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Look at this Model Carefully, then write your own For-Against Essay.

Technology these days can make our lives easier but I can all be a double edge sword. We need to know how to
use the technology smartly to avoid becoming hacked by it.

One argument in favor of technology is the fact that is can be time saving. Several appliances came home to save the
time we used to spend in housework activities like doing the laundry, sending a message or buying a plane. Furthermore,
once we learn how to make the most of a phone we can even manage crucial information such as bank accounts and
online shopping. Consequently, people can spend more time at home and save precious time to be devoted in spare-
time activities.
Although the time saved in daily activities or errands can be captivating, one argument against technology is that it can
provoke addition easily. It is no surprise for parents to find their children stick to the smartphone screens affirming they
are studying while the uncomfortable truth is that they are totally engaged to leisure time activities like playing video
games, listening to music or checking social media. In addition, adults are not the exception, and most of them seem to
be the ideal wrong model for their kids to follow, since they spent most of the day attached to the phone to check e-mail.

In conclusion, technology can truly be a double-edge sword if we do not care about the time we spend in these handy
but addictive gadgets. We want to save time but we do not want to devote that time glued to a never ending flow of

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