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Cell Phones: Need or Want?

Nowadays, we live in a world where many people would say they need a cell phone. Need? Not
really. If humanity existed for thousands of years without them, they could hardly be considered
a basic necessity. It is quite possible to survive without this device. Yet, while I say that these cell
phones are not needs, I definitely understand their appeal. We live in a world of instant
gratification, where we expect that, should we want to reach someone, we should have a way of
doing so. We want our dentists, plumbers, electricians, and dentists to have cell phones. We
expect that they have one, and if they do not, we consider them to be unprofessional. My
husband's boss expects him to have and use his cell phone (and no, the company does not pay
for it). My old boss would expect me to call her from the road if I was running late. Not having a
cell phone is quite detrimental to professional success today, in many cases.
In addition to their role in businesses, cell phones are usually a given when it comes to social
acquaintances. When getting together with people, we call them from one cell phone to the other
to determine where exactly to meet, update them on changes in our schedule, and call them
when problems arise in addition to many other uses.
Theoretically, I could get rid of my cell phone. In fact, over the weekend, my husband and I were
discussing just that, how one of our largest expenses after rent was cell phones. Yet, the prospect
of ridding ourselves of this tool is a bit daunting for me.
People survived just fine without cell phones, but they also traveled less. They were usually
home or around friends and family, so had little need for cell phones. I, however, live far from a
city; in order to run most errands, I often will be gone for hours at a time, far from any
accessible land line. Should an issue arise, sans cell phone, I would have a hard time contacting
people (such as my husband) because pay phones are harder and harder to find (at least locally),
as the assumption is that people will have a cell phone.
Additionally, as a mother who travels without a male companion, especially when traveling with
my young children, I feel it is important to carry a mode of instant communications, for the sake
of safety and emergencies. (I also happen to live in a location where many people get injured and
die in car accidents and other unnatural causes, so I think that it is important for myself and my
husband to have modes of instant communication, where we can keep tabs on each other,
should any incidents occur.)
Lastly, as someone without a car, I depend on public transportation, which leads to my time
being dictated by the schedule of the bus company; without cell phones, I would have no way of
contacting my husband or anyone else to update them about transportation delays and
consequent scheduling changes.
Here I've listed the reasons why I, personally, do not cut off my cell phone entirely. In short, I
want it for emergencies and to allow people to contact me. However, using my phone for
chitchat is a waste of money; on that I will agree; calling land line to land line is much cheaper.
Even thought cell phones could be expensive, they are an everyday item. Cell phones are
greatly used either to contact family relatives, for emergencies, schedule checking, a job
or anything useful. Nowadays cell phones are greatly used in businesses or jobs to keep
on contact with their employees. Another thing is to call one to another for where to
meet for an important meeting or just for a get together. They are more compatible than
payphones and instead of finding a one; you will have your cell phone in hand. People
who don’t have a car can contact relatives for rides or people that they know. Well cell
phones are more a necessary in our time than a want because it’s need for many
important things, even though some are expensive there is still affordable companies.

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