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We, the Democratic college students of the Commonwealth of

Massachusetts, in understanding the importance of our participation in

the Democratic Party and the political process, hereby associate
ourselves and adopt this constitution as the College Democrats of

Name, Purpose, and Affiliation

Section 1. NAME - The name of this organization shall be the College

Democrats of Massachusetts, hereinafter referred to as CDM.

Section 2. PURPOSE - The purpose of CDM is to support the philosophy

and the candidates of the Democratic Party at both the state and
national levels. CDM furthermore intends to support all efforts to
increase the participation of college students in the Democratic Party.
To achieve these ends, CDM shall educate and train its members so
that they are better able to:
1. Educate students about the philosophy of the Democratic
2. Work to elect local, state, and national Democratic candidates,
3. Affect positive political change on the local, state, and national
levels, and
4. Work with all Democrats across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
to promote the agenda of the Democratic Party.

Section 3. AFFILIATION - CDM shall be affiliated with the College

Democrats of America, hereinafter referred to as CDA. By a majority
vote of voting members of the executive board of CDM, CDM may also
affiliate itself with organizations that share the values of the
Democratic Party.


Section 1. ELIGIBILITY - Membership in CDM shall be open to all

students pursuing a degree at a post-secondary educational institution
in Massachusetts. Membership shall not be discriminated against on
the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin,
socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or handicap.

Section 2. INDIVIDUALS- CDM members shall be members of their

college or university’s chapter of College Democrats. If an individual
wishing to be a CDM member attends a college or university without a
College Democrats chapter, she or he may petition, in writing, the
executive board of CDM.

Section 3. CHAPTERS- College Democrats chapters must apply for a

charter from the executive board of CDM to be considered an officially
chartered member of CDM. This process is to be determined by the
Membership Director of CDM in consultation with the rest of the
executive board.

Composition of the Executive Board

Section 1. AUTHORITY - The executive board shall have general

authority and responsibility for the affairs of CDM.

Section 2. ELECTED MEMBERS - The executive board shall be

comprised of five (5) elected members: the President, Vice President,
Finance Director, Communications Director, and Membership Director.
Elected members shall be elected yearly at the CDM convention. The
term of office of elected members shall begin immediately after the
close of the annual CDM convention, and shall terminate at the close of
the following annual CDM convention.

Section 3. APPOINTED MEMBERS - The executive board shall contain

the following appointed members: Programs Director, Political Director,
and regional coordinators. The President shall determine the number
and regional jurisdictions of regional coordinators. Appointed
members shall be nominated by the President no more than two (2)
months after the close of the CDM convention and be approved by a
majority vote of voting members of the executive board. The term of
office of appointed members shall begin immediately after their
appointments are confirmed by a vote of the executive board and
terminate at the close of the annual CDM convention. The President
may, at his or her discretion, create new appointed positions with the
approval of a majority of the voting members of the executive board.

Section 4. VOTING MEMBERS - Voting members shall be the President,

Vice President, Communications Director, Finance Director,
Membership Director, Programs Director, and Political Director. The
President is not required to vote unless there is a tie.
Section 5. CHAPTER AFFILIATION - There may be no more than two (2)
members from a single college or university’s chapter on the executive
board at a time.

Section 6. MEETINGS - Regular meetings of the executive board shall

be convened at the discretion of the President. A quorum of at least
half plus one of the voting members shall be required before any
official act can be taken.

Section 7. DISMISSAL - A cause for dismissal from the executive board

shall be defined as malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance of
assigned duties or upon other grounds as determined by the executive
board to constitute sufficient cause. Any member of the executive
board may charge another member with the reasons for his or her
dismissal during a meeting of the executive board. The member in
question must be offered an opportunity to defend him or herself.
After a period of one (1) week, the dismissal of the member in
question shall be put to a vote before the executive board. If a two-
thirds (2/3) super-majority of the executive board votes in favor of
removal, said member shall be removed and the office will be declared

Section 8. VACANCY - A vacancy shall be declared when a member of

the executive board is absent, unable to attend, or has been dismissed
from his or her office. A leave of absence from a college or university
(i.e., not taking classes for a semester or more) or spending a
semester at an institution outside of Massachusetts shall constitute as
a vacancy. If there is a vacancy of any position other than President,
the President shall appoint a successor with the majority consent of the
voting members of the executive board. If the vacancy is the
President, then the Vice President shall become President and appoint
a new Vice President.

Section 9. HOLDING MORE THAN ONE POSITION - No person shall hold

more than one position on the executive board.

Duties of the Executive Board

Section 1. INVOLVEMENT - All members of the executive board must

maintain active involvement in CDM activities, including regular
participation in meetings of the executive board. Failure to maintain
active involvement may constitute cause for dismissal.

Section 2. DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT - The President shall:

1. Be the chief executive officer of CDM,
2. Define the agenda of the organization during her or his tenure,
3. Carry out the mandates and directives of the executive board,
4. Nominate all appointed members for approval by the executive
5. Create new appointed positions with the approval of a majority vote
of voting members of the executive board,
6. Preside over all official meetings, and
7. Act as the official representative of CDM to other allied Democratic
organizations such as the Massachusetts Democratic Party, the
Democratic National Committee, and CDA.

Section 3. DUTIES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT - The Vice President shall:

1. Assist the President in the performance of his or her duties,
2. Act as President when the president is unable to perform his or her
3. Perform such duties as the executive board or President may assign,
4. Take on projects of his or her choosing.

Section 4. DUTIES OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR - The Finance Director

1. Be responsible for all CDM finances and financial reports,
2. Be the chief fundraiser for CDM,
3. Coordinate all CDM fundraisers, and
4. Perform such duties as the executive board or President may assign.


Communications Director shall:
1. Propose and implement a communications plan focused on internal
and external communications, subject to approval by the
executive board,
2. Be in charge of publicity for all official CDM meetings and events,
3. Maintain the CDM website,
4. Draft all CDM press releases, and
5. Perform such duties as the executive board or President may assign.


Director shall:
1. Maintain an updated contact list of all officially chartered College
Democrats chapters,
2. Propose and implement a membership plan, subject to approval by
the executive board,
3. Recruit new chapters and members,
4. Oversee chapter development, and
5. Perform such duties as the executive board or President may assign.


Director shall:
1. Develop and organize all CDM events,
2. Assist in planning the annual winter summit and CDM statewide
3. Assist individual chapters in organizing events, and
4. Perform such duties as the executive board or President may assign.

Section 8. DUTIES OF THE POLITICAL DIRECTOR - The Political Director

1. Execute the campaign goals as determined by the executive board,
2. Be the official liaison between CDM and all local, state, and national
3. Create a database of internship opportunities for members,
4. Enable members to become involved in campaigns,
5. Assist the President in forming an annual legislative agenda,
6. Brief all members in legislation at the state and national level,
7. Organize all CDM lobbying efforts, and
8. Perform such duties as the executive board or President may assign.


Coordinators shall:
1. Work with the Programs Director to host region-specific events,
2. Work with the Membership Director to coordinate with chapters in
their assigned region, and
3. Perform such duties as the executive board or President may assign.

Section 10. INDIVIDUAL FUNDRAISING - Elected members of the

executive board shall be responsible for raising $150 during their
tenure. Appointed members shall be responsible for raising $100
during their tenure.

Section 11. TRANSITION - All outgoing members of the executive board

are required to turn over any documents relevant to the successful
execution of the position’s duties to her or his successor.

Annual CDM Statewide Convention

Section 1. DATE - The annual CDM statewide convention shall be held

every April to elect officers, train members, and build a community
among College Democrats.

Section 2. HOST - All officially chartered members shall be eligible to

apply to host the convention. The executive board shall determine the
process by which chapters may apply. A majority vote of the executive
board shall determine the host of the convention.

Section 3. CONVENTION COMMISSION - A convention commission shall

be formed after a host chapter is selected. The chairs of the
commission shall be the Programs Director and the President of the
host chapter. Additional members shall be appointed by the President
and must include at least one additional member from the host
chapter. The commission shall be responsible for all matters relating
to the convention, including, but not limited to, creating the agenda,
coordinating speakers, and overseeing registration.

Section 4. DELEGATES AND VOTING - Each chapter may bring an

unlimited number of delegates to the annual convention. Each chapter
shall have as many votes as delegates up to but not exceeding twenty
(20) votes. To be eligible as a delegate a student must register for
convention before voting begins, be on his or her chapter’s official
roster, and present a student ID to prove enrollment in the chapter’s
post-secondary institution. Individuals unaffiliated with a chapter are
eligible to vote provided they meet CDM membership requirements
outlined in Art. II, Sec. 2. The elections chair shall be responsible for
determining voting eligibility and must inform chapter leaders of these

Election of Executive Board Members

Section 1. TIME OF ELECTIONS - The election of members of the

executive board shall take place at the annual CDM statewide

Section 2. ELIGIBILITY - Any CDM member who will be enrolled in a

post-secondary institution in Massachusetts during the entirety of his
or her tenure shall be eligible to run for an elected position on the
executive board.

Section 3. ELECTIONS CHAIR - The highest-ranking member of the

executive board not seeking re-election shall be the elections chair.
The elections chair shall be responsible for enforcing the regulations
outlined in this article.

Section 4. DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY - Forty-five (45) days prior to

the start of the convention, individuals wishing to run for an elected
executive board position shall submit a letter declaring their candidacy
to the elections chair. The elections chair must acknowledge receipt of
the letter of intent within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt. The
declaration period shall end fifteen (15) days prior to the start of the
convention. A list of all candidates shall be sent to all chapter leaders
by the elections chair fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the
convention. After the end of the declaration period, no individual may
declare their intent to run.

Section 5. CAMPAIGN EXPENSES - No candidate, whether declared or

undeclared, shall spend more than $400 on his or her campaign for
office. All candidates must submit relevant financial documentation to
the elections chair at least ten (10) days prior to the start of the
convention and again the day before the start of the convention. The
elections chair shall, in consultation with the executive board,
formulate regulations for submitting financial documentation.

Section 6. CAMPAIGNING - No candidate shall begin campaigning

before their declaration of candidacy is acknowledged by the elections
chair. Campaigning shall be defined as any activity, in public or
private, that has the intent of securing votes for a particular individual
running for a position on the executive board. Campaigning must
cease during the election procedure at the convention.

Section 7. ELECTION PROCEDURE - Elected members of the executive

board shall be elected by a majority vote of the eligible voting
delegates at the convention. The election procedure shall proceed as
1. The elections chair shall determine the number of eligible voting
members at the convention and announce the number of votes
required to secure election.
2. The elections chair shall open the floor for nominations for President.
A candidate may not nominate him or herself. The person
nominating a candidate may then make a one (1)-minute
nominating speech.
3. Those candidates nominated for President will then be given the
opportunity to deliver a two (2)-minute speech. Delegates will
then be given the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates.
4. After all candidates for President have spoken and answered
questions, there shall be a period of at least five (5) minutes
before voting begins to allow chapters to caucus.
5. Voting shall take place by chapters present in alphabetical order.
Chapters shall nominate who will announce their chapter’s
votes. After all chapters have voted, individual members
unaffiliated with a chapter shall announce their votes.
6. The elections chair shall tabulate votes, announce the vote count,
and declare the election’s winner at the end of the voting
7. Steps 2 - 6 shall be repeated for the other elected positions in the
following order: Vice President, Finance Director,
Communications Director, Membership Director.

Section 8. FLOOR NOMINATIONS - Undeclared candidates for a position

may be nominated from the convention floor. Candidates who run for
a position and lose may be nominated for other elected positions.

Section 9. CHAPTER VOTING PROCEDURE - Chapters have the right to

determine whether their chapter will vote as a bloc, or count members’
votes individually.

Section 10. PENALTIES - The elections chair, in consultation with the

executive board, shall determine appropriate penalties for violating
any regulations outlined in this article. The individual in question must
be given the opportunity to defend him or herself before any penalties
are imposed.

Annual CDM Winter Summit

Section 1. DATE - The annual CDM winter summit shall be held every
January or February to convene a constitutional convention, train
members, and build a community among College Democrats.

Section 2. HOST - All officially chartered members shall be eligible to

apply to host the winter summit. The executive board shall determine
the process by which chapters may apply. A majority vote of the
executive board shall determine the host of the winter summit.

Section 3. DELEGATES AND VOTING - Each chapter may bring an

unlimited number of delegates to the winter summit. Each chapter
shall have as many votes as delegates. To be eligible as a delegate a
student must present a student ID to prove enrollment in his or her
chapter’s post-secondary institution. Individuals unaffiliated with a
chapter are eligible to vote provided they meet CDM membership
requirements outlined in Art. II, Sec. 2.
Annual CDA Convention

Section 1. ELIGIBILITY - All CDM members are eligible and encouraged

to attend the annual CDA national convention.

Section 2. DELEGATION LEADER - The Massachusetts delegation leader

shall be the highest-ranking member of the executive board not
running for national office. If no executive board member is present at
the CDA convention, the President shall appoint a leader. The
delegation leader shall announce the votes of the Massachusetts
delegation during CDA voting procedures.

Section 3. VOTING - The Massachusetts delegation shall vote as a bloc,

determined by a majority vote of delegates. In case of a tie, the vote
of the delegation leader shall determine the delegation’s vote.

Endorsement Policy

Section 1. PRIMARY ELECTIONS - As an organization existing to offer

assistance and support to all Democratic candidates, CDM shall not
endorse candidates in any contested Democratic primary.

Section 2. GENERAL ELECTIONS - The executive board may vote to

endorse any Democratic candidate or position on a question in an
election. The executive board reserves the right to not endorse any

Constitutional Convention and Amendments

Section 1. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION - A constitutional convention

shall be convened at each annual winter summit. At the constitutional
convention, amendments to the CDM Constitution may be proposed
and voted on.

Section 2. AMENDMENT PROCEDURE - Amendments to the CDM

Constitution may be presented only at the constitutional convention
during the winter summit. An amendment shall pass with a two-thirds
(2/3) super-majority vote of all delegates present at the winter summit.
All delegates present at the winter summit are eligible to vote.

Massachusetts Democratic State Committee Members
Section 1. APPOINTMENT - The President shall appoint two members,
one male and one female, to be confirmed by a majority vote of the
voting members of the executive board, to serve on the Massachusetts
Democratic State Committee. These members shall serve for a term of
two years. Notice shall be sent to the CDM members not less than two
weeks before the appointment shall be made. The President, upon
approval of the appointments, shall send notice to the Chair of the
Massachusetts Democratic State Committee.


Committee members must report to all meetings of the Democratic
State Committee and report regularly to the President the proceedings
of the meetings.

Appointments to the Democratic State Committee

Section I. SCOPE - This amendment shall be added to Article XI of the

CDM constitution.

Section II. APPLICATION PROCEDURE - The President shall appoint the

two Democratic State Committee members after an application
procedure open to all CDM members. The application period shall be
open for at least one (1) week before the appointment is made.

Section III. ELIGIBILITY - Only those individuals who meet all

membership requirements of the Democratic State Committee shall be
eligible to serve on the Democratic State Committee.

Run-Off Elections

Section I. SCOPE - This amendment shall be added to Article VI of the

CDM constitution.

Section II. RUN-OFF ELECTIONS - In the event that no candidate

running for an elected position of the executive board reaches a
majority of votes, there shall be a run-off vote between the two
candidates winning the greatest number of votes. In the case of a tie
between the two candidates with the second highest number of votes,
both candidates shall advance to the run-off vote

Proxy Voting

Section I. PROXY VOTING - Proxy voting shall not be allowed.

Voting Members of the Executive Board

Section I. ELIGIBILITY - All members of the executive board, including

all regional directors, shall be eligible to vote.

Cap on Number of Regions

Section I. CAP - The maximum number of regions shall be six (6).

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