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1. Why did you choose this particular subject as a topic?

- When writing my sponsor of literacy paper I chose how the two different
schools made my writing experience and how it affected it.

2. What specific revision choices did you make that make you most
proud? Which make you wary? Be specific and use examples from the paper.
- When I revised this paper I liked how I added more detail pertaining to how it
affected me. I am most wary about the part I took out about how my town affected my writing.
I feel like that could have been another topic point.
3. Describe the most challenging aspects of writing the paper. Here are few
examples: revising, researching, finding a thesis, writing the introduction or conclusion,
developing transitions, or another aspect. What did you learn from the process of facing this
particular challenge?
- The most challenging aspect of this paper was coming up with the research. There
were a few things I found about this topic and how I could intertwine them in with my paper.
From facing this problem I learned to use information to it’s fullest and find a way to use it for
my paper.
4. If you had time to do one more draft, what specific changes would you make?
- If I had time I would try to think of more personal stories that I could
relate in my paper.

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