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Michael Wayman

Larry Neuberger

English 101

16 May 2011

Experience in ENG 101

As a writer, we try and make sure that we do not mess anything up in our own writing. I

would have to say this year in our English class that I have learned a lot in how to write a descriptive

essay about myself, and even a Bibliography which I had never written before now. Larry did a very

good job in bringing the writer out in me. I was so used to doing the same old thing over and over again

in my writing that it became tasteless and boring. With just using a couple of tricks and wording, I made

my writing readable and enjoyable to others and myself. My learning in this class has doubled since I

first walked in. I did not know what to expect when I arrived, but with the help of the internet, and such

sites that I never knew exists, like easy bib was a wonderful site that help you site things when you were

writing a paper and you did not want to mess up your work cited. With the help of that site I was able to

site all my stuff and feel comfortable while doing it. I did like being able to use Blogger which was

another site that I was not familiar with Blogger, so at first I was not wanting to use it, but as time went

on and we used it more and more it was like second nature to me. The Scribd site was another one that

was hard to use at first because you had several steps in making it work, After we were shown the

correct way to use it, it was very easy to navigate. I would have to say after completing this class I am

able to be more efficient when it comes to writing and thinking of things to write. I like to do free

writing, and clustering when it comes down to me writing something. For some reason when I need to

go in and write something I come up with more ideas when I do these things instead of just making

something up off the top of my head. This is something that I learned a lot about this semester in

English and I will keep it with me for the rest of my life. I do wish I could of done better this semester,

by utilizing more resources when I writing. I want to learn as much as possible now so when I am out in
the work force I will be able to bring more to the table then the other people would and I would be able

to use different skills that they had not learned. I think that with the resources I have used this semester I

could really go far in my career with the knowledge I now know.

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