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Cancer Symbol

Relax, meditate and call in your guides and

Do normal protection and cleaning, energising
Visualise the given symbol.
See it entering the patient thru' Crown Chakra.
See it move to the affected area of body.
Once at affected area, visualise this symbol from
inside the circle ( "C" shaped curve) generate
millions of small symbols identical in shape.
Then these small symbols move out to affected cells
and catch within them the cancer causing cells /
organisms / viruses... and all bad cells, close
Off their mouth and return to mother symbol keeping
the cancer causing elements captured within them.
These cycle goes on & on till all bad cells are
captured and small ones return to mother cell.
Then, mother symbol moves back out of the body
And has to be dispersed along with the negative
You can send this to ground or transmute it to
light etc... use any technique to clear this up.

Note : You must run Usui Master symbol before using this

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