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Speech Delivered by

Chairman of the Board and President
American Fidelity & Casualty Co. ,and
Fidelity Bankers Life Insurance Corp.
Sales Executives I Club
Milwaukee, Wisconsin" January 19, 1961


T. Coleman Andrews

Most Americans, when they contemplate the bewildering and

seemingly inescapable predicament in which we find ourselves at home and

abroad I appear to think that it all just happened. Yet the blueprint for

putting an end to our " noble experiment" in freedom was drawn many years


"First we will take Eastern Europe; next, the masses of

Asia; then we shall encircle the last bastion of capitalism,
The United States of America. We shall not have to
attack; it will fall like an over-ripe fruit into our hands.

Thus boasted Lenin in his plan for the conquest of the world by the

Communists. And what an unbelievable degree of success Lenin and those who

have followed him have had in making good that boast t

Eastern Europe is gone, and most of ASia, including China with its

600 million souls; and the anchor pOint of the prophesied encirclement of us

has been established within seconds of our shores by rocket -- yes, seconds,

not hours, nor even minutes, but seconds.

In the meantime a growing army of subversive agents and dupes has

inviegled the government into embarking upon a piece-by-piece socialistic

spending program that has brought us to the brink of economic disaster and

political upheaval -- and the enemy waits in drooling confidence that sooner
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or later the dying stem of our freedom will release its over-ripened fruit into

his hands.

From its small beginning in Moscow in 19 17 - - in what was even as

recent as that a relatively backward country -- communism has been spread

over every part of the world, until it now holds in bondage a third of the

earth's people and a fourth of its land area -- a tragedy, which, sad to say,

could not have happened had not persons to whom we entrusted our destiny

been persuaded by siren voices to give the Communists the recognition they

needed to save them from oblivion I and the money -- exacted from us through

confiscatory taxation -- without which Lenin's prophesy would have remained

only a futile declaration of hope.

Time" after time we have put up the money to help establish new

countries only to see the leaders whom we helped put in power ally themselves

with Moscow -- Nkruma of Ghana I Sukarno of Indonesia, for example; and oh,

yes, let's not forget Castro. We've even given great sums of money directly

to Russia herself, and to Poland and other countries openly hostile to us.

We've spent billions upon billions building and establishing defense

bases abroad I when it has been apparent, even to those with no experience in

the handling of international affairs or military defense, that these install­

ations would be no more than completed before they would become neutralized

by fear of Russia on the part of the host countries, or, worse than that, wind

up in the hands of Russia and thus give RUSSia, without a penny of cost,

ready-made bases for attack on us hundreds of miles closer to us than she

otherwise would have been able to establish.

We can I t even be sure of our old ally, England, anymore -- notice

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that I didn't say friend -- whom we twice saved from oblivion I if not exterm­

ination. We have air bases in the British Isles, but if we see an attack coming

we can "t send a bomber aloft from any of them without first getting the Prime

Minister's permission.

Even assuming that an attack comes at a time when the Prime

Minister can be reached promptly, it may be too late to meet it or take effective

CCiunter measures after no more delay than that which would be involved in

getting in touch with the Prime M inister and giving him sufficient information

to enable him to make a decision.

One must wonder, therGfore, whether our air bases in England might

not turn out to be just as useless as those in other countries. And if our air

bases in England are of doubtful value, what about the Polaris-Submarine base

that we recently were reluctantly given permission to establish in one of the

British ports?

So much for loss by neutralization; let's now take a look at one in

the category that involves the delivery of bases into the hands of Russia. The

situation as regards M orocco affords a good example.

When Morocco was a French colony, the French gave us permission

to build four air bases in Morocco. These bases cost more than a billion


In proportion to its populat ion and economy our aid to Morocco has

been generous. In addition, the amount of money spen t by our Military and

civilian personnel there is great.

When the Crown Prince of now independent Morocco visited The

United States recently he was lavishly entertained and, of course, given more

aid. Then I upon his arrival back in Morocco I his country accepted Red jet

fighters f Red advisers and Red technicians. Thus, Morocco is being turned

into another America-finenced communist country. Nor is t hat all!

Sometime ago, at the Moroccan government's request, we agreed to

abandon our bases there by 1963. But now we are being asked to leave sooner

-- as quickly as possible.

And so, our billion-dollar bases in Morocco are to be given up and

turned over to the Communists. These bases flank Europe and are closer to

The United States than Europe.

A new philosophy took hold of the world after World 'VV'ar II. The

essence of this philosophy is that no matter what guilt may attach to a country

that provokes war and upsets the peace of the world, loss of the war is

punishment enough and the victors somehow have a moral obligation to pitch

in and help put the vanquished back on his feet.

Big-hearted America went for this philosophy in a big way. Multi­

billion dollar gifts were made right and left -- no pun intended. Beautiful new

plants, equipped with the most modern machinery and equipment available,

all paid for by taxing you and me began to spring up like mushrooms from the

rubble of the war.

This was a wonderously generous thing for us to do, but it played

havoc with many of our home industries and seriously weakened our domestic

and world economic position and influence. More than a score of categories

of industrY are hard hit and unemployment is at its highest since 1940; 1 n the

textile industry alone more than 800 factories have been closed.

American factories, paying many times the wages paid by their

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foreign competitors I and burdened by unjust tax laws that prevent their owners

from accumulating the savings needed for replacing their obsolete machinery

and equipment I just can I t compete with the low wages and up-to-the-minute

facilities of their foreign counterparts.

And to add insult to injury I there sits in Geneva -- well out of range

of its victims -- an organization known as GATT, which, though completely

without legal authority, but armed with an arbitrary delegation of bureaucratic

authority, dispenses tariff concessions to foreign manufacturers with utter

indifference to f and complete disregard for I the effect that their generosity

has upon the economy of their homeland and the welfare of their fellow


Thus I in giving relief to depressed areas abroad we have created

depressed areas at home. And if the new administration is to fulfil one of its

most often repeated campaign promises I it must now tax us all over again to

relieve the domestic distress. "Around and around she goes . . • "

The foregoing only opens the door to the foreign aspects of our

helpfulness to the Communists in carrying out their blueprint for world conquest,

but I believe I have cited enough of the record to show that if we have not

deliberately aided the enemy we certainly haven I t done anything effective to

hinder him.

Before gOing on to the domestic aspects of our folly, however, I

should pOint out by way of summary that foreign aid began -- and was to have

ended -- with the Marshall Plan • • • that it nevertheless continues and at a

high rate . • that I in all, we have given away the astronomical sum of more than

$80 billion • • • and that in giving this sum we have given away the equivalent
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of our country ' s 32 largest cities .

When Lenin boasted that it would not be necessary to start a war

against The United States , and defeat her in battle , in order to ac hieve the

world-wide dictatorship of the proletariat that the communists had proclaimed

as their goal , he was not saying that the Communists had c hanged their minds

about using force when t hey deemed that means necessary . Nor was he saying

that they would not use force against The United States .

He was merely saying t hat he thought there was an easier and

probably surar way to bring about our demise. Unhappily , we must admit

that up to now events have j ustified his reasoning .

vVhatever else may be said about the leaders of the communist

conspiracy , they certainly have shown themselves to be highly realistic.

Moreover , they never have shown any inclination to do any fighting for some­

thing that could be had on a silver platter; and the Fabian Socialists were j ust

the people for the j ob of delivering The United States into the Communists'


The Fabian Socialists were no less dedicated to the destruction of

capitalism than the Communists; they had done a superb job of undermining

freedom in Britain i and they already had started to work on th$ United States

actively am in growing numbers and strength . To let the Fabian Socialists

whittle us out of our freedom and soften us up sufficiently to be taken over

without fighting might take a little longer, but there was no doubt about this

being a better way than fighting , and there was no reason to be in a hurry

about a sure thing .

Considering tlE success that the Fabian Socialists have had i n

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influencing our political leaders to lead us to the brink of disaster and upheaval

at wh ich we now stand, it is obvious that Lenin was a man of profound foresight.

Let us, therefore I examine briefly the Fabian Socialists and see

what manner of men they are and by what techniques they have been able to

come so far with their conspiracy to destroy what we ·so often call ., our way of

life. " Only by so doing can we realize how serious is the crisis in our domestic

affairs and how we have accommodated the Communists in allowing that crisis

to develop and in achieving the success that they have in their drive to encircle


Fabian Socialism was founded in the early 1880's in England. Its

originators were men who resented the fact that men who did things derived

greater reward from their accomplishments than those who preferred II to think

about how things are done instead of merely drudging at the manual labor of

doing them. n

In other words I Fabian Socialists don't like to work; they just like to

think. Wherefore, the thinkers should be exalted and the doers cast down; and

capitalism, which treats the doers too well and doesn't appreciate the thinkers I

must be destroyed and replaced by communism. Listen to how George Bernard

Shaw, one of the early leaders of the Fabian SOCialists, put it. He said that

Fabian Socialists

"were the first to see that Capitalism was reduCing their own class
to the condition of a proletariat and that the only c�:!ance of secur­
ing anything more than a slave' B sham in the natione.l income for
anyone but the biggest capitalists or the cJevere a 't professtonal or
business men lay in a combination of all the proletc:ria0.s: without
distinction of class or country, to put an end of capite'.li sm by
developing the communistic side of our ciVilization until commun­
ism became the dominant principle in society, and mere owning,
profiteering, and genteel idling were disabled and discredited. "
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There you have it in a nutshell! The Fabian Socialists are mal-

contents and haters. They are destroyers, not builders. They hate capital-

ism and Capitalists; therefore capitalism and Capitalists must be destroyed

and a classless one-world society must be established under a communistic

form of govemment--classless, that is, as to everybo dy but themselves; they

would be the ruling class.

In the words of another early leader of this cult, the pioneers who

developed the group's objectives and the strategy and tactics by which these

objectives were to be achieved included "a very high proportion of people who

combined remarkable intellectual ability with a strong sense of practical po s-

sibilities." Perhaps this is the group that first defined politics as "the art

of the possible." At any rate, let's see how they go about getting w hat they


The Veritas Society, in "Keynes at Harvard", its recent excellent

and extensively documented exposure of Fabian socialism and some of its

most famous--I probably should have said in�amous--exponents, including

John Maynard Keynes, lists the following as the first of five outstanding

characteristics of the Fabian Socialists:

"A cover of respectability and good manners as a means of

gaining entry into all social ac tivities, while avoiding use
of the label" socialism", (but) promoting socialism contin­
uously by coloring such activities with new terms so as to
attain socialism by stealth. "

Roger Baldwain (Harvard, 1905) is reported in "Keynes at Harvard"

to have been pursuing the methods of Fabian SOCialists in The United States

for more than 55 years, and to have said in "an advisory to a socialist

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"Do steer away from making it look like a Socialist enter­

pris e. . . . We want also to look patriots in everything
we do. vVe want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good
deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers
wanted to make of thi s country, and to show that we
are really the folks that really stand for the spirit of
our institutions. "

The Fabian Socialists' paramount rule is, therefore: "Never admit

you are a social1 st; pretend to be a nything but one; and never show your hand."

Another important fact about Fabian SOCialists is that they appar-

ently don't go for violence. As I have shown, the drudgery of work is be-

neath them; they just like to think and scheme; and their chief weapons are

stealth and deception. You'll find them everywhere in government except in

uniform, unless, of course, it is the uniform of The Ivy League or Madison

Avenue. They don't like military service any more than they like work.

Keynes, for example, tried every ruse his scheming mind could

conceive to escape military service and finally declared himself a "conscien-

tious objector". His own mother was so ashamed of him that she called his

stand "unpatriotic".

The Fabian Socialists are experts at infiltration, and patience is

their greatest virtue, if not their only one. Their idea is to ease us into

socialism by undiscernible steps, and ultimately into communism. It' s like

slow murder with arseniC. The dose can be so small that it cannot be tasted;

but accumulation eventually kills the unsuspecting victim. As Keynes once

put it:

"The trick is to get control of the government. Then the road

to socialism is automatically assured. "

The Fabian Socialists call their method of ope ration "gradualism".

A little SOCialism here, and a little there, over a period of years, and the
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point wUl be reached eventually where gOing all the way will be unavoidable.

Many thoughtful people think we already have passed that point and that

dictatorship is inevitable.

Therein lies the only difference between Fabian socialism and com­

munism. The Fabian Socialists' formula is infiltration and peaceful evolution.

The Communists' formula is inf i ltration , coalition, revolution and forceful

takeover. The end of both is destruction of capitalism and freedom and at­

tainment of dictatorial power. But communism will pr evail over Fabian SOCial­

ism because communism is organized in depth to use force when nece ssary

and thus is always ready and able to rob the Fabian Socialists of their


Those are the kind of people who are stealing our birthright of

freedom, g entlemen. But they can be stopped! You can stop them, if you


The first significant achievement of the Fabian Socialists was their

destruction of the Liberal Party of Great Britain. By infiltration, deception

and stealth this great political party was corrupted an d destroyed and the

ground was laid for the organization of the present Labour Party, which

gained power following World VI'-ar II and, in the opinion of many, wo uld have

completely socialized the government and economy of Great B ritain had it not

pushed its nationalization program with such exces sive zeal as to frighten

even many of its own members and open the door for return of the Conserva­

tive Party to power.

Fabian socialism quickly spread to The United States, but its ad­

herents didn' t gain perceptible political power here until Franklin Delano
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Roosevelt became President in 1932. Mr. Roosevelt had a decided predilec­

tion for people whose political inclination was to the left -- he was completely

taken in by Keynes -- and it was not long before left-wing professors and

brain-washed studen ts began to descend upon Washington from all directions,

principally from the northeast.

On the recommendations of profes sors with a degree of enthusiasm

for Fabian socialism -- in some cases, outright communism -- that later

became all too obvious, a host of young men, most of whom were without

significant experience in anything except going to school, found themselves

in jobs that called for the handling of matters of the utmost moment. Soon

Washington was over-run with "bright young men" willing and anxious to follow

the left-wing lead of their professorial Svengalis, and the New Deal was on.

In relatively short order the Fabian Socialists and the Communists

scored their first big triumph: Diplomatic recognition wa s extended to

Russia! That did it. Russia was down and all but out. Had the new adminis­

tration refused to recognize her, comml,lnism would have suffered a serious,

perhaps fatal, blow. But the new administration did recognize her,and, as you

know, Russia lost no time in making herself an increaSing threat to the peace

of the world, and communi 8t infiltrati.on of our government s.nd many impor­

tant aspects of the nation's life seon became an ever inc:.-easing problem.

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Well, what are some of the other things that the Socialists and

Communists have done and what are the consequences? I'd have to write a

book to answer this question fully, but I believe the time at my disposal will
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permit enough of an answer to convince you that we have a problem that no

citizen can afford to ignore any longer.

First, for nearly 30 years the philosophy that has determined our

decision on ne arly every problem that has confronted us has been based on

the n otion that money will cure any ill, and that when we have failed in

matters that have involved the spending of money it has been because we

did not spend enough, wherefore all that we had to do to assure success was

spend more. We saw a classic example of the latter notion recently in the

report filed by the President's Commission on National Goals.

That is ex actly the philosophy that the Socialists and Communists

have wanted us to have! ·When Lenin said that we'd drop like over-ripe fruit

into the Communists' hands he was saying that the Communists would s im­

ply make us spend ourselves to death. They've been dOing just that and we

have been all but falling over ourselve s trying to help them.

The Communists and their socialist helpers have had enough

people in the right jobs in the government to as sure that the answer to every

problem would always be the same: SPEND . . . SPEND MOHE . • • SPEND,

SPEND, SPEND. And now we're a nation and a people more in debt than all

the rest of the world -- ONE TRILLION, THREE HUNDRED A..MD FIFTY

BILLIONS of it! Yes, I said TRILLION. More than that of all the other

nations and peoples on earth! And with our gold reserve defunct to boot!

Remember the Marshall Plan? It was to be a one-shot matter,

you know. The drain on our gold reserve was started by the Marshall Plan.

However, it was only a temporary measure, the administration said; it was

to be the end as well as the beginning of foreign aid.

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But it wasn't the end! The capitalist haters and power seekers who

had been Troj an...horsed into the citadel saw to that. And now, $80 billion

later I we, after becoming the richest and most powerful nation the world has

ever seen, are reduced to seeking aid wherever we c an find it.

The dollar is still the principal reserve currency of the free world.

But that's only because a better currency doesn't happen to be ava ilable.

It is still king only for want of something better; it is holding on only

because the currencies of so many other countries are based upon it and the

managers of the monetary affairs of those nations don't d are withdraw their

d eposits I lest they preCipitate a world-wide monetary debacle. We have

fallen far short of living up to the obligation of prudence and good faith that

was inherent in our assumption of responsibility for the soundness of the

currencies of the free world.

I'm sure that the President-elect has learned a lot about the details

of the nation's business since election d ay that must threaten the fulfilment

of some of the promises he made, and put a damper on a lot of the hopes he

expressed�. during the campaign. And I venture the guess that the most

serious of his discover! es is that while our government may be able_ to get

away, at home, with tampering with the principles of sound monetary and

fiscal poliCies I the foreign mark2ts do not feel 4nder any compulsion or

obligation to tolerate offences against sound prinCiples even by so great a

power as The United States.


Second, Infiltration. Let's say it again ; Infiltration. And again;

Infiltration. "Vo can't say it too often, because it means so much. The
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main thing it means is that Fabian socialism and communism are conspiracies,

not political ideologies or parties. They are conspiracies to destroy capital-

ism by infiltration and subversion and to liquidate or enslave its adherents ;

and those who promote Fabian socialism or communism -- no matter under

what guise -- should be regarded as traitors and dealt with accordingly.

Neither the Fabian Soc·i·alists nor the Communists maintain political

parties in this country. Their grand strategy is to infiltrate and covertly

control. For them to organize and maintain political parties honestly identi-

tied as their own would be to expose their hands I and that is the last thing

they want to do. For an example of their strategy of infiltrating and covertly

controlling consider the plight of the Democratic Party. Their c onquest of


t � party is all but complete, and an impressive start has been made on the

Republican Party.

It isn't that the Democratic Party sought either group. They sought

the Democratic Party, and for a very good reason. There were supposed to be

more Democrats than Republicans I In addition , the Democratic Party is the

so-called " party of the people," and people are what Socialists and

Communists are interested in. Moreover I they hate Capita1ist�, although,

as we have seen, they are not averse to trying to add the .. party of the

c apitalists" to their bag.

And what of the government? Hear, for example, what Congressman

Utt of California says:

" We are rapidly coming to a point where a complete change

of e lected officials, including Congress and the White
House, can mean little change in policy. You are governed
more and more by people for whom you have never voted,
for whom you never will note, whom you have never seen,
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and whom you cannot recall by your vote. They are

entrenched in the boards, bureaus and commissions,
even at the policy level...

Reading between the lines of this statement by one of the most

steadfast defenders of the Constitution in Congress , one would have to be

strangely naive to think that th e congressman was talking only about the

protection thrown around government employees by the Civil Service Commissio�.

Congressman Utt's remarks were directed to the power of the Federal.

Bureaucracy. But are there also influences behind some of the actions of th e

houses of congress I even actions so exclusively congressional as those

involving the organization of the two houses? To be specific, what's behind

the fight to neutralize the power of the House Rules Committee?

Obviously I this fight was not started as a personal attack on

Congressman Colmer; he's been in Congress for nearly 30 years and is loved

by everyone on both sides of the aisle. Besides I the move now proposed

is not to remove Mr. Colmer or anyone else I but to add two new memm rs

of socialistic inclination.

I don't know what's behind this fight, but I heard a member of

congress say recently that it wasn't a matter of personalities at aU but an

outright effort to make congress a rubberstamp for the executive branch. If

the executive branch is as permeated with Fabian Socialists and Communists

as many people in a position to know think it is I what could be finer for

those who control the infiltrators than to have congress dancing to the

administration's tunes?

And what of the Supreme Court? It is hard to see how anyone could
. . ..
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accept as pure interpretation s of law s ome of the relatively recent decisions of

this body that have dealt with communism and Communi sts , civil rights ,

s ed ition and other controversial matters a nd person s . 'What s inister influenc e s

were behind the s e decision s ?

If anyone think s that my belief that subversive influence s are at

work in all three bran c he s of the government seems unfounded , I can only

point to the long list of traitors that we ' ve been fortunate enough to catch and

expo s e ; and to that I might add that I learned a long time ago that when you

match coin s with someone and the other person's coin always c:ome s up the

s ame way I it ' s a good bet that the coi.n ha s the s ame face on both s id e s .

I am n o t willing t o believe that the people who manage the nation ' s

bu s ine s s are stupid. I ' ve been there my self and I know they aren ' t . But

I al s o know that the government is a terribly big and complex organization;

and when wrong deciSion s become the rule rather than the exc eption , I can

only conclude that somewhere down the line, below the fellows who make the

deciSion s -- where the facts and recommendation s that influence decision s

are a s s embled -- there mu st be s inister per son s and forces at work that the

men who make the decis ion s are not aware of. Instances of subversion in

which person s with authority to make important decis ion s have been involved

have been rare .

How el s e do you account for an occurrence s uch a s this, for

example , which wa s reported by Fred C . Koch in his book previously referred


" The Judge Advocate General of the U. S. Navy, an

Admiral , told me that he had addre s s e d the Naval
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Viar College on communism a few years ago . At the

c o nclusion of his address f a Harvard professor arose
and excoriated him as a F ascist and a reactionary.
Since that event he has never been asked to address
the War College again . "

How else I indeed , do you account for the spies and traitors like

Harry Dexter White and others too numerous to mention?

Again I if the evidence of subversion were not clear and indisputable ,

a great newspaper like THE INDl�NAPOLIS STAR never would in the world

publish a charge such as the following about the Supreme Court:

The Court is engaged in a race which , if persisted in , can
be won only by destr oying the governmental system we
revere . It is competing against time to enforce new doc­
trines before nebulous public resentment becomes hardened
public resentment.

Finally I before we leave the question whether there are subversive

people and sinister brces at work in the. government , letl s mention Castro

again. On January I, 1959. one o f the largest newspapers in the country

quoted a State Department expert on Latin Alnerican affairs as having told the

Subcommittee for Inter-.American Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations

Committee that

nthere was no evidence of any organized Communist

element within the Castro movement or that Senor Castro
himself was under Communist influence.

Gentlemen , there is voluminous evidence that Castro himself has

been a Communist since no later than 1948 , and probably sooner; and this

evidence is of a character that only a State Department that has been fast

asleep would not have had. This evidence began with reports from Bogota ,

Colom bia , in April , 1948, that Colombian d etectives took correspondence

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away from Castro and a companion in crime a.t that time that showed that both

Castro and his companion belonged to the Communist Party in Cuba.

Castro was in Bogota to participate in, if not have a part in

directing, the Bogota uprising of that year. Nathaniel Weyl, in his extensive­

ly documented book, II Red Star Over Cuba," published by Devin-Adair, says

that this uprising was directed chiefly against the United States" and that

one of its purposes was II probably, but not certainly, to engineer the

assassination of the (then) U. S. Secretary of State, Goneral of the Armies

George C. Marshall.

As I have already stated, that was just the beginning of Castro's

Communist record. What do you think, gentlemen? Was the State Department

asleep from April, 19 4 8, until the end of 1958, when the State Department

expert on Latin American Mfairs assured the Senate Subcommittee that there

was no evidence thilt. Senor Castro himself was under Communist influence?

Is there any question in the mind of any one of you whether subversives

are established widely and in strength in the government? Can any of you

possibly believe that the danger that I have tried to make you more aware

of could possibly be the work of mGre" somnambulant civil s ervants?

- 0-

Third. Now I'm sure that everyone here knows enough about the

Fabian Socialists and the Communists and how they work to be aware that

they don't limit themselves to trying to subvert the processes of government.

If they did we wouldn't have any problem. There isn't an important aspect

of life in our country or elsewhere which they have not tried to subvert and

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But this aspect of their machinations is a story in itself . So I ' m

going to leave that for anotre r time and someone else i n case you're i nterested.

In the meantime here are a few questions that you might be thinking about:

Do you believe that Bang Jensen committed suicide ?

Do you believe that the riots by college and university

students in South America , Japan, England and other
countries were no more than uninspired outbursts of
local political dissatisfaction ?

Do you believe that the riots of college and university

students in San F rancisco against the House Un-Americ a n
Activities Committee w a s n o more than a n uninspj,red
blowing off of steam by the students ?

If you do , . have you seen the documented movie of this

riot entitled , " Operation Abolition" , that was put o ut
by the House Un-American Activities Committee ? If you
haven't seen this film you should. When you'see the
members '6f the House Un-American Acfivities Committee
fleeing" for their lives you'll probably'decide that the
time has "com.e f or you personally to start tak i ng a hand i n
what ' s going on. You also should read J . Edgar Hoover ' s
report , .. Communist Target; Youth" , upon which the film was.
based . Copies of this report can be obtained from the House
Un-American Activities Committee.

Have you read Congressman vValter's statement of the

Communist Party ' s reaction to the outcome of the San
Francisco riot ? Congressman 'vValter is c hairman of the
House Un-American Activities Committee. This is what
he has reported:

.. The Communist Party was S0 elated over its success i n

S a n FranciSCO that a t Communist rallies a nd cell meetings
since that time party members have been ins tructed that
such behavior now is to become common practice whenever
the Committee " dares" to stray outside the protection of the
Federal buildings in Washington. A student Communist
group in New York City has already promised that they w ill
do ten times as well as the students i n S a n Francisco
should the Committee come to that c ity .

Do you believe that the de-..e mphasizing of the history of

our country , the virtues of our form of government , the
economic system that is based upon our form of govern-
- 20-:

ment I c;md the glorification of socialism I that began

to take place in our schools in the early 30's ha s
caused a deterioration in the character and moral
fibre of thos e who have been exposed to this s ort of

If not I how do you account for this e s timate by the

Communist Chief of Intelligence of the American boys
who were taken prisoner in Korea? This e s timate was
found in a captured enemy document . BABSON ' S
WASHINGTON F ORECAS T of January 9, 1961 reported
that this document said in brief that the American

( 1) has weak loyalties to his family , community ,

religion , country and fellow soldiers;
(2) has hazy and ill-formed concepts of right and
(3) when by him self feels frightened and ins ecure;,
(4) u nderestimates his own worth , strength and
ability to survive;
(5) i s ignorant of social values and has little real
k nowledge of his own country and it s sy stem or
philosophy of government;
(6) fails to appreciate the meaning of or nece ssity
for military service , organization , or discipline .

Do you believe that the ministers , churches and church

organizations that get involved in controvers ial political
que stions do so m erely in re s ponse to sincere feeling s
of compassion and are not unwitting victims of sub­
versi ve propaganda?

Do you believe the tendency of so much of the working

pre s s to be socialistic is a development that has taken
place without subversive inspiration?

Have you cons idered what is the significance of the

fact that con servat� ve authors are ignored by the book
reviewers and their publishers find it alm o s t impo�sible
�o get their book s on the s helve s of the book stores
while the most trivial musing s of the left-wing authors
get glowing reviews and their book s get preferred
display in the book s tores?

Do you believe that the labor leader who say s I II To hell

with National Defense; I ' m for labor , II is merely a s s ert­
ing that he k nows which side his bread is buttered on?
Or, do you believe that he has been robbed of his loyalty
- 21 -

to his country by propaganda or subversion?

And what of the president of a great tax-exempt found­

ation who says to a congressional investigator I " My
j ob is to change the economic climate of the U. S. A. so
that it can be comfortably merged with that of the
Soviet Union I and you aren ' t going to stand in my way" ?

What about the star of the chit-chat and trivia show who
made a one-night stand in Havana and came back prais­
ing Castro as a great deliverer? • • • Or the im pressario of
the variety show who also got into the act I visited Castro
in his hide-out in the Sierra Maestra Mountains and
went so far as to call Castro " the George Washin.gton of
Cuba? " . . • Or of the chief figure of the news and weather
show who stages leftward slanted quickie interviews on
highly controversial subjects that couldn ' t be exhausted
by hours of discussion or debate ( and who makes great
shows of emotion over his one-sided developments of
man' 5 inhumanity to man? . • • Or the pseudo pundit who with
a wrinkled-brow affectation of profundity slants his 50-

called "documentaries" so far to the left that his sponsors

have to admit his bias? Are these men merely giving
vent to the ego that is so much a part of successful show­
manship? Or have they fallen victims to subversive

Finally I what of th e flood of amoral filth and left-wing

propaganda that is coming out of Hollywood again, now
that the commies have been put back on the payroll?
And of the equally amoral glut of filth that presently
befouls Broadway. Worse still , what of us , the American
people? Are the authors and producers of what pass�s .as
dramatic art these days merely pandering to the lust of a
people no longer worthy of their heritage of decency and

As many questions as I have asked , they throw the spotlight of

inquiry on only a few of the myriad areas in which the forces of subversion

are at work in the land. But I think I have given you enough to keep you

busy for a while -- if you are interested. If you are not interested I please

forgive me for boring you ; I j ust happen to believe that we cannot give up

the spiritual principles and political philosophy that is America , without

- 22 -

losing the personal dignity and freedom that the Constitution says we shall

enjoy; and I know that the alternative today is chains and slavery -- and

very probably death for many if not most of us.

In Conclusion

Lenin called our country" the last bastion of Capitalism. Others

have called it " the last bastion of freedom. Free people everywhere -- and

those who long to be free -- look upon us as the hope of the world. Tom

Anderson, that towering giant of loyalty and steadfast devotion to all that the

Founding Fathers intended America to stand for, said in his most recent


If the lamp of freedom is blown out in America I the world
will be thrown into darkness. "

And so, good people, we not only have ourselves to save. We also have a

world to save I

Some say that fate thrust the role of world steward upon us. Others

say we sought it. Whichever way it was I we certainly accepted it, and now

the question is: Will we -- perhaps it would be more appropriate to ask, can

we -- live up to what this role demands?

I can't answer this question I of course. But I must confess that I

find myself constantly haunted by the thought recently expressed by the

Archbishop of Canterbury, that perhaps it is a part of God's plan that we pay

the price of our waywardness and go the way of all peoples who have wearied

of keeping the vigil that freedom demands.

I just don't know. But I do know that a deadly peril exists --

President Eisenhower made this abundantly clear in his farewell message

- 23 -

Tuesday night -- and that peoples and nations don't avoid materialization

of perilous situations by doing nothing.

I also know that some mighty knowledg e able people who saw this

peril before I did I and understand it far better than I , feel that time is

running out on us terribly fast. One of these people recently put it this way:

" At fir st I worried about my grandchildre n . Then I b egan

to worry about my children . Now I wonder w hether I will
Iive out my own life in freedom . "

I k now , too , that some people already are talking surrender. For

example I Dr . David Soper I Methodist Minister I West End Mission I London I

the 1 9 6 0 Lyman Beecher Lecturer at Yale, said:

" The W est must search for world governm"mt , and we must
face the fact that Khrushc hev will be the first president.

Well , what do we do about it? The first thing we have to do is

realize that we already have passed the time when we could even think of our

hopes for the future, let alone speak of them .

We ' re in a war • . . a war as reaJ,il as any the world has ever known

. . • a war to the d eath . It is that way because we face a fanatically determined

enemy and the tide of battle is running in his favor . That kind of enemy in that

situation doesn't quit; he has to be defe ated.

Now , j ust what does this mea n? It means, g entlemen, tha t any

person who thinks that we can have business or anything else as usual and

win this war is deceiving himself . Wars aro won by people ! This is j ust as

true today as it ever was.

Let no one thipk that his congressmen am senators can do the j ob

for him . These men very rightly will do only what they think their constituents
- 24 -

want them to do . Even if the congre s smen arrl senators w e re \<Vi lling to dO

all the fighting , to expect or a llow them to do it would be the same a s us ing

mercenarie s ; and a handful of mercenari e s can ' t win the fight , gentlemen .

Be s ide s , free men don ' t stoop to hiring other men to do their fighting for

them .

And let me say to anyone who think s that he can be neutral in thi s

fight that in the proce s s of getting control of the government , the Sociali sts

and Communists could attain such a degree of power that they would become

the loyalists and tho se who re s isted them would be the conspirators . And

let us not forget that when revolutionarie s triumph , neutral s get the same

treatment as active enemie s .

The plight of neutrals i s s eldom a happy one . Dante s aid , you

know , that " the hotte st fire s of hell are re s erved for tho se who , in a period

of moral cri s i s , maintain neutrality . "

The next thing we can do i s get busy at once putting our congre s s­

men am senators on notice that we want the people run out of the government

who have been re sponsi bl e for the stream of wrong deci sions that made

po s si ble the s pread of Communism throughout the world and created the peril

in which we now stand .

M ak e it clear that you mean it and don ' t intend to let up until the

j o b i s done . And a bove all , urge everyone who ' ll l i s te n to you to do the

s ame thing . Whether they be loyal but dum b , or smart and subverSive , tho s e

who have failed u s ·must be thrown out - - every o n e of them , not j ust some

of them ! A token clean-up won ' t accomplish anything lasting ; the j o b must
- 25 -

be a thorough one .

An immediate specific thing that everyone can do is let his congr<:lSS­

men and senators know that we will not stand for the admission of Red China

to the U. N. Again , get everyone you can to do the same.

What I ' m ask ing you to do is a selling j o b , and l ean ' t imagine a

more appropriate group to which I could make this suggestio n . But this isn ' t a

spare-time j o b , gentle men. It ' s the biggest and most urgent job anyone has

ever asked you to do; and it has to be given priority over your golfing , your

bridge playing , your television watching , and other pleasant ·but non-essential

diversions or it won ' t get done. All those things are fine , but loss of freedom

would be a high price to pay for j ust a few more years , at best , of enj oyment

of them.

I ' m not suggesting that you get a gun and go out and shoot some body

-- not yet. We could come to that; but , if we let the situation deteriorate to

the point where that would seem to be the only way out , I ' m afraid it' ll then be

too late and we ' ll be th e ones who ' ll get shot .

No , I ' m suggesting that you use far better and far more powerful

weapons than guns -- the pen and your power to influence others ! I ' m also

suggesting to you the finest and easiest-to-sell product you ever tried .to. sell

in your life -- the greatest idea that ever fired the imaginations and aspirations

of mankind :

Yes , an idea ..,- the idea o f FREE DOM : Why ? Because another idea

is what we have to compete with -- the id ea that socialism and communism make

a surer way to freedom than our way . You can ' t beat one idea with anything but

a better idea any more than in politics you may expect to beat e:Ktrenched

political power with anything but greater political power .

- 26 -

It can l t be done with money , gentlemen . We ' ve bee n trying that ,

and all we have to show for it i s $ 80 billion dollars of world-wide hatred

and ill will . Wherever and whenever people have cried out for freedom a nd

independenc e , the an swer in Was hington ha s bee n , " Get out the money bag s . "

The Rus s ians have had the right an swer all along , and we ha ve n ' t

wanted to s e e i t . But new w e. have to s e e it , because the money bag s are

e mpty -- to which we proba bly should s ay , " Thank the Lord r " The Ru s s ians

have n ' t offered money -- heave n s no . All the money they ' ve put up all over

the world ha s n ' t amounted to a hill of be a n s compared to what we ' ve thrown

around .

No l the Rus s i a n s have said , " Sure , we understand your problem , but

you can l t solve it with dirty imperial i st dollars . Take the Am erican s ' hand­

outs and you ' ll wind up deeper in slavery than you are now . Join us in a

world government in whic h the people will own everything and all men will be

equal and your problem will be solved . "

It ha s been j us t a s s imple a s that -- s e lling an idea . The Rus s i a n s

have s old t h e idea that their w a y i s the way of freed'J m . " But , " you s ay ,

ll the Ru s s ian way i s n ' t the way of freedom . " Of course it i s n ' t , b\,J.t the

Ru s s ians have learned h:)w to m ak e people believe , that i s it . And w e ' ve

made thing s easy for the Ru s s i a n s by following a policy that o ffers the dollar

as the antidote for every ill and mak e s m ateriali s m look lik e GUr chief

national characteri stic .

Gentl emen , we k now that our way i s the better way -- that our

idea is the more powerful ide a ; but the world doe s n ' t k now it , because we
- -'

- 27 -

have n ' t tried to sell it . I ' m a s k ing you to j oin in a national e ffort to drive

out of the government , before it is too late , the people who , through

collaboration with our enemie s , or becau s e of stupidity or ine ptitude , or

otherv'li s e , are re s po n s i ble for the perilous s pot to which w e have been

brought . By so doing you would help set the stage for effective demonstration

to the world of the unparalleled virtue s of our better and truly noble idea

that is America .

W"ill you do it ? Before you s ay I n Aw , thi s fellow i s j us t a n

alarm i s t . Thing s aren ' t a s bad a s he says I " or " I can ' t take the time to do

what he a sk s ; I have to make a living" -- y e s , before you s ay n No"- , take

a long look at your children or grandchildren tonight as they sleep s nugly

and peacefully in their comfortable bed s and warm home s , confident in the

k nowledge of your pre sence and protection , and a sk your s elf:

" Dare I risk the fate that may await them i f I don ' t ? n

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