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Factory Waste in tofu an tempeh home industry

In Indonesia tofu and tempeh was one of the important side dishes, especially for indonesian
middle class. Base on data from “Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS)” in 2006, there were
over 115.913 business units that operate mostly in Java (74.4%). Although some industrial
unit had been use modern technology in the manufacturing process, but most of them for the
meantime still used conventional and traditional technology.

Studies conducted by Kaswinarni (2007) state that the conventional process had a low
eficiency rate in water and raw material use, and relatively high waste production. Involved
human resources have generally low education level, and they dont conduct yet a lot of waste
processing. If there are waste processing units, they have unexpected results.

In January 8, 2010 some local newspaper (Poskota) inform the resident of RW 03, kel.
Petukangan Utara, Pesanggrahan complaining about the stench of sewage tofu and tempeh
are operating in their settlements. They asked the manager to make recharge or disposal wells
and Jaksel municipal government should be immediately enforced it. Based on this
newspaper the resident in RW 03, that the stench contamination complaint has been
repeatedly conveyed to the manager of the home industry, but never taken seriously,
including administrative authorities and the local district. This less ethical action is not only
happening in the North Petukangan distrik, but almost in all regions where there is tofu and
tempeh home industry. The waste disposal action without first processing it to reduce its
impact on the environment have been occured very long. That was happens due to the lack of
attention of government in monitoring it, as well as provide a way to perform a correct
wastewater treatment.

Kaswinarni.F, Kajian Teknis Pengolahan Limbah Padat dan Cair Industri Tahu, Diponegoro state
University, Semarang 2007
Anton,Limbah Pabrik Tahu Dikeluhkan Warga, Poskota, Jakarta, january 8,2010

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