonial classified service. enables
users to create and search corresponding matches for their respective profiles like Hindu
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