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Lincoln-Douglass Debate

Resolved: Individual claims of privacy ought to be valued above competing claims of

societal welfare.


o Utilitarianism

o Greatest good for the greatest number of people

o Moral theory which claims that the morally right action is the action which will

maximize utility

o The ethical doctrine that virtue is based on utility(happiness)

o Makes choices that are difficult seem too easy

o Gives no special moral weight to things like promises and contracts

 Ex: if the world would be a slightly better or happier place if I broke a

promise, then according to the utilitarian, I should break it

o Has no room for special moral obligations to one’s family and close friends

 Ex: if a building were on fire and you could only save one person: a

member of your family, or a wealthy philanthropist, you should save the

philanthropist since they will do more good

o If we know personal, private information about a possible threat we can stop it before

anyone gets hurt

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