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In our times of darkness, children are the ones who will brighten us up.

No matter what ordeals

we have to endure in our daily lives, we know that we can overcome them the moment we set
eyes on children. Their innocence and purity in them will always give us a sense of peacefulness
and calm that is beyond words. And it goes without saying that life would be meaningless without
seeing them smile, hearing them laugh and cry, and feeling their small and flawlessly gentle
hands that want to reach out to us.

Yet, there are some who show no empathy and sensitivity towards these beautiful souls. Worse
still, they would dunk themselves into physical violence and cruelty towards the children without
even thinking twice. Such acts can deem someone to be worse than an animal, because even an
animal has compassion and love for its young.

What is going on with this world? Why must such horrid acts be carried out? Why do
these people ever exist in this world?

Over the years, we have heard of children’s lives being taken away due to the evil doings of
heartless adults. Do you want more children to die in the hands of these sadistic people? Do you
still wish to hear such saddening news of child abuse? Then let us do our part right away!
Together we can make this world a better place for the little ones. Let us all join hand in hand
and put a stop to such cruelty towards them once and for all! Fight against child abuse today.

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