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Vereha V.


Advantages and disadvantages of owning a mobile phone

“I thought the invention of the mobile phone was to save our time & money, but
we are doing exactly the opposite.” That is the truth about most people all around
the world. Is everything so horrible or there are still some positive aspects of
having this device?

To begin with, phones are becoming more and more in demand and refusing them
is a nightmare for society. On the one hand, it became possible to get in touch with
others within a few minutes. For instance, if it is a question of communicating with
a family or friends, who live overseas, it is not a problem at all. 

Secondly, having access to the Internet is exactly why people have cell phones. For
example, a lot of offline businesses stopped working the way they used to do and
decided to work online, which implies fewer expenses for renting an office and
paying utilities. As a result, an opportunity for working from home, bigger salaries,
and more business investments, which maximise profits.

On the other hand, it can not be denied that the over-usage of modern technologies
is harmful to human health. A clear example of this is decreasing eyesight, which
is a typical problem for a lot of people beginning from childhood. Not to mention
the fact that mobiles are even capable of making people love devices more than
other human beings.

Taking everything into consideration, it can be concluded that our world will never
say “no” to smartphones, which will create even more problems in the future. The
best course of action would be to attempt to use devices less when it is possible
and remember that all the interesting is happening around and not on the screens. 

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