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5 Qualities of a Good Mobile Phone

Having a mobile phone is highly important in our age that a large percentage of the world
population now use a cell phone.
However, as interesting as the numbers may be we should also realize that most people use
mobile phones that do them more harm than good and this is often as a result of the quality of the
cell phone.
There are some characteristics of a good cell phone that separates it from junk ones and this
article will be explaining 5 characteristics of a good cell phone.

5 Qualities of a Good Mobile Phone 

Things to Be Considered While Buying a Mobile

Having a mobile phone is highly important in our age that

a large percentage of the world population now use a cell phone. However, as interesting as the
numbers may be we should also realize that most people use mobile phones that do them more
harm than good and this is often as a result of the quality of the cell phone or even Gadgets.

There are some characteristics of a good cell phone that separates it from junk ones and this
article will be explaining 5 characteristics of a good cell phone.

#1. It Must be Light and Small

The world is now more advanced and is continuing to advance in such a way that powerful
computers with high technology can be packaged in a small way. A good mobile phone must be
light and small and mustn't require you to have a special bag for it because you want to use a
mobile phone.

When trying to purchase your next mobile phone make sure it is something very portable and
that you can easily put into your pocket without much trouble. A great advantage of doing this is
that it makes life more comfortable for you while at the same time making it difficult for your
cell phone to get lost.

#2. It Must be Simple and Easy to Use

Another quality of a good mobile phone is its simplicity and its ease of use. I shouldn't have a
multimedia mobile phone that will take me hours to locate my camera or my gallery. It doesn't
matter how great a mobile phone is you can't give any comment on it until it is used and a good
mobile phone should be very easy to use.

A good mobile phone should also contain quality applications and a firmware version that will
make it easy for the user to use external files on it; I shouldn't be required to install one thing
because I want to use a feature on my mobile phone.

#3. It Must Have a Good Battery Management System

A good cell phone should also possess a good battery management system because this matters a
lot; after all, your phone is useless if you cannot use it. Phones with stronger batteries can last
days while some will even last weeks.

The only way you can get the best from your mobile phone is when you can use it and you
shouldn't be expected to be charging your phone every hour or to be using the phone while
charging it. Durability of a phone's battery is very important and one of the best qualities of a
good mobile phone is its quality battery management system.

#4. It Must Have a Better Sound System

What I mean by having a better sound system is not a loud sound system but a sound system that
is very clear and sharp and that isn't too low or high. It is really dangerous if a mobile phone's
sound is too low or high because we all need privacy and flexibility.

Your phone shouldn't be too loud that other people will be hearing your conversations when it is
in its minimum volume and your phone shouldn't be too low that the highest volume will be very
difficult to hear.

#5. It Must Have Big and Clear Buttons

There is no way to test the functions of a mobile phone without pressing the buttons and you
shouldn't be straining your eyes before you can see the buttons.

A good phone should have buttons that can be see

A good mobile phone for someone might not be as good or might be too good for someone

But i think these should be the qualities in a good Mobile Phone.

1.Battery Backup should be good.
2.Looks should be attractive.
3.It should be not so costly that its expenditure goes beyond the reach.
4.It should have a good quality of its Display.
5. It should have all the features that are in use and fashion now a days.
6.Its network reception should be good.
7.Service for that brand should be easily available in case there arise some problems.
8. Its resale value should be high.
9. Its operating system should be easy to operate by everyone.
10. The quality of speaker should also be considered.

A short response to the question “If your best friend asked you today which phone is the best to buy,
what would you tell him/her what would you tell him/her?”

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