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Hidup bersama secara aman


Hidup berbaik baik antara satu sama lain dengan mengutamakan kedamaian dan keharmonian hidup
tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan budaya.

It’s Nice to Be Important, But It’s More Important to Be Nice

There are lots of different kind of people out there. You can see all around you people who think
differently about titles. I’ve seen some publicly awarded game producers and leaders who “know” that
they are important and make a big notes about their titles and achievements. I’ve also seen people
who keep a very low profile (maybe even lower than they should!) and don’t give a
rat’s (bottom)about titles.

Some educated people are also very keen to remind everybody about their achievements. While it’s
nice to be important… I definitely think it’s much more important to be nice. Game producers who
make a big note about their importance won’t go very far with their team if they think they are more
important than the other team members. You have probably worked in a team who had a team leader
– or someone with “higher rank” than you. If you think about those times, do you think you gave
more respect to those who were “more important” than you (or made sure you knew that they “were
more important”)? Or was it perhaps so that the leaders with fancy titles were okay – as long as they
treated you and the rest of the team well?

Do you know what Dalai Llama responded when he was asked what he thought about people who
spoke to him as “His Holiness The Dalai Lama”?

If you think about that for a moment. One of the most known religious figures in the world – how
would he react when somebody spoke to him with such respect? I’m sure some religious figures would
be proud. He didn’t. In fact, he laughed warmly. He didn’t make a big note about the title he had.
Surely, others did – but when he spoke to others he concentrated on the “being nice” rather “being
important”. He left titles away, and concentrated on relevant issues. Can you see what a big difference
it makes in being respected? If he would keep saying and mentioning how holy he is, it might make
him just another (religious) “leader” in the world.

I must add that it’s okay to tell what you have accomplished. It’s okay to be proud about
your accomplishments. If you finish a game or demo or can help someone, that’s great and definitely
something to be proud of. It’s okay to tell what you have done so that other people can get a better
picture about you and your work. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t tell others what you have done,
I’m simply saying that the moment you start to think that “being important” (or “more important than
others”) is your goal then you are heading to wrong direction. It doesn’t matter if you call yourself
“game producer” or not. What matters is what you do and how you treat others. If you treat others
well in your team, and if you make games – you’ll see that it means nothing (in terms of importance)
to call yourself a “game producer”. That is just a title which helps other people to know what you do.
Nothing more, nothing less.

You can call yourself “game producer” if you wish, and that’s completely fine. It’s much easier to
distinguish “car seller” from “game producer” if people have labels after their names. Similarly it’s
much easier to talk to the right person if you can see “assistant game producer” or “executive game
producer” next to people’s names.

Titles are fine as long as they serve a purpose – and their purpose is not about being more important
than others.

11 Reasons to Be Nice to People

 In order to build quality relationships, you need people to like you.
So, make sure you are nice to others at all times. The impressions people have of you
are very important for your personal brand. Below are some reasons why you should
be nice to people:
1. You will feel good about yourself
2. You will gain the respect of others
3. You will build some long lasting relationships
4. You will grow your network
5. You will get referrals
6. You will  improve your personal brand
7. People will want to be in your network
8. People will want to do business with you
9. You will be able to talk to almost anyone
10. You will have a positive attitude
11. You will make people feel good about themselves

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