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A. Label the parts of the text and do the following instructions!

How to Make a Banana Shake ..........................

 ½ glass milk
 1 banana
 1 egg
 2 scoops ice cream
Equipment : .
 Pitcher (jug)
 Bowl
 Fork and glass

Steps :
 First, pour the milk into the pitcher.
 Second, carefully break the egg into the milk. ..........................
 Third, peel the banana and mash it with a fork in .
the bowl.
 Then, add the banana to the milk
 Next, add the ice cream.
 After that, beat the mixture with the fork until it is
 Afterwards, pour the mixture into the glass.
 Finally, clean up the mess and your banana
shake is ready.

1. Underline the action verbs.

2. Circle the adjectives.
3. Highlight the words that show sequence of activities.
B. Read this text and answer the questions!


Have you ever made a speech?

Making a speech can be a memorable experience. It can also be a
terrible one. It depends on how well you prepared for it. If you think of
making speech one day, you will find the following tips.
1. First, choose the topic
2. Second, narrow down the topic
3. Third, organize your thought by developing an outline
4. Next, prepare your speech based on the outline.
5. After that, practice your speech
6. Finally, revise your speech.
I think you can join a speech contest one day. Try, learn, and prepare for
a speech. Then practice it in your free time. Remember "Practice makes
perfect" start now and you'll find yourself a better speaker due time.
Good luck!

I. Answer these questions individually!

1. What can be a memorable and terrible experience?
2. How many tips are there to prepare the speech?
3. What should we do before organizing our thought?
4. What is the aim of the text?

II. Answer these questions in pair!

1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. Who do you think uses this text?
3. What does “Practice makes perfect” mean?
4. It can also be a terrible one. The underlined word refers to......................
5. Finally, revise your speech. The underlined word is similar in meaning to....
A. change B. read C. memorize D. practice

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