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Name: ___________________

Combat Hapkido

History of Hapkido

As with most martial arts, the history of Hapkido, is

shrouded in mystery and controversy. Lack of original records,
hearsay, anecdotes, politics, egos, and ravages of time all but
ensure sketchy and biased accounts of the origin of this martial

Over the past 2000 years the Korean people have

developed several fighting systems and martial disciplines,
which have evolved into modern TaeKwonDo, Tang Soo Do,
Hapkido, Kook Sook, Hwa Rang Do and others. Hundreds of
years of trade, war, occupation and exchange between Korea
and its neighbors, China and Japan, has resulted in “cross-
pollination”, mutual influence and blending of styles and
techniques. It is now virtually impossible to state with certainty
which techniques are truly Korean, Chinese or Japanese in

Hapkido was founded by Choi Yong Sool (1904-1986).

Reportedly he developed the system by combining native
Korean fighting methods with Japanese Daito Ryu Aiki-Ju Jitsu.
Choi had learned that system from its Headmaster Sokaku
Takeda while living in Japan from 1915-1945. After his return
to Korea, Choi started teaching Self Defense (Yawara) in
TaeGue City. He initially called his system Yu Kwon Sool.
One of Choi‟s senior students, Ji Han-Jae, claims to have been
the first to introduce the name “Hapkido” in Seoul in 1957.
However, this is strongly disputed by Choi‟s first student and
mentor, Prof. Suh Bok Sup, who claims that he and Choi were

already using the word “Hapkido” when they opened their first
dojang (school) in 1951.

Some “traditional” instructors claim that Hapkido contains

over 3600 techniques, including as many as 120 different kicks.
However, Prof. Suh Bok Sup, who was Choi‟s first and
employer, disputes this and asserts that the original Hapkido
system as taught by Choi was comprised of only 100 self
defense techniques. Nowadays there are many styles of
Hapkido as well as over a dozen associations / governing bodies.
Some styles have produced forms (Hyung) and require them for
advancement; others emphasize high kicking (including jumping
and flying kicks); still others, heavily influenced by Judo and
Aikido, emphasize throwing skills.

The word Hapkido is made up of three distinct words. As

you will see, each word has a few different meanings.

HAP, which means to coordinate, to combine, to unite, to join;

KI, which means internal power, dynamic energy, life force; and
DO, which means the way, the system, the method.

Universal Theories of Hapkido

The three universal theories of Hapkido are:

 The Water Principle (Yu), which teaches the student to

penetrate the defenses of the attacker by “flowing” in, over,
around or under.

 The Circular Motion Principle (Won), which teaches the

student how to gain and impart momentum by moving in a
circular manner. By redirecting the attack in a circular
direction the student controls the balance and the kinetic
energy of the attacker.

 The Non-resistance (or Harmony) Principle (Hwa),

which teaches the student to remain relaxed, flexible (not
tense) and not to meet force with force.

The Founder of Combat Hapkido

Grandmaster John Pellegrini is the Founder and President

of the International Combat Hapkido Federation. With over 35
years of Martial Arts study and research in Europe, the U.S. and
Asia, he is recognized as one of the foremost experts and leading
authority on Self Defense. His superior teaching skills and
technical knowledge have earned him the highest reputation

Combat Hapkido

In 1990 Grandmaster Pellegrini officially named his style

of Hapkido, “Combat Hapkido” (Chon-Tu Kwan Hapkido in
Korean). The name clearly identifies it and sets it apart from
other so called “traditional” styles of Hapkido. It is also referred
to as the “Science of Self-Defense”.

Combat Hapkido is an extremely realistic and versatile

discipline of self protection that includes and extensive variety
of joint locks, kicks, strikes, take downs, pressure points,
grappling, and disarming techniques. The result is a
comprehensive Self Defense system enjoyable to learn, safe to
practice and most of all, totally effective.

Combat Hapkido‟s dynamic concepts are based on

scientific principles of anatomy and biomechanics as well as
psychology and strategy. It is well suited for men and women of
all ages and sizes because physical strength and athletic abilities
are not essential. The emphasis is on redirecting the assailants‟
aggression and power back toward them with little effort and
minimum force on your part.

Combat Hapkido Accreditation

Grandmaster Pellegrini first received unofficial approval

for Combat Hapkido by Grandmaster In Sun Seo while training
with him in Pusan, Korea in 1993. After six years of monitoring
and supervision, Grandmaster In Sun Seo granted Combat
Hapkido official recognition and “Kwan” accreditation in March
of 1999. This unprecedented act established Combat Hapkido
as a legitimate style of Hapkido, registered with the World Ki-
Do Federation and recognized by the Korean Government. The
official Korean name for the system is “Chon-Tu Kwan
Hapkido”. The ceremony of official recognition was held in
Boca Raton, Florida on March 27th of 1999. Grandmaster
Pellegrini was presented with the official certificate of approval
by the World Ki-Do Federation / Korea Ki-Do Association.

The ICHF Logo
The ICHF logo reflects the philosophy of the ICHF by
bringing together the rich heritage of the Orient with that of
Western civilization.

 The red and blue symbol (commonly referred to as the

Ying / Yang) is the Korean Taeguek (Um / Yang) and it
represents the foundation of Oriental thought, wisdom and
philosophy. In the ICHF logo it acknowledges our roots
and connection to Korean martial arts.

 For many centuries, in Western culture, the lion has been

used as a majestic symbol of strength, courage, freedom
and leadership. These attributes are at the core of
everything the ICHF embodies and represents.

 The Oriental symbol at the bottom of the logo is the Korean

character for “Ki” which symbolizes “life energy”, an
indispensable element for understanding Hapkido.

School Etiquette
 Respect yourself and others at all times.
 Ensure the safety of yourself and others at all times.
 The instructor should be referred to as “Sir”, “Ma‟am”, “Mr…..”,
or “Ms. ….”.
 Do not bring food, drinks or gum into the training area.
 Keep yourself and your uniform well groomed.
 Remember you are here to learn and not to glorify your own ego.
Before Class
 No shoes on the mat, store shoes and bags in the cubical.
 Remove watches, necklaces, large earring and similar jewelry prior
to class.
 Be on time for class, if you arrive late perform push-ups and then
join class in the last row.
 Be dressed in your complete uniform, if you are missing a part of
your uniform perform push-ups and then join class in the last row.
During Class
 When lining up, the most senior student will line up facing the
instructor and to the instructor‟s left; all others will fill in
according to rank.
 Class begins and ends with a bow to the instructor. Some
westerners associate bowing as a form of worshipping; however,
bowing is simply a form of showing courtesy or respect. It has no
religious significance.
 Keep talking to a minimum during class.

Black Belt Principles

Courtesy: it‟s using words like please and thank you.

Integrity: being honest at school and at home, it‟s how you act
when you think no one is watching, what you say and do are the

Self-Control: thinking before you act.

Perseverance: finishing something once you have started,

refusing to quit when the going gets rough.

Indomitable Spirit: showing no fear in the face of trouble, it‟s

knowing in life there are some risks that must be taken and
having the courage to take them.

Code of Conduct

Respect each other,

Help each other,
Be honest, and
Always stand by the weak.

Testing & Promotions

In order to test the student must have each of the belt

requirements checked and initialed by the instructor prior to the
testing date. The student must also complete a testing
application and submit their fee at least one week prior to the

During testing/promotion it is encouraged that the student

invites his/her family members and friends.

How long does it take to earn my belt?

Promotions / Time In Grade

The following are only approximations. Some may progress faster and some may take longer at
each belt level.

Belt Level Time In Grade

10th Gup…..White Belt 1 Month 10-15 classes
9th Gup…..Yellow Belt 1 Month 10-15 classes
8th Gup…..Orange Belt 2 Months 20-30 classes
7th Gup…..Green Belt 2 Months 20-30 classes
6th Gup…..Purple Belt 4 Months 40-60 classes
5th Gup…..Blue Belt 4 Months 40-60 classes
4th Gup…..Brown Belt 5 Months 50-75 classes
3rd Gup…..Red Belt 5 Months 50-75 classes
2nd Gup…..Red/Black Belt 6 Months 60-90 classes
1st Gup…..Black / White Belt 6 Months 60-90 classes
1st Dan/Poomse…Black Belt 1 Year 120-180 classes

Yellow Belt (9th Gup)
School Knowledge
____ School Tenets
____ Code of Conduct
____ Basic School Etiquette
____ Properly tie belt

____ Fighting

____ #1 Backward breakfall
____ #2 Side breakfall
____ #3 Forward roll

Hand Strikes
____ #1 Vertical (jab/cross)
____ #2 Hammer fist (Horizontal/Vertical)
____ #3 Backfist

____ #1 Front Kick (Front/Back Leg)
____ #2 Side Kick (Front/Back Leg)
____ #3 Back
____ Kicking Concept: Snap & Thrust

Soft Blocks (Deflections)

____ Inside (same side / cross side)
____ Outside (same side / cross side)

____ #1 – Open hand „live hand‟, lower CoG, push forearm forward,
twist hand palm down, twist whole body inward and back.

____ #2 – Live hand, lower CoG, rotate hand around attacker‟s forearms
with your thumb on the outside of attacker‟s forearm, push palm in and
across to secure break away.
____ #3 – Live hand, knife hand strike to radial nerve, and thrust trapped
hand backward.

____ #4 – Live hand, rotate your palm down, free hand hammer fist into
the back of attacker‟s wrist, and thrust trapped hand backward.

____ Same Side Wrist Grab #1 – Live hand, distraction, rotate palm up
with elbow close to the body, free hand reaches under attacker‟s hand
and grasp the outside of the thumb, trapped hand comes out and grasps
the pinky side of attacker‟s hand and torque to the outside, pressure to
the ground, extend attacker‟s on ground and place knee on attacker‟s

____ Same Side Wrist Grab #2 – Live hand, distraction, rotate palm up
with elbow close to the body, free hand tiger-mouths attacker‟s wrist,
trapped hand rotates out and applies pressure to back side of attacker‟s
palm, direct over attacker‟s shoulder and take to ground (trip attacker
with inside foot if needed)

Orange Belt (8th Gup)
____ #4 Forward break fall
____ #5 Backward roll
____ #6 Dive
____ #7 Rolling escape

Hand Strikes
____ #4 Uppercut
____ #5 Hook

____ #4 Roundhouse
____ #5 Inside crescent
____ #6 Outside crescent

____ #5 – Live hand, distraction, step across with the cross foot, hammer fist strike
to the radial nerve, spin into the attacker and perform a rear elbow strike with the
previously trapped hand, hammer fist to face.

____ #6 – Live hand, distraction, step toe to toe with the same side foot, push
elbow above the attacker‟s elbow with the trapped hand, thrust hand down and
away from attacker, come back with a rear elbow strike.

____ #7 – Live hand, distraction, step toe to toe with the same side foot, push
elbow to elbow with the trapped hand, turn palm down, push arm out horizontally,
back fist to face.

____ #8 – Live hand, distraction, step toe to toe with the same side foot, push
elbow below the attacker‟s elbow with the trapped hand, pull arm out high, elbow
strike to head or knife hand to throat.

____ #9 – Live hand, pointed finger towards attacker‟s face, step behind the
attacker‟s foot with the same side foot, push knife hand across attacker‟s face and
twist backward taking the attacker to the ground.

Same Side Wrist Grabs
____ #3 – Live hand, distraction, rotate palm up and grasp attacker‟s hand with
both hand, rotating attacker‟s palm to the outside, shoot attacker‟s elbow into his
body and then pull arm back out forcefully.

____ #4 – Live hand, distraction, rotate hand to the outside, cross hand grasps the
back of attacker‟s palm, pressure down on the attacker‟s thumb with the trapped
hand and then apply pressure to the triceps tendon, and pressure down into an arm

____ #5 – Live hand, distraction, rotate to the outside, trapped hand tiger mouths
attacker‟s wrist, cross hand covers the back of attacker‟s palm and pressure fingers
towards the elbow.

Cross Wrist Grabs

____ #1 – Live hand, distraction, rotate to the outside and re-grasp attacker‟s
forearm, free hand applies pressure to the triceps tendon and take to the ground.

____ #2 – Live hand, distraction, counter-grab on the inside of attacker‟s forearm,

free hand grasps back of attacker‟s wrist, step in placing your same side shoulder
under the attacker‟s elbow, break elbow over your shoulder, continue rotating
under the arm and chicken wing to the ground.

____ #3 – Live hand, counter-grab, step in with same side foot, free hand shots a
knife hand cross attacker‟s face as the trapped hand pulls out, free hand comes
around and under the attacker‟s arm and into an elbow lock pulling the attacker‟s
wrist toward your body.

____ Jab (tip & hook)
____ Block (high & low)
____ Cane Set #1
 high block, front kick, tip jab to face
 turn 90 left, low block, hook jab
 turn 90 left, high block, front kick, tip jab to face
 turn 90 left, low block, hook jab
 turn 90 left, criss-cross and chamber

Green Belt (7th Gup)
Hand Strikes
____ Palm Heel
____ Tiger Mouth

____ Slap
____ Scoop

____ #10 – Live hand, same side foot steps in, trapped side elbow raises and
strikes to the face.

____ #11 – Live hand, same side foot steps in, angle fingers upward, raising elbow
strike into the solar plexus, downward elbow strike to the clavicle.

____ #12 – Live hand, angle fingers towards attacker‟s face, keep elbow in, thrust
hand outward and tiger mouth to attacker‟s throat.

____ #13 – Live hand, same side foot steps to the outside, turn hip-to-hip, elbow-
to-elbow, rotate to the outside and pull trapped arm out horizontally, elbow strike
to the spine.

____ #14 – Live hand and raise hand a little, step across and under the arm, as arm
come free knife hand strike to the body, grasp shoulders from behind and scoop
kick to the back of knee and bring to the ground.

Same Side Wrist Grabs

____ #6 – Distraction, same side hand tiger mouths attacker‟s wrist, opposite hand
covers the back of the attacker‟s palm, rotate over, same side hand releases and
reaches behind and around attacker‟s head and grasps the chin, torque the chin out
and pull in as the other hand keeps pressure on the attacker‟s wrist and pushes in.

____ #7 – Distraction, same side hand rotates to the outside and counter-grabs,
opposite side hand attacks the triceps tendon and pressures down.

____ #8 – Distraction, same side hand rotates the palm toward your face, the
opposite side hand reaches across and grasps the posterior side of the wrist, trapped
arm pressures down into the fingers and thrust toward the attacker.

____ #9 – Distraction, same side hand rotates to the outside, the thumb stays on the
outside and the fingers come back under the wrist, the opposite hand reaches
invertedly across to collapse the elbow, same side elbow rotates under the
attacker‟s elbow and next to attacker‟s side, free hand grasps the outside of
attacker‟s hand and the finish is a „gooseneck.‟

____ #10 –Distraction, push same side hand out tiger mouthing the attacker‟s
wrist, opposite side hand strikes under the elbow and slightly grasp the elbow,
same side hand pushes attacker‟s wrist towards your opposite side hand and it
locks on the anterior side of the attackers forearm, (can be used as an escort or the
take attacker to the ground).

Cross Wrist Grab

_____ #4 – Distraction, counter-grab, same side hand applies pressure point to the
attacker‟s elbow, raise attacker‟s arm up and step under into a chicken wing and
take to the ground.

_____ #5 – Distraction, rotate trapped hand to the outside and grasp attacker‟s
wrist, as the same side hand traps the back of the attacker‟s hand, apply pressure
down and towards yourself.

_____ #6 –Distraction, counter-grab and pull in and step hip-to-hip, same side
hand reaches behind and around attacker‟s head grasping the chin and pull into
shoulder, trapped is being pulled across your abdomen and pressure is being
applied to the elbow.
____ Technique (clearing & strike)
____ Block (roof & shield)
____ Cane Set #2
 roof block, counter strike, side kick
 turn 90 left, clearing (1,2), shield block, strike
 turn 90 left, roof block, counter strike, side kick
 turn 90 left, clearing (1,2), shield block, strike
 turn 90 left, criss-cross and chamber

Purple Belt (6th Gup)
Hand Strikes
____ #3 Knife hand
____ #4 Spear hand
____ #5 Ox jaw

____ #9 Upward knee
____ #10 Roundhouse knee

Breakaway from 2 hands Grabbing 1

____ #1 – Distraction, step in with same side foot, point fingers upward, free hand
grasps the back of the trapped hand and pulls out, elbow strike to the face.

____ #2 – Distraction, step in with same side foot, point fingers upward, free hand
grasps the anterior side of the trapped hand and pulls out in an upward motion,
upward elbow strike to sternum and face.

____ #3 – Distraction, step in with the same side foot, angle elbow out/upward and
angle hand downward and towards yourself, free hand grasps trapped hand and
pulls out, follow up with back fist or back kick.

Same Side Wrist Grabs

____ #11 – Distraction, same side hand tiger mouths wrist, opposite hand covers
the back of the palm, as the arm rotates up, pressure into the attacker, torque wrist
by twisting hands in the opposite direction.

____ #12 – Hand strike distraction, cross hand reaches over and slightly lifts the
elbow, trapped hand pulls down and out and shoots behind the attacker‟s same side
shoulder and into a hammer lock.

____ #13 – Distraction, step in with the same side foot coming almost elbow to
elbow, free hand reaches under your trapped hand and grasps the posterior portion
of the forearm, rotate trapped hand out, rear elbow strike to face, knife hand strike
to bicep and snake hand around attacker‟s arm and into a hammer lock.

____ #14 – Distraction, step in with the same side foot coming almost elbow to
elbow, free hand reaches over your trapped hand and grasps the anterior portion of
the forearm, pull trapped hand out and into your body, continue turning into the
attacker, free hand now grasps the outside of attacker‟s hand, step under attacker‟s
arm and into a chicken wing.

____ #15 – Distraction, rotate hand out and grasp the wrist with the free hand, pull
trapped hand out and grasp the outside of attacker‟s hand, push arm up and step
under and into a center lock.

Cross Wrist Grabs

____ #7 – Distraction, rotate the hand up so that your palm faces the attacker, free
hand grasps attacker‟s wrist and break trapped hand away and apply pressure to the
back of attacker‟s palm and take to ground.

____ #8 – Distraction, snake trapped hand up and around attacker‟s wrist, free
hand grasps attacker‟s wrist, trapped hand slides out and grasps the fingers and
twist into attacker, pushing attacker‟s elbow up and then forcefully thrust
attacker‟s arm back and down.

Side Wrist Grabs

____ #1 – Distraction (sidekick), free hand reaches across and trapped attacker‟s
hand on your wrist, rotate your elbow over the attacker‟s forearm and pressure

____ #2 – Distraction, (sidekick), pull your trapped hand into your chest, free hand
reaches under and traps the attacker‟s hand on your wrist, rotate your elbow over
the attacker‟s forearm and pressure downward.

____ #1 – Step to the outside, inside-outside parry and trap the wrist, knife hand
strike and pressure to the triceps tendon and take to ground.

____ #2 – Step to the outside, inside-outside parry and trap the wrist, step behind,
free hand comes around head and ridge hand strike to the far side of the neck and
into a headlock, keep the trapped wrist and arm pulled across your chest.
____ Part one of Cane form

Blue Belt (5th Gup)

Hand Strikes
____ #6 Inside elbow
____ #7 Outside elbow
____ #8 Upward elbow
____ #9 Downward elbow
____ #10 Backward elbow

Same Side Wrist Grabs

____ #16 – Live hand, distraction, rotate trapped hand to the outside with palm
down, free hand grasps the attacker‟s wrist, trapped hand pulls down and out and
grasps the outside of attacker‟s hand, step under the attacker‟s arm and into a
center lock.

____ #17 – Live hand, distraction, rotate trapped hand to the outside, tiger mouth
attacker‟s wrist with trapped hand, free hand grasp the back of attacker‟s palm,
continue rotating over, step in with same side foot, and pressure down and in with
same side elbow (elbow to elbow).

____ #18 – Live hand, distraction, flex wrist toward the outside tiger mouthing the
wrist, free hand grasps the attacker‟s elbow, raise up and step under into a bar arm

____ #19 – Live hand, distraction, step in with same side foot, free hand reaches
over your hand and grasps the attacker‟s wrist, trapped hand pulls out and grasps
the back of attacker‟s fingers pulling fingers down and back, step same side elbow
under attacker‟s elbow and finish.

____ #20 – Live hand, distraction, step in with same side foot, free hand reaches
over your hand and grasps the attacker‟s wrist, trapped hand pulls out and grasps
under attacker‟s forearm, pulling attacker‟s arm into your body, forcefully pressure
in with same side shoulder / upper arm and take attacker to the ground.

2 Hand Wrist Grabs

____ #1 – Live hand, distraction, trapped hand snakes to the outside with palm
towards attacker‟s face, free hand grasps attacker‟s belt and pulls and the trapped
hand thrusts towards attacker‟s face and take to ground.

____ #2 – Live hand, distraction, rotate palm up with elbow close to the body, free
hand reaches under attacker‟s hand and grasp the outside of the thumb, trapped
hand comes out and grasps the pinky side of attacker‟s hand and torque to the
outside, pressure to the ground.

____ #3 –Live hand, distraction, rotate (snake) trapped hand to the outside of
attacker‟s opposite wrist and grasp attacker‟s wrist, as the same side hand traps the
back of the attacker‟s hand, apply pressure down and towards yourself.

Side Wrist Grabs

____ #3 – Live hand, distraction, pull trapped hand into your chest, free hand
reaches over and grasps back of attacker‟s wrist, pull trapped hand down and out,
free hand rear elbow strike to attacker‟s chest, reach under and around attacker‟s
head grasping on the rear of the jaw, pressure in and down with shoulder, take to
the ground and finish.

____ #4 – Live hand, distraction, pull trapped hand into your chest, free hand
reaches over and grasps back of attacker‟s wrist and pull into your chest, forcefully
rotate in with same side shoulder and take to ground.

____ #5 – Live hand, distraction, rotate trapped hand up and out with your palm
facing up, free hand grasps attackers wrist, trapped hand pulls out and grasps
attacker‟s fingers and torque back and to the outside, taking attacker to the ground.

____ #3 – Step to the outside, same side hand comes over and around attacker‟s
punching hand, pull attacker‟s arm into your chest, free hand grasps the back of
attacker‟s hand and start bending attacker‟s palm toward the elbow and reverse
direction as the same side foot steps back, take to the ground.

____ #4 – Step to the inside, both hand come up, same side hand blocks and traps
wrist as the opposite side hand strikes the biceps tendon, letting the attacker‟s
momentum take him to the ground.

2 Hands Grabbing 2 Wrists (front)

____ #1 – Live hands, one hand rotates in and palm up, the other turns palm down
and out, smash attacker‟s knuckles together, pull to hand out, rear elbow strike to

____ #2 – Live hands, distraction, rotate both hand out and up, palms in, smash
hands together, one hand covers over and pressure both hands down, palm strike to

2 Hands Grabbing 2 Wrists (back)

____ #1 – Live hands, distraction, fake to one side stepping and slightly raising
hand, step in the opposite direction raising that arm up and stepping under and
turning your palm down, opposite hand grasps the outside of attacker‟s hand and
into a center lock.

____ #2 – Live hands, distraction, fake to one side stepping and slightly raising
hand, step in the opposite direction raising that arm up and stepping under and
behind attacker‟s leg, sweep leg and pressure back with arm, taking to the ground.

____ Part two of Cane form

Brown Belt (4th Gup)
____ #5 – Step to the inside, same side hand blocks and traps the wrist, opposite
arm comes through with a horizontal elbow strike.

____ #6 – Step in with the opposite foot, same side hand blocks and traps the wrist,
opposite hand comes under and around attacker‟s arm, pivot in and hip toss.

2 Hand Wrist Grabs

____ #4 – Live hand, distraction, trapped hand counter-grabs, free hand attacks
pressure point on same side elbow, raise arm up and step under and into a chicken

____ #5 – Live hand, distraction, trapped hand snakes to the outside and counter-
grabs, free hand attacks the triceps tendon and pressure to the ground.

____ #6 – Live hand, distraction, trapped hand counter-grabs, free hand strikes
across the face and then comes under the trapped arm and applies an elbow lock.

2 Hands Grabbing 2 Wrists (front)

____ #3 – Live hands, raise one hand the lower the other, low side foot steps in and
other foot steps behind attacker‟s foot as the high hand thrusts into attacker‟s neck
and take to the ground.

____ #4 – Live hands, distraction, both hands counter-grab to the outside, raise
hands up and step under both arms and into a throw.

____ #5 – Live hands, distraction, one hand goes palm down and the other palm
up, palm down hand grasps the attacker‟s opposite hand, palm up hand breaks free
and shoots under and around both of attacker‟s arm as you step in and hip toss.

____ #6 – Live hands, distraction, „clap hands‟ and one hand breaks free, free hand
ki strike and then attacks triceps tendon.

2 Hands Grabbing 2 Wrists (back)

____ #3 – Live hands, distraction, fake to one side stepping and slightly raising
hand, step in the opposite direction raising that arm up and stepping under and
turning your palm down, opposite hand grasps the outside of attacker‟s hand and
into a horizontal center lock, keeping attacker‟s elbow down.

____ #4 – Live hands, one foot steps forward, opposite arm does a rear elbow
strike to the body, re-chamber and break away, rear elbow strike to the head, spin
out and counter-grab with trapped hand, free attacks the triceps tendon.

1 Hand Shoulder Grab (front)

____ #1 – Distraction, cross hand traps attacker‟s hand your shoulder, free hand
does a ki strike and grasps the wrist, rotate shoulder inward and perform a wrist

____ #2 – Distraction to face, same side hand traps attacker‟s wrist to your
shoulder, free hand grasps the elbow and raise up slightly and step under and into
an arm lock.

____ #3 – Cross hand traps attacker‟s hand to your shoulder as the free hand comes
under the arm and back fist to the face and wraps around and torques the arm.

1 Hand Lapel (chest) Grab

____ #1 – Same side hand traps attacker‟s hand to your chest as the opposite hand
does a palm heel strike to the face and grasps the wrist, pulling attacker‟s hand into
your chest, the same side foot steps back and you spin to the rear.

____ #2 - Same side hand traps attacker‟s wrist to your chest as the opposite hand
does a palm heel strike to the face and grasps the hand, pulling attacker‟s hand into
your chest, forcefully pressure down and hammer fist to head or back.

____ Part three of Cane Form

Red Belt (3rd Gup)

1 hand shoulder grab (front):
_____ #4 – Lower CoG, Trap with cross hand, ox jaw strike to torso, rotate
shoulder inward and bring free arm over attacker‟s arm rotating downward and
trap next to thigh.

_____ #5 – Lower CoG, trap with cross hand, ki strike to body, rotate shoulder
inwards, free arm come over attacker‟s arm elbow to elbow and rotate down and
outward with palm up.

_____ #6 – Lower CoG, trap with cross hand, ki strike to body, lock both hands on
attacker‟s wrist and rotate inward, bringing your outside elbow over and around
attacker‟s arm, locking nest to your body.

1 hand lapel (chest) grab:

_____ #3 – Distraction, both hands lock on the wrist, rotate inward, attempting to
rotate attacker‟s forearm inward while the other hand attempts to cause lateral
flexion of the wrist.

_____ #4 – Distraction, both hands lock on the wrist, rotate inward, attempting to
rotate attacker‟s forearm inward while the other hand attempts to cause lateral
flexion of the wrist, use your elbow to pressure down on attacker‟s elbow.

_____ #5 – Distraction with inside hand, outside hand does a palm strike to elbow,
snake inside hand around attacker‟s arm and grasp the chin while the other hand
grasps the back of the head, twist to ground.

Back collar grab (from front):

_____ #1 – Distraction with inside hand, outside hand comes over and rotates in
and inside hand joins with other hand and pressures down locking elbow to the

_____ #2 – Cross hand reaches back and traps the hand, bobbing under attacker‟s
arm and coming up on the other side, pressure in with your cheek as the free hand
applies pressure to the triceps.

_____ #3 – Bring cross hand up to block, same side hand strikes the ribs and grasp
elbow and pull it in, cross hand grasps attacker‟s opposite shoulder, sweep
attacker‟s leg and take to ground.

2 hand lapel (chest) grabs:

_____ #1 – One hand snakes over and under attacker‟s forearms and pry up, free
hand applies pressure to the elbow, while rotating should inward.

_____ #2 – One hand comes over and traps both of attacker‟s forearms and then
the other comes over and traps, apply pressure downward, and shoot hands into
attacker‟s face.

1 hand middle sleeve grabs:

_____ #1 – Insert thumb inside of attacker‟s hand as same side hand/forearm
rotates over attacker‟s forearm and pressure downward.

_____ #2 – Same side hand wraps around attacker‟s hand and torque inward and

2 hand middle sleeve grabs (front):

_____ #1 – Distraction, rotate both hands inward into and double forearm lock,
lower CoG and step back, taking to ground.

_____ #2 – Distraction, one hand comes under and grasps the cross wrist as the
free hand comes over and traps both hands, lower CoG and step back.

_____ #3 – Distraction, one hand comes under and grasps the cross wrist as the
free hand comes over and pressures down on the same side forearm.

_____ #4 – One hand comes under and raises up as the cross hands grasps the
cross elbow, same side hand shoots towards the face and wraps around the
attacker‟s arm, torque inward.

Side body grabs (from the front):

_____ #1 – Same side hand rotates under trapping the attacker‟s hand, free hand
palm heel strike to face, strike to under side of elbow and grasp shoulder and
sweep to ground.

_____ #2 – Same side hand rotates under trapping the attacker‟s hand, free hand
palm heel strike to face and comes down on forearm, pressuring to the ground.

____ Entire Cane Form

Red with a Black Stripe Belt (2 nd Gup)

1 hand shoulder grab (front):
_____ #7 – Trap with cross hand, free hand strike to ribs, with knife hand strike to
elbow and then pressure down.

_____ #8 – Trap with cross hand, free hand does a Ki strike with an ox jaw, rotate
the grasped shoulder inward, free hand goes up and then downward elbow strike to
attacker‟s elbow.

2 hand lapel (chest) grabs:

_____ #3 – Grab attacker‟s belt with one hand, as opposite hand spear hands to
throat, push and pull to the ground.

_____ #4 – Punch to abdomen, two hands grab one of attacker‟s hands and
perform a wrist lock, pulling into the body and twisting to the ground.

2 hand middle sleeve grabs (rear)

_____ #1 – fake to one side and step out to the other side, stepping behind
attacker‟s foot, grasp ankle and pull up forcefully.

2 hand shoulder grabs (back):

_____ #1 – Step to the outside, strike groin, and reach up and trap hand on
shoulder, step under the arm, finish with an arm bar or center lock.

Belt grabs (palm down):

_____ #1 – Distraction with same side hand, opposite comes under attacker‟s hand
and traps it into the body, step to the outside, knife hand to the triceps and roll it
over, taking to the ground.

_____ #2 – Distraction kick, Cross hand grasps under the wrist, same side hammer
fist strike to back of forearm, back fist to face, live-hand knife-hand pressure down
on forearm to ground.

Hostile handshakes:
_____ #1 – knife hand strike into radial nerve, knocking attacker‟s hand off of

_____ #2 – Pronate your hand and extend attacker‟s arm, upward palm strike to the
elbow and thrust attacker backwards.

Full Nelsons:
_____ #1 – As attacker‟s hands come under your arms lower CoG, two hand grasp
on attacker‟s hand and modified hip toss to ground.

_____ #2 – As attacker‟s hand come under your arms lower CoG, cross hand
grasps attacker‟s fingers as same side hand grasps wrist and pull in your body
bending fingers backward, modified hip toss to ground.

____ Part one of ‘Old Man with a Cane’ Form

____ Have attended at least one ICHF or other approved martial arts training
workshop in the past year.

Black with a White Stripe Belt (1st Gup)
2 hand lapel (chest) grabs
______ #5 – Strike to the side of face while placing both of your forearms across the attacker‟s
wrists / forearms, pressure down and step back, double horizontal hammer fist to head.

______ #6 – distraction, shot one arm under and between attacker‟s arms and grasp the throat,
with the other hand grasp the back of the head/hair, twist and take to the ground.

Belt grabs (palm up)

______ #3 - palm strike to face and the cross hand grasps the attacker‟s wrist, ridge hand strike
to the underside of the elbow, with this same hand reach cross and grasp the attack‟s far side
lapel, rotate and take to the ground.

______ #4 – palm strike to face with the opposite hand, double inverted grip on attacker‟s hand,
pull into your body and to the inside taking attacker to the ground.

Hostile handshakes
______ #3 – grasp attacker‟s hand with your opposite hand, rotate hand palm up, stepping in
slightly, raise your inside elbow up forcefully striking on the attacker‟s elbow.

_____ #4 – step to the outside and behind, apply pressure point on the elbow, step under arm and
apply a chicken wing, take to ground

Full Nelsons
______ #3 – Lower CoG, reach back and grasp a finger, pill it off and pull into the body, rotate
out as attacker‟s grasp weakens and finish with a rear choke.

______ #4 - shoot arms up and then down forcefully, twist slightly out and back and grasp
attacker‟s head, and twist back, throwing attacker to the ground.

______ #5 – Lower CoG and clasp your hands in front of your head, step out and step inside leg
behind attacker‟s leg, sweep leg and horizontal elbow strike to head.

_____ #1 – grasp inside of knee and pull out, push other arm between and elbow
strike to groin, trip backward and continue with elbow strike to groin, body or head
and escape.

_____ #2 – with outside hand apply pressure to the outside and rear of knee, other
hand grasps attacker‟s hair/collar, push and pull to ground and finish.

_____ #3 – grasp ankle with outside hand as inside forearm applies pressure to the
side/rear of knee, push and pull to ground and finish.

_____ #4 – outside hand grasps attacker‟s hand, inside hand does a strike to groin
and come out the back.

Bear Hugs (arms out – back):

_____ #1 - elbow strike to head, palm strike to top hand with opposite hand, grasp
with both hands, step under and finish with a center lock.

_____ #2 - elbow strike to head, palm strike to top hand with opposite hand, grasp
with both hands, step to the outside and finish with a wristlock.

_____ #3 – attacker‟s fingers interlaced, lower CoG, pressure in with your

forearms, grasp a finger, step out and around.

Hair grabs (from the front)

_____ #1 – trap with both hands, distracter kick, one hand release and strikes the
elbow and pressure to the ground.

_____ #2 - trap with both hands, distracter kick, crouch down and step into and
under attacker‟s arm, finish with a modified center lock.

_____ #3 – trap with cross hand, punch to ribs, rotate your head to the inside and
knife hand strike to the triceps tendon and take to ground.

_____ #4 – trap with the same side hand, knife hand strike to the bicep and then
tiger mouth strike to throat with the same hand, step behind and sweep the near leg,
taking attacker to their back.
____ Part two of ‘Old Man with a Cane’ form

____ Have attended at least one ICHF or other approved martial arts
training workshop in the past year.

Black Belt (1st Dan)

Hostile handshakes:
_____ #5-Free hand locks attacker‟s thumb, applying pressure in and out;
pressuring backward, taking the attacker to the ground.

_____ #6 Free hand clasps attacker‟s hand as you step to the outside and spin
under attacker‟s arm, going into a chicken wing (p. 112)

Bear hugs (arms in – back):

_____ #1-(grasping high) Lower CoG, explode elbows upward, rear elbow strike,
hammer fist to groin, hammer fist to face, step out and back kick.

_____ #2-(grasping middle) Lower CoG, grasp attacker‟s hands, step one leg out
and perform a modified hip toss.

_____ #3-(grasping low) Lower CoG, lean slightly to one side, free opposite arm
by pulling upward, rear elbow strike to head, free hand strike attacker‟s hands to
free the other hand, twist back and perform a headlock, taking the attacker to the

_____ #4 -(grasping middle) Rear head butt, step into a horse stance, squat down
and grasp attacker‟s ankle and pull, back kick to groin

Bear hugs (arms in – front):

______ #1-Lower CoG and grasp attacker‟s sides and squeeze HARD, step one leg
across and sweep the inside leg.

_____ #2-(grasping high) Lower CoG and step one leg back, double thumb strike
to inguinal crease and push hard, snap kick to abdomen.

Bear hugs (arms out – front):

_____ #1- Lower CoG, grasp hair in back of head, palm strike to face, grasp chin
and twist head and take to the ground.

_____ #2- Grasp attacker‟s neck pushing thumbs into the carotid pressure point,
twist and step out maintaining pressure to the ground.

_____ #3-Lower CoG, strike face, spear hand into throat while the other hand puts
pressure on the lower back, continue to push and pull until attacker goes to the

Defenses against kicks:

_____ #1 – (snap kick) step to the inside and catch leg on the elbow, grasp on same
side shoulder and sweep the other leg, take to ground, knee drop onto the groin,
ankle lock

_____ #2 – (snap kick or side kick) step to the outside and catch the leg on the
elbow, grasp shoulder and sweep the supporting leg, taking attacker to the ground.

_____ #3 – (snap kick) step to the inside, sidekick to the supporting knee.

_____ #4 – (snap kick) step to the outside and catch the leg on the elbow, drive leg
up and knife hand to the face.

_____ Develop a unique cane form

_____ Develop a 10+ minute demonstration to include empty hand techniques,

weapons, strikes, kicks, disarms and other techniques to be determined.

_____ Have attended at least one ICHF or other approved martial arts training
workshop in the past year.

Black Belt (2nd Dan)

_____ #1 Muay Thai
_____ #2 Savate
_____ #3 Flip

_____ #1 – Ki, with a „Live‟ hand.
_____ #2 – Thumb

_____ #1 – Rotate trapped hand palm up as the free hand does a ridge hand to the
side of the neck.

_____ #2 – Rotate trapped hand palm up, same side knee strikes into the back of
the attacker‟s hand, trapped hand comes out and ox jaw strike to the face.

Same side wrist grabs

_____ #1 – Live hand, distraction, rotate trapped hand to the outside, free hand
grasps the back of attacker‟s hand and locks the wrist as the trapped hand thrusts
out breaking attacker‟s thumb, pulling the back of attacker‟s wrist into your body,
free hand comes under attacker‟s arm and grasps the thumb.

_____ #2 – Live hand, distraction, rotate the trapped hand to the outside and
counter-grab the attacker‟s wrist, free hand does a knife hand strike to the neck and
comes around the neck and into a guillotine hold, rolling down and back flip
attacker over and continue to chock.

_____ #3 – Live hand, distraction, rotate trapped hand to the outside, free hand
grasps the back of attacker‟s hand and locks the wrist as the trapped hand as the
free hand remains live and using the knife hand side pressure down and kick to the

_____ #4 – Live hand, distraction (hand to face), free reaches over and grasps the
elbow and bend upward, trapped hand snakes behind attacker‟s arm and into a
hammer lock.

Inverted cross wrist grabs

_____ #1 – live hand palm down, raise palm up towards your face, free hand
grasps the outside of attacker‟s hand and go into a center lock.

2 hand grabbing one wrist

_____ #1 – push hand outward, free hand comes around attacker‟s head and grasps
under the chin, rotate backward to the ground.

Side wrist grabs

_____ #1 – distraction, rotate palm up, free hand grasps attacker‟s wrist, trapped
hand comes out and applies pressure to the back of attacker‟s wrist and pressure
down to the ground.

2 hands grabbing two wrists (front)

_____ #1 – Rotate hands to the outside and re-grasp attacker‟s wrists, twist in and
go back to back and perform a double “big nasty”

2 hands grabbing two wrist (back)

_____ #1 – step to the outside and place near foot behind attacker‟s near foot,
outside hand grasps attacker‟s wrist, step under and out, finish in a hammer lock.

Hostile handshakes
_____ #1 – grasp your own thumb, rotate your knuckles into the bony structure of
attacker‟s hand and pressure to the ground.

_____ #2 – open trapped hand, thumb traps attacker‟s thumb, rotate palm up, free
hand grasps the outside of attacker‟s hand and into a center lock.

Defenses against punches

_____ #1 – Inside – outside parry, ox jaw ki strike with the outside hand and palm
strike with the same hand.

_____ #2 – Inside –outside parry, step behind attacker, double ear strike and dig
the fingers into the eyes, pivot to the outside and take attacker to the ground.

_____ #3 – Inside – outside parry, outside forearm strikes the elbow, pivot 180
degrees and elbow strike to the spine, step forward and back kick into the leg or

_____ #4 – Step to the outside, outside arm comes over attacker‟s arm locking it
tight, free elbow strikes the lower back, this arm comes over attacker‟s head and
locks on the throat, other hand releases and rotates attacker to the ground.

_____ #5 – If you are in very close, as attacker punches, deflect and snake over
and around attacker‟s arm and trap it to your side, repeat to other side, now with
both arms locked step one leg behind and sweep to the ground.

_____ #6 –Inside –outside parry and trap the wrist, free elbow strikes downward
into attacker‟s bicep, key lock attacker‟s arm and step back as you rotate inward
and take attacker to the ground.

Black Belt (3rd Dan)

Defenses against punches

_____ #1 – step to the outside, cross hand parries down and into the free hand,
both hands grabbing attacker‟s wrist, step under attacker‟s arm and in an arm lock
and transitions into a rear naked choke.

_____ #2 – step to the outside, inside parry, ox jaw w/ same side hand, palm strike
with cross hand, step to the inside of attacker‟s near foot with your cross foot with
your knee on the outside of attacker‟s knee (this is a foot trap) and trip/push to

_____ #3 – step to the inside, cross hand outside parry, same side hand checks the
attacker‟s arm and palm strike to the face.

_____ #4 – step to the outside, inside parry, cross arm does a full arm ki strike,
come around the corner and same side downward elbow strike to the spine.

_____ #5 – step to the outside, inside parry, cross hand thrusts under attacker‟s arm
and to the far side of the attacker‟s head, stay in close, go into a head and arm
choke. (You may go to the ground)

_____ #6 –step to the outside, inside/outside parry and trap, same side elbow strike
to the body, same side hand comes under and around attacker‟s arm into a
modified key lock, rotate to the outside and down to the ground, place knee on
attackers head or ribs and pull up on the arm/wrist.

Against the wall

_____ #1 – (double lapel grab) vertical strike to the body, both hand apply
pressure to the attacker‟s pressure point in the anterior elbow, push inward and
rotate to the left, slam attacker‟s head against wall, groin strike, palm strike to the

_____ #2 – (two hand front choke) double vertical punch to chest, grasp one wrist
with the same side hand, the other hand reaches back and peels out a finger,
pressuring back and around, turn attacker and apply a rear choke.

_____ #3 – (one hand front choke) cross hand does a inside knife hand strike to
attacker‟s wrist, rotate back with a same side elbow strike to the face.

Defenses against kicks
_____ #1 –(front kick) step to the outside, inside arm catches the leg, same side
hand comes across the attacker‟s face, rotate to the outside and down to the
ground, keeping the leg vertical, knee on attacker‟s chest, apply an ankle lock.

_____ #2 – (round kick) turn towards the kick, catch the kick with your same side
arm, upward knee strike – downward elbow to attacker‟s knee, side kick the
supporting leg.

_____ #3 – (front kick) step to the outside, catch leg with your cross side arm, free
hand grasps the inside of the thigh, rotate to the outside taking attacker‟s to their
back, make sure to bend attacker‟s knee, place your same side knee on attacker‟s
chest, rotate cross shoulder inward and torque the knee.

_____ #4 – (round kick) catch leg with your same side arm, cross arm applies
pressure to the inside of attacker‟s thigh and force down, switch the grasping arm
from under to over, rotate inward rolling the attacker to their belly, straddle
attacker and apply an ankle lock.

1 hand lapel (chest) grabs

_____ #1 – strike to face with cross hand, same side hand grasps wrist, cross hand
squeezes attacker‟s thumb, and rotate outward and down.

_____ #2 – distracter kick, same side hand grasps attacker‟s forearm, cross hand
grasps attacker‟s collar and apply pressure with your thumb just above the clavicle,
inside leg steps behind and trips attacker, take to the ground.

_____ #3 – distraction(low), same side hand grasps attacker‟s wrist, shot the cross
hand out and perform a head lock and take to the ground.

_____ #4 – same side hand grasps attacker‟s wrist, cross hand performs a ridge
hand strike continue to rotate through and grab attacker‟s wrist and throw (twist) to
the ground.

1 hand cross lapel (chest) grabs:

_____ #1 – grasp and trap the attacker‟s hand with your cross hand, the same side
hand performs a strike to the ribs or face, same side hand then grasps the attacker‟s

wrist, rotating in and bringing the same side elbow over and locking the attacker‟s

_____ #2 – same side hand grasps the wrist, cross hand distracts to the face and
then does an upward strike to the elbow and grasps the hand, rotating in and
bringing the same side elbow over and locking the attacker‟s elbow.

_____ #3 – same side hand grasps the attacker‟s wrist with your thumb on the back
of their hand, cross hand distracter to the face, peel the attacker‟s hand off of your
lapel, cross hand then applies pressure to the back of attacker‟s hand and take to
the ground.

2 hands grab two shoulders (front)

_____ #1 – distracter strike to the body, one hand goes over and the other hand
goes under the attacker‟s arms, stepping in, on the side with the over hand step
with the inside foot and sweep the attacker‟s near leg, taking to the ground and
perform an elbow lock.

_____ #2 – grasp the attacker‟s wrist on your left side with the same side hand, the
right hand raises up and performs a downward elbow strike to the attacker‟s elbow
(knocking him off that shoulder), the right hand now grasps the opposite elbow
attacking the pressure point, step in and under the arm, going behind into an arm
lock and transition into a rear naked choke.

Defense when against a wall
_____ #1 – (double lapel grab) vertical strike to the body, both hand apply
pressure to the attacker‟s pressure point in the anterior elbow, push inward and
rotate to the left, slam attacker‟s head against wall, groin strike, palm strike to the

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