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Student Service Bureau Reviews Firstr Year Off Operation

Editors Note: Julie Ann the things that they'd have to go warm feelings for the' college. Student Service Bureau receiving college involved. You would have
VanVollcenburg approached the outside of the community for, and I live in Erie, so it's con- from the students? to work with the administration,
student government earlier this they can get right here'in the venient. Being an alumni I would This is the part that is really have to have the faculty sup-
year about the Implementation of community. One purpose of the of course favor this school over amazing. Everybody said they oorting you. and you'd have to
a Student Service Bureau at the Bureau is that it would enable any of the others. H f a needed check-cashing. 11 think approach the students involved,
college. Government loaned the the students to earn some What services are provided for the Merciad did a survey they brought other students.
money to VanVolkenburg and the money by performing the ser- the Student body? f | something .previous and »they We had to almost sit out in the
Bureau has been In operation vices or producing the goods E In the beginning, we had saw nobody had the know-how lobby and corral people to do this.
since. m * ' that they are capable of doing. maybe twenty suggested that we or the money to do it. >We had People would say they were in-
The following is an interview It would give them some prac- thought the students would be out ; of the; total* student terested but I don't know if they
with Ms. VanVolkenburg. 1 tical experience in business capable of ^ doing, and that population only eighty some who were wary, or cautious or what,
also! J i f iji everyone needed. We talked to registered for check-cashing and to actually get them committed
Could g- you give some we have thirty-five who par- was a different story.»
background Into the concept of Who manages the Bureau and students here and they told us
what is their job specifically? about things they needed like ticipate in it on a routine or Do you feel you have appealed
the Student Services Bureau regular basis. So the student to off-campus students and to the
here at Mercyhurst? Judi Rose and myself. We check-cashing, - which is
came before the Student something we never*thought of. participation wasn't at a high Erie community?^* t
It is a concept that flourishes on There are "no commuters in-
the Ivy League campuses. I read Government in the Fall and we So we were open to anything that level at all. w l | J «
about it in several different ar- came with the concept and said needed to be done or could be What do you attribute the low volved, like I said there are only
ticles and magazines over the we would like to implement it up done. i-4 $JL !§»* student response to?s jj BgE3 five people that actually have
past five years. The ideas behind at Mercyhurst. We asked them Actually, we have five services This year we tried a "grass produced a good or performed a
it is to make the college com- for some money to help us get started. Theses are check- roots" approach to it all, Just service. | £ j
munity itself reliant. The started. 2 * 1 cashing, a sewing service, two working with the students. We In your opinion did starting at
students and {the other com- 9 Why did you choose Mer- used book sales, two girls who are not associated with 5. the the end of the -year have a
munity members can barter and cyhurst to introduce your are beauticians giving haircuts, college per se. We just thought negative effect on the Bureau?
sell goods and services they "Student Services" idea? and a girl who helped sell T- we would appeal to the students. I'm sure that was one of the
have to offer in trade off so that I'm an alumni, having shirts for Activity Day. Well I don't think that's the contributing factors. I don't think
they are self sufficient. Some of graduated in 1974. I had very What kind of response is the way to go. I think to make it Continued on page 3
successful you need the whole

la student

'Hurst Awarded Two-Year

$400,000 Federal Grant 11j
Mercyhurst College .will be number of positions to be created original proposal. Nevertheless,
given a $400,000 federal grant for has not yet been determined. all project activities will be
a computerized records system, A new £ management f in- maintained in the revisions.;.
training{ of management and formation system will enable 3Details regarding personnel,
faculty, and the expansion of the Mercyhurst to computerize some programs, and budgets will not
basic skills programs. admissions and registration be final until the Grant and
According to Tom Billlingsley, records, along with records in the Procurement Management !
Title III Co-ordinator, the two- business office. I Division of the U.S. Office of
year grant is the largest the Because of the funding level in Education * approves* a
college has ever recieved. \, the Title III grant.Mercyhurst ' satisfactory plan of operation and
The grant proposed three will have to make some program authorizes spending federal
activities over a two-year period and budget revisions in the monies on the Title III project.
to strengthen developmenras a Tt 1s expected that Mercyhurst
vital institution to" the a higher will be able .Sto develop a
education resources of the nation satisfactory plan of operation by
and to the ,needs of society, early June and start up Title III
particularly within the region projects in the beginning of July. £?2l Junior communications major Andy Findlay has
served by the college. Officials of Carnegie-Mellon high hopes while being used in a unicycle demon-
The first activity proposed that University in Pittsburgh helped stration by the Circus Art Troupe. The troupe per-
Mercyhurst improve its .ad- obtain the grant. They will also formed in c.arvev Park Mav is,*
ministrative and management aid in the training of Mercyhurst
capability through development personnel in the use of the new
and implementation of . a
management information system
equipment. ^ * Summer*Work-Study Positions
The Title III grant was an in-
as well as personnel develop-
ment, j, 2 $ u £ ?
stitutional commitment made by
out-going President Marion
Available On And Off'Campus
Secondly, the grant proposed Shane last September. " Due to the extra federal monies Children's Home, The -Civic
that the college improve its The final-grant proposal was in financial aid, more work-study Center, and the Game Com-
student services by increasing written by Tom Billingsley, opportunities, both on and off mission among those already
basic skills through a develop- director of institutional research campus, will be offered -to involved'? with the |REAL
ment studies program. * and John Nesbit, director of students during the summer program. |B
The last activity proposed a grants preparation. 3 months claims Director of In addition, Zembower com-
program administration to insure "Mercyhurst College has good Financial Aid Barry Zembower. mented that many federally
adequate project control for reason to approach the 1980's "I want to get people more funded research (projects have
funds "f granted toward the with excitement," commented aware, f of off-campus em- been calling the college because
proposed activities. Billinglsley. "Title III support ployment programs,]* he said. &j they are in need of student work.
Money for the basic skills will will vitally enhance the op- Zembower explained that the I "REAL is a good program it
allow the college to hire more portunities for service and ex- off-campus '-openings^ had you need internship credit." con
persons to staff reading, writing, cellence in people, programs, and widened because of the college's tinued Zembower. "Any major
and mathematics skill labs. The resources. i&i; involvement with the REAL can fit it in." £
Tom Billingsley £* Zembower added that there
At Government Meeting were also a large number of
openings^ on-campus for Ithe
summer. *
Student Senate Positions Filled; ^"There will be more openings
in operations and maintenance
than there is durug> the
Out-going Officers Say G • IS d-bye academic year.*' he pou ltd out.
For on-campus work-study a
alternate. Communications rep student may work a maximum of
The student government Mary Manross jwas named as being accepted. Interviews are 40 hours per week only in June
representatives voted on can- alternate. J g J ^ scheduled to begin May 23rd. Since July begins the next fiscal
didates for the one two-year and Next, the government received Jim Bolger announced that $88 year, work-study will be reduced
three one-year positions in the a preliminary budget for the 80-81 from Activity Day revenue (10; to the regular maximum of 20 hrs
1980-1981 Senate at the May 19th school year from the new % of the $880 total) would be ad- per week during the remainder of
government. * * treasure Mary Gausman. ded to the government's $100 the summer and continuing
English rep Bonnie James, The most noticeable budget donation to Betty Wilson. | n»~-
through the 80-81 academic year.
received the two-year position of item was the $2,500 alloted for the Wilson, a member of the Barry Zembower « On-campus work-study
Student Senator. The other purchase of a tarp to cover the housekeeping staff, was (Related Experiences to positions will be limited to
positions were filled by Mike Campus ^Center floor. Jim hospitalized late in March after Academic Learning) program. students enrolled in the summer
Smith, freshman rep; and two of Bolger, outgoing treasurer, ex- she suffered a stroke. Wilson has Through this program -, a sessions during July and August.
the new government members. plained that the administration no insurance.-*£% student is employed at a state At the moment Zembower feels
Chris McGowan, art rep, and would take care of the rest of the In 'conclusion, the outgoing approved agency and paid from he has received a fair number of
Damien Schmidt, police science funding necessary. , §! officers made their final work-study funds. A student can applications. "We're looking for
Kjr"Now we'll be able to use the remarks. "I've enjoyed this year work a maximum of 4 hours per more," he said. "Anyone who is
campus center for activities," he ten times more than any other week and get credit for internship interested should come in." g
pointed out. • year," said outgoing Vice- study with REAL. According to The work-study positions are
, INSIDE In other action, President Tim President JoAnn Alexander. Zembower, the internships are open to any eligible student.
Editorial 2 Seltzer commented on rumors Anita Bonamino, out-going basically restricted to state Zembower added that students
Photo Winners 3 Activy Day may be^cancelled secretary, wished the new reps agencies in Pennsylvania and who are presently ineligible
Mind Readings......... 4 next year. "We don't have the "the*best of a luck," and en- federal agencies in Washington. might qualify for tne summer
Activity Day . .* .. 7 details yet," he said, "but there couraged the reps to "go get It is not restricted to Penn- program. * v J*
will be an Activity Day next em:** I sylvanian residents exclusively. "We do have a ton of openings
Sports . x 11 year."* * ^* Former treasurer Jim Bolger "It's a flexible program," said for the summer on and*off
Seltzer announced that letters said simply, "I'd just like to Zembower. "you can do just campus," concluded Zembower.
of intent for the Student Activities thank you all for giving me a about | anything." He lists "I'm sure we'll have more spots
Committee positions are still chance." f I agencies such as the Sara Reed than students."
;» * t v %Vh%« i*M%*%*»»**»1H •» i » * » * !• V f * . « * « K « * T M A M M A * t ^ » % » M >%V% iV-V
'MAT 23, 198fr

• 4

NTO seen/ s c « »

Unwritten Laws
The code states further, in a
As a private christian college, partial answer to these questions,
Mercyhurst expects that certain that "each infraction should be
standards be followed by the judged by itself" and "Each case
students. However, these stan- must be considered in-
dards,-'while usually intuitively dividually." These seem to be
understood, are not explained in fair terms. ** jjt jf *
• he Student Code of. Rights and 7 The problem arises from the
Responsibilities. virt ually non-existent \ definition
Therefore, if the standards of good and bad behavior. If a
should in any way .be trans- student is to be punished for a
gressed, there is no specific wrong action, some explicit
guideline to follow during the structure is necessary. This is not
ensuing developments.* Indeed, to say a ' totalitarianistic at-
how is one to know when a mosphere is needed, only a basic
standard is being violated if it is outline, j? 1
never actually stated? A vast The code infers that any
number of potentially I volatile "interference with or destruction
issues are raised. of" the colleges responsiblities
The Student Code (which can will not be tolerated. One
be found in the back pages of the question remains . . . What
student directory) states, "The constitutes a case? One assumes
purpose of a code of conduct is then that transgression of these
but to provide an outline of responsibilities could make a
general forms of acceptable and case. '
unacceptable behavior." This is Again, these responsibilities 1
at best nebulous. ' 7? j$£ are not written and consequently It is clear we have a problem you've really only prepared for a athletes. Let's not * loose that
What exactly is acceptable remain vague. Before any in- here at Mercyhurst that many of career as a professional athlete. perspective.
behavior? What specific actions stitution can expect students to us either refuse to recognize or And bow many 'Hurst alumni {Solutions? Unfortunately
are considered unacceptable? adhere to any standard, those attempt to sweep under a blue have joined the professional because of our tendency as
Where are the decisions of right standards must be defined and and green rug. Whenever the ranks? One that I know of (Jesse materialistic Americans to place
and wrong behavior made? recognized by everyone. topic is hesitatingly discussed, it Campbell)I* and that was a monetary value on talents and
is usually accompanied by a European ball. capabilities' coupled with the
Letter shrug of the shoulders and a -.^In our zeal | to advance our decadent win ethic there are no
complacent "well . . . that is athletic programs we have done easy solutions.
just the way it is." When dealing something not uncommon to But lets take a look at both ends
Activity Day Co-Operation in a problem situation, nothing is
more to the detriment of
Americans; we have missed the of the spectrum here at Mer-
point. Webster defines athletics cyhurst with an eye tofindingan
meaningful change than this type as exercises and games requiring effective compromise. On one
Praised By Co-Chairperson of attitude. $§. i jraf •
The" problem is the effect of
physical skill, strengh and en- end there is the basketball team.
durance. S Jjj. " Undoubtedly the college
Dear Editor: Originally, tables and chairs scholarship athletics on the $ America defines athletics in showcase program meriting the
j I would like to use this space to were donated by the Holiday Inn development of young adults at one word; WIN,.win, win, win, largest largest single portiontof
„ give_extra special thanks to^ome South, but due to last minute Mercyhurst College.. This is not to finish^irst^beat Jhe other guv, the athletic budget and whose.
very special people who helped banquet changes, it was found out say that the same problem does stomp him Into the ground; rank* are! filled «with full
me in making Activites Day as there were none available. A not exist'at other colleges and therefore proving, in the manly scholarships. ^^^^^^^
sucessful as it was. quick call by Joann Alexander to universities in the United States, tradition of the old west, that not On the other end is the crew
First, thanks go out to Amy Erie Chair and Dish rental saved it is intended to raise the question only are you a superior being but program. Visible in a sense of the
McNichols who prepared and the day. Without Tim and Bobby as to why we here at Mercyhurst also have indicated the peculiar number of participants, alloted a
1§ insured that breakfast was at the to go and get them, we would can't effectively deal with the way you walk, talk, think and ridiculously low operating budget
campus center on time. She also have been in a real bind. Thanks brush your teeth as the way to be and- two $200 scholarships
a lot guys. problem.*
prepared the cheese tray for Mr. There can be no question that what we all desire more than awarded by team vote. jj
Thomas'- wine tasting display, Thanks a lot for early morning on a social level athletic anything else, a winner. >^ | | Both teams experienced less
Eland she did it twice as the first help to Beth Gjebre, Carvn scholarships have a detrimental I -This attitude is about as far than stellar seasons. One was
cheese tray was 'taken by Klin vex and Carla Gas pare llo effect. If you need proof, take a removedfromreality as an Ideal racked by dissention and internal
someone else. * who helped get things set up in look inside the cafeteria during could get,- In the world jof strife, the other experienced
A very'special thank you to the morning. Russ Wilhelm and the next meal. i L* athletics, where victory so camaraderie and a solidifying of
Keith Kraus for providing the Glen Luebke helped to bring the On an academic level, and this quickly changes defeat, shouldn't spirit than can be only realized
finest lunch in true Texas style. prizes in from Dahlkempers we at Mercyhurst be striving for through experiencing adversity
early that morning and Jim observation comesfrompersonal
Originally planned for outside experience, the tendency for more than a celebration of a jointly. |
enjoyment, the Texas Barbecue Santana and Russ helped out "free ^ ride" athletes to take decadent win ethic? Possibly, if there was some
was taken a giant step forward "mucho" again that afternoon classes as a joke is fading College athletics are meant to way to spread the attitude of the
due to the weather. A finer lunch and evening. Thanks to Steve somewhat but still exists a core be an added dimension to the Laker crew to other sports
could not have been prepared by Flat ley and Bob Tobin who who will see Mercyhurst as a four development of the young adult. I programs here at Mercyhurst we
any catering service intownand worked with me on getting prizes mean, we are supposed to be would all be a little better off.
donated. year lesson in "getting over."
many compliments were brought An interesting aside here is, student athletes. The student
to my attention for this excellent Angie Pileggi seemed to be what happens to these fellows comes first in that expression.
meal. •" everywhere all day, willing to when the free ride is over? Granted, we all get our Lettei
A sigh of relief was had when lend a hand whenever needed.
tables and chairs were delivered
fajto the campus center due to Tim
My biggest thanks of all goes
out to my co-chairman, Joann
Considering all you've done for
four years is play ball and get by,
vicarious thrills from watching
the pros celebrate the win or VP
nothing aspect of the American
McFarland who picked them up
in his truck and Bob Delarocco
Alexander. Without Joann's
direction, -, leadership and cessful as it was.
The week before Activites Day,
character. 5
(The picture of Kansas City
who helped him to load them up
and unload them.
unrelenting drive, Activities Day
would not have been as sue- I was in bed for a week, Joann not shortstop Fred Patek crying in
only picked up my slack, but the Yankee Stadium dugout after To the Editor:,
pushed even harder to get things their 3rd staight loss to New York
done. in the American league cham- I would like to express my
Making and putting up posters, pionship series comes to mind. sincere gratitude to all those who
picking up prizes, having But really, a grown man driven to helped make Activity Day '80 the
meetings with the various fac- (ears on national television over huge success it was. A special
^acc</fe. caS*> & f kj\ |( Koj;e to be thank You to the Activity Day '80
tions, ordering needed items, what is essentially a little kids
5ofqicallif rewoued staff - without
were but a few of the lesser items game?) I think we have a ten- wouldn't nave been possible. your help, it;
Joann had to do. At times, I dency to forget that the pros are Sincerely, J? |
began to wonder if Joann was the pros and Mercyhurst College
existing on bottles of One-A-Day athletes are Mercyhurst College JoAnn Alexander
vitamins. Thanks so much JoAnn
for a super job. K
Job Description: MERCIAD Business Manager
Dr. Justice and the main-
tenance department are also Looking for someone to supervise the business
deserving of thanks for all of operations of* the newspaper. This includes the
their help. soliciting of advertisements, and the supervision of
In closing, I feel guilty because
I know there are a lot of people sales brought in through the mall as well as over the
who helped out whose names' I telephone.
don't know or have forgotten.
Please accept my apology. Individuals should be neat in appearance,
And thankf "YOU", to the aggressive, tactful, pleasant and assertive. MUST be
Mercyhurst administration, able to supply own transportation.
faculty and the great student
body who made it all possible. |j The position receives a 20 per cent commission.
Respectfully, e Anyone interested should contact Rebecca L. Mar-
Co-Chairman, Activities Day tin AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. ;*
- John M. Chrzanowski Merciad Office
—P.S. Mike Heller, thanks to you
for starting it all and Tim Seltzer Box 45 Preston
who helped out very much in 864-0681 ext. 320 *
carrying out a great tradition. * ry+xjA » JM •• t


i Student Service Interview * Continuedfrompbge$

Hurst Homecoming Scheduledf you can pinpoint it and call it any
one thing. Like I said, I think you
H Do you plan to Implement the
services-differently next year?
Weekend Activities Plannedl 1 need the support of the whole
community. We were doing this
more on a part-time basis than
We would like to start out at the
beginning of the year. We'd start
outgwith orientation, going to
The Homecoming Committee Friday night: ^ ? 5 P E f TH anyone else, To do it again I every student and having them
has chosen October 24,1960 as the Several sporting events have would want it to be open five days tell us what their talents are.
weekend of the first Homecoming been scheduled with the Alumni a week, eight hours a day. You'd what they want etc. Also, I would
ever at Mercy hurst College. challenging the current Laker have to have the whole com- involve administration, faculty,
Jim Bolger, Chairperson of the teams. These include a men's munity involved about this and and be around forty hours a
Homecoming Committee, basketball game, a women's backing it.jAnd again, I think week. >I also want students
remarked, ^"Kent Koch vice- softball game, and a crew race, you'd have to be around forty working with us in the office to
president of | the Alumni, with free beer and hotdogs during hours a week, g J J recruit other students. Students
Association, came and asked if the race. $J Sk* The question should be asked sell it better than anyone else. It's
the Student Government would 5 Any running j enthusiast can then;* will there be a student really got to be started on a
be willing to do it, and we said we enter the marathon f which is Service Bureau next year? jpB-. grander scale. I'd like to start out
would." planned for Saturday, while the with more things going all at once
"Letters describing the event baseball and soccer fans can Well, I guess I'd have to have than lust starting out with one or
have been sent»out to every watch our own Lakers take on the the answer to some things like two tnings. .& i;
graduate," he continued. "We're Gannon Knights in two contests why, when students say they need Are you planning to get in touch
really pushing for them to come, 7 that afternoon. j a service like check-cashing, only with incoming freshman and
especially the graduates of the
last ten years. \ ^g x
V :<-
P The dance will be open to the thirty-five • use it on a routine
whole Mercyhurst Community. basis. The; check-cashing did
familiarise them with the
program? S£!&-
Bolger stressed, however, that Members of the Homecoming serve a purpose. If everything goes right when
the affair is not only for Alumni, Committee include: Tracy 5jDr. Garvey has asked to talk to we talk to Dr. Garvey. 1 noticed
but also for the present college Fuller,,, La dine t Julliane, Sue me about it and I think if there is this year that the people that did
community as well. JS& F/ Slagle, Jim DiSanti, Sr. Carolyn, a need for it and they want it to be get to participate were mostly
Lorrie Pikutis, Eisa Guida and continued, I'd like to work with it. freshman.
The Alumni will be received in Molly I Kohlmiller. "Anyone I'm the eternal optimist. I know it Has this year been a success
the Student Union where they will wanting to help out and serve on will work. With a ^new ad- and have you attained any goals
sign up and obtain the schedule of the committee is urged to do so. ministration coming in we'd have you set?
events.! Dr. Garvey will meet the For information, contact Jim to talk with them. Dr. Garvey,
Alumni in a special* reception \ Bolger lor any committee though, has supported the idea Continued on page 6
before the semi-formal dance member. SSBS* fltjfaa&gSffirff right from the oeginning^^^Lr



€* i 1 M

LANDSCAPE: JoAnn Rice PEOPLE: Mary Ann McMurray H.M. PEOPLE: Loretto Thompson

H.M. ANIMALS: Wayne Estes

«;-»,. * v*

ANIMALS: Mary Mahoney

H.M. LANDSCAPE: Barbe Conrad
Ml come your
or Dorm _
Apt. sublet or
• 1 0 % D I S C O U N T

take over campus area

with this ad.
*t from June 1 st
Coll Bernie Bauer Contact Mr. Begelmakken
454-7526 Dance Dept. or
owner at home 864-0582

K • »•

***1**V .:,---.. ^ . . . ,. <..*,-* • , .. x.

, * * ^ » * * » ^ THE MERCI AD MAf 23j)tib
PAGE 4 V I f.-«..»

f # ^ X w % 1 C -P

14 ( i
1 | « M

SdUteJO > 4 "^FUr-^S?cuJWfe*^

Some Facts Of Life Re: Iran and Republic, op.cit.) kidnapped Americans cannot be some people have called the
Islam $ This presence of 250,000 justified by the Koran or by "religion of the sword." He "Post-Christian" West.. .X It is
1 Last November the Italian Russian troops along, their Islam. Time magazine's recent writes that: The criticism not to say that Christianity is to
journalist Oriana Fallaci in- borders is one of the "facts of survey of Islamic scholars shows against Islam as a religion of the blame for them for they came
terviewed the Ayatollah life" about Iran which we should that Islamic tradition has always sword is thus not a valid one. from a society which had In may
Khomeini for the New York note. The political identification extended charity to diplomats Islam by legislating war limited ways rebelled against
Times Magazine Section. That of the students holding the and wayfarers. The Koran (9:6) it, whereas Christianity left it Christianity. |(Nasr, Ideals and
interview was conducted with the Americans hostage is another. insists • that t even a religious outside its consideration. It is not Realities of Islam, p. 31). i
help of Bani-Sadr, who acted asl Ms. Fallaci's expectation that- enemy "be granted asylum and accidental that the most One may not agree with Nasr
interpreter for her during that Sadr is not into truth telling is conveyed to safety.'' (Time, devastating total wars of this but one is certainly challenged
interview. (You may remember still another. That we are dealing Apr.28,1980).J * f century have begun in the West today to be diligent in the
Ms. Fallaci as one reporter who in Iran with Shi'a Islam rather Ismail R. al'Faruqi, professor where Christianity has been the discovery of the "Facts of Life"
warned us long ago that the Shah than Sunni Muslims is still of Islamic studies at Temple dominating religious " in- about Iran and Islam, their
of Iran was a dangerous another fact of Iranian life of University, wrote last January fluence . . | One can at least say inhabitants, participants, neigh-
egocentric.) which we should be awareJ Since that "The employees of any that the terrible wars of this bors, fellow Muslims, their
She says of her meeting with their beginnings in the middle embassy do not fall in this century have not come out of the politics and religion, f
Khomeini that: It was Bani-Sadr ages, the Shi'a Muslims have (criminal) category" which Muslim world, but out of what Dr. George Garrelts
who took me to Khomeini and been inclined to ^an intense would make it ^permissible for
acted as my interpreter. Poor separatism. For example, the them to be taken as prisoners.
Bani-Sadr didn't dare to breathe; Koran permits Muslim men to Embassy people who misbehave,!
his voice was like the peeping of a marry Jewishfor 3 Christian Faruqi points out/: cannot be
chick, his body stiffer than a women of good repute, but as imprisoned, only expelled or Library Hours:
cudgel. Each time I asked a Gustave E. points : The Shi'a, fined to pay for any property
question he grew pale and started impelled : by its intense damage. Imprisonment violates Memorial Weekend:
as if 1 had pricked htm with a separatism, explains this per- thejKoran's declaration, which
needle; while translating he mission away. Whenever possible says that "no soul can be charged Open regular hours
perspired as if he were in a sauna the non-Muslim is included in with the sins of another."
Khomeini really scared this sectarian intolerance. It is (Time, op. cit.| p. jjS£| 3 May 27, 28, 29
him. Will he be able to stand up even suggested to bar all ad-. In our personal and public lives I Midnight
against Khomeini in this hostage versaries of the Alid (referring? it lis important to distinguish
tragedy? < New Republic, May 10, to AH, son of t)te daughter of between the use and misuse of) Graduation Day 12 p.m. - 4fp.m.
1980). ?
pT Mohammed, principal holy an-» religion and religious ideas. Bani-
In the interview she called cestor next to Mohammed of the: Sadr may be craven or just weak
Khomeini "the new tyrant, the Shi'ite Muslim) cause from! as Fallaci claims,j and it S is
new dictator, the new Shah of receiving charity. (Grunebaum,- possible that Khomeini himself
Iran." She had returned, she Vledeival Islam, p. 190.) and Bani-Sadr may be somehow] Summer Housing
reports in the New Republic This separatism is often at the mercy of the Russians, i
quoted above,*to interview Bani- coupled in Shi'ism, Grunebaum Fallaci notes that Kruschev used Summer housing will be available in Bald-
Sadr on April 10, 1980. Bani-Sadr claims, with a doctrine that to compare Iran to a rotten pear;
had agreed to the interview but makes this intransigence and one only had to wait for it to fall. win Hall and the townhouses for the two
did not keep the appointment. It intolerance doubly unpleasant. It Or Bani-Sadr, Khomeini and the summer session. All residents must be
is her conviction that Bani-Sadr is called the doctrine of taquiyya rest <>may belusing Persian
will not be able to stand up either (literally, "precaution.") dualism or Islamic Imamism or registered for classes.
to Khomeini jor the represen- % He says that The Koran states: both to accomplish their own
tatives of Tudeh, the Iranian "whether ye conceal what is in nationalistic ends. S3 ;
Communist Partv. know to us as your hearts or reveal it, Allah Whatever the real situation Baldwin Hall rooms are double oc-
"the militants", who are in knows it" This verse has been there, we should at least know by
charge of the hostages. She taken to condone concealment of now that their public utterances] cupancy.
thinks'this explains why Bani- one's convictions fin the event are not to be trusted. But we | IP | First Session - $100
Sadr keeps his wife and children
their open profession would sould also know that it is of the
in Paris. & |£g fe ^ endanger the believer's safety. ut most importance for us to try to| flHJJBJBlfclSecond Session - $75?
Fallaci points out that the The Shi*as, however, built upon be on i good terms with that Meals are at your discretion. You may make
Soviet once liked the Shah very this slender foundation a doc- portion of the Moslem^worldl
niiich and that Stalin himself'Sent trine, considered fundamental, of which is willing to live in peace | arrangements with* K.C.f Foods or do your
Soraya a full length ermine coat the believer's duty- to hide his and tolerance. We need to do own cooking. f ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^
when she married Shah. Yet Mr. true allegiance when under the more about the development of|
Bani-Sadr and Khomeini, with sway of the unbeliever.' our understanding of Islam and Townhouses - must have fat least THREE
250,000 "Soviet troops at' their It is this approach to truth our I relationship with Islamic
borders (50,000 west of the telling that we seem to be en- people rather than less. We not persons for occupancy. Thefcost is $25 per
Caspian Sea, 80,000 east of the countering in bran. J only need to develop respect for person per week.
Caspian Sea, and Si20,000 along This approach of the Shi'a Islam but we need to do more to
'he Afghan border), say nothing should not catch us by surprise.. put ourselves into the minds of Both the hall*dnd the townhouses will open
against the Soviet Union. (Neither*should the Russian the better Islamic thinkers so June 8 and close August 16.
These are questions which she troop movements.) However, this that wefknow their mind and
would like to have discussed with Iranian dissimulation should not disposition. You may;'sign up in the Housing Office,
Mr. Bani-Sadr but did not get the cause us to think badly of Islam jfSWe have not encountered Egan 48, beginning May 12.
chance. That may be just as well as a religion and way of life! enough the view of men like
she saysj because to these and President Sadat of Egypt and Seyed Hossein Nasr. I shall close
other important questions she other learned and devout Sunni with his views on war, in which he
does not think Bani-Sadr would Muslims recognize and proclaim is responding to the criticism,
answer with i the! truth. (New that the Iranian treatment of the often heard, that Islam is a
Congratulations and\Best Wishes 50's NIGHT
Sween and
Lots Love Thursday, May 22
a 99

from 4:30 till 6:30
In The Cafeteria, j
Music by D.J. John.
Cash Prizes will be given away for:
Best 50 s outfit
Jitterbug Contest
Bubblegum Blowing Contest
Menu will consist of
Welcomes Mercyhurst College
with Live Rock-n-Roll Pizza Cherry Cokes
« *

Hot Dogs Chocolate Cokes

irsday, May 22 - Sunday, May VA Pounders Popcorn
French Fries Antipasto Salad
Milk Shakes Macaroni Salad
Come and Boogie Bubblegum

Proper ID required Admission Charged To Other Students

FREE to Board Students
- ^ iMiiAAMMMM
o*.on:i.* :i r
* *
W :'-.'V»
r#»» »WIWf

Popcorti Pfofti!idities f bytci^iops
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Hunter S. the inspiring antecedotes soon so crucial to capturing Thomp-
Thompson of the Arkedelphia, gets lost.; And those who are son's weirdness—* crucial to
Arkansas and Mechanic's familiar soon grow disgruntled, which is the ability to proceed at
Illustrated School of Bible for a movie I based on outrage all times in the midst of whatever
Studies! reigns as the ought to be outrageous, but in madness as if everything were
preeminently weirdest "new" every instance "Buffalo" pulls its cool, were completely in control
journalist of the 1970s, and the punches. The result is a slightly He is particularly effective
only scribbler since Clark Kent vulgar television sitcom miasma during the compargning press
and Brenda Starr to grace the reducing the doctor's anarchic scenes and delivering a lecture to j-m&
exuberance to sophomoric erstwhile collegiate journalists.
nation's comic consciousness— post uring. p ^Peter Boyle's career continues
he being none other than For example, one of the film's its downward careen in his
Doonesbury's Dr. Duke. Even best bits recounts Thompson's pathetic performance as Laslo, Sheila Nelson, Junior dance major, will perform a self-
these achievements and misadventures at the 1972 Super Thompson's marginally insane choreographed work entitled "Free To Be Me?"
outrages, however, cannot Bowl; yet, even this sequence lawyer in Fear and Loathing In
redeem the movie based upon his drags itself along when com- Las Vegas. A Doberman Student Production
life and exploits. Where the Wild pared to the original in Fear and
Buffalo Roam sprawls across the chomping at Richard •', Nixon's
screen with all the energy and
three-day-old buffalo chips.
Plot, both as a word and con-
Loathing At the Super Bowl in
which a drunken, stoned
Thompson hangs from the Hyatt
groin early in the picture is the
peak supporting bit; Nixon
himself doesn't seem to mind. $
Dance Concert Scheduled
Regency | balcony bellowing In the last analysis, Where the
cept, apparently escaped the
film creator's attention, for * it
has none. Instead, the viewer is
damnation of a culture which
permits the Al. Da vises of the
world to win. *
Buffalo Roam exhibits all the
taste and * insight fulness of the
most obnoxious kid in your third
For Weekend Performance
On Thursday, May 22 and choreographed, modern solo.
served up ajflimsily connected Bill Murray as Thompson grade class— and just about as Still
Friday* May 23, the Mercyhurst a fthird g Junior
sequence of vignettes based on literally saves the film from much courage. For a film based choreographer, Donna Russo, $
College Dance Department will
certain experience in the good complete Zeroland. He has the on the life of one of the most has composed a group number.
present a Studio Dance Concert.
doctor's career. Anyone in the nonchalant presence of mind of absurd figures of recent history, Of the five Senior members of
The concert will take place in the
audience not familiar soon with one without any presence of mind a person who relished tweaking the Dance Department there will
Dance Studio in Weber Hall at
the nose of the pompous and 8:00 pnu 1 ti be two solos. Car lee Kanopka will
Library Holds Amnesty Day; \ villainous, it lacks nerve, lacks it
in the extreme. One wonders, for
instance, why the Hell's Angels
add variety to the show with a
In keeping with tradition, this
modern work done on pointe. This
year's spring performance will
number is self-choreographed
be produced by the students. The
Awards; Cash Prizes To Students are omitted, whyj Thompson's
pursuit of chemical parity for his
favorite football team goes js un-
and Carlee has entitled it "No
five Senior members "running
Longer a Child". The second
the* show" are J Beth Rosser-
senior solo will be a demon-
Coordinator, Sharon Artuhevich-
The library was recentlv seven dollars for returning stration of pointe work by Ber-
replenished when students took twenty six items. Finally, third noted, and why he never makes it costumes, Carleel Kanopka-
part in an Amnesty Day contest place was taken by Barb Bur- to Las Vegas, J he scene of his sound, Bernardine Borinski-nardine Borinski. Bernie's dance
and returned one hundred and bules who returned twenty two most famous explorts and best is done to the "Acceleration
publicity, and Bonnie Slawson-
seventeen pieces of literary items and received four dollars book. The answer is of course, lights.i' Waltz" by Johann Strauss.
materials. | that the film makers didn't want Sharon Artuhevich and Beth
The show will open withfca
for her efforts. Rosser have each prepared a
The purpose of Amnesty Day » "If students that borrow the to offend anyone who could bite humorous jazz ?|Ej piece
was to encourage people to bring back. group ballet number on pointe
choreographed by Junior, Carrie
materials would ?only realize," and Bonnie Slawson's eight-
back any items belonging to the concluded Ms. Cooper, "that by Where the {Wild* Buffalo Wilson. Sheila Nelson, also a
minute piece is a jazz comedy.
library. Those items which not returning the thing they use, Roam— a truly awful movie, and Junior, will dance a self-
students brought back overdue at $7.00 a pop, a prime candidate Jenny Isabella will present two
were not charged a tardy fee.
they are only ripping off their
fellow students." for "disaster pic of the year." 1
works, one of which will be the
closing number of the show.
Joan Cooper, Director of the
Learning Resource Center, in- Participants in her pieces will be
dicated that out of the one hun- Jenny's own students from the
dred and seventeen pieces Bayfront Ballet Company.
returned, one piece of the
material belonged to another
50's Day Celebration Besides the Junior and Senior
presentations there will be a
modern duo choreographed, bye
library and three journals
belonged to a faculty member.
Asked if she felt Amnesty Day
Sponsored! By K.C.j Foods Michael MeStraw. Mike will
participate in his. own number
was a success, Cooper related. A 50^idaywiu be sponsored^y place. Cash p r i z e s will be along with Beth Rosser. Also,
Tons was missing and we should KC FOODS Thursday. J May 22 awarded to the winners. sPVF^fl there are two Freshmen pieces,
have received at least a half of a from 4:30-6:30 in the cafeteria. ope danced by ^Colleen Angerer
Appropriate musiclwill be and a group jazz"., numbeff
ton back and we did not, so, no, Mr. John & Washington, played by DJ > John to get T
it actually was not a success." £ Assistant Manager of the everyone in the swing of things. &>
choreographed by'L Tracyi Lit-
cafeteria, and organizer of this tlefield. L i
The winners were determined
by how much material | they event, is looking forward to an be"If this works out well, we will
doing many more activities,"
&*> As a reminder: this spring
show is the last Mercyhurst
returned. First place and winner enthusiastic response from the said Washington. dance production for the seniors.
of ten dollars was Angela Pileggi student body. i i Tbey hope that everyone will be
who returned twenty eight items. Starting at 6:00 a bubble gum "Student morale is the key
Second place was awarded to blowing, a jitterbugging, and a factor to the success of this event able to attend this performance
Jane McLaughlin who received best dressed contests will take and others that may follow." Senior. Bernardino Borinski. as its their final chance to per
will perform a-'classical ballet form for the Mercyhurst com
piece to music by Johann munity. Reservations are no«
Strauss.' necessary, donations are $1.00
student body alumni
welcome to nominate one of the following tenured faculty Inquiries for the position of Residence Hoi I Director for the
ocodemic yeor 1980-81 may be mode to the Director of Housing
members (those persons who already tenured during the in Room 48 Egan IHoll Applications may be obtained there.
1979-1980 school year) for the award. The Hall Director is responsible to the Director of Housing and
is the administrative head of the individual hall. The duties m

Daniel Burke Beverly DiCarlo elude supervision of the Resident Assistants and the Desk Re<ep
tionists. S/he helps the student plan and execute activities genre*
Ed Ward Gallagher Louis Mennini to meet their personal, academic and social needs. The Director i
aware of the physical condition of the hall and requests r * i i n
William Garvey David Palmer tenance service as needed.

Frank Hagan Vivetta Petronio The remuneration for this position is $2,000 and r o o r apjj
Edward Higgins" Joseph Pizzat
Marilynn Jewell Donald Platte
Richard Kubiak Robert Ronksley?
Igor Stalsky |
Erie County Rape
Peter Libra
Detmar Straub
Sr. Mary Matthew
EmestfMauthe Robert Sturm CrisisfCenter, Inc.
Barry McAndrew David Thomas
Brian McHugh Barbara Weigert
Michael McQuillen Sr. Patrica
Mike Erisman JudithfWieczorek
Janet Price Jamie Yule

All nominations should be submitted in writing to the Of- &• A research project is being conducted at Erie Rape
Crisis Center in an attemptr to better define the reactions
fice of the Dean no later«than May 23, 1980. *Your letters rape victims have to thei assault. Students who were
of nomination should clearly indicate the reasons why victims of rape at age 13 or older, where the assailant
was not a family member, are encouraged to par-
your candidate should ^ be recognized superior ticipate. If you would be willing to complete a con-
fidential, anonymous questionnaire through the mail,
teacher using the criteria listed above. please call the Center at 454-3440 or 458-1001 to request a
research packet.
i n c f

i/ i

Student Financial Aid Activity Day Sale Jf jg ?Kg» m

I Writing Center Announces Corrections
1980-81 Federal Grants! Cut 1 To Betty Wilson Cookbook Island (Rudy | Voss*
President Carter's proposal to The proposed cut is consistent institutions' willingness to make & f x Spice
Market no flonger exists^
cut the National Direct Student with the President's balanced up students' financial aid losses. ^ This announcement is directed however, Spice Island still make
Loan (NDSL) program as part of budget, Leifman added, "and Rep.l^foseph Early (D-MA) to the individuals! who were
the anti-inflationary ^'balanced" charges Hustedler isSrecom- fortunate enough to purchase a beaumonde) S I S # *
appears to 'be solely politically mending cutting direct loans at a Writing Center Cookbook on There is also an addition to the
budget will end up costing more motivated."! i| .'«f Bundt Cake recipe on page 23.
money than no cut at all, ac- If Congress did agree to the time when restraints on con- Activities' Day. Before you go
cording to student lobbying sumer credit may make banks absolutely wild preparing each Please insert the name of Toni
President's revision, it would more reluctant to provide irresistible| recipe, | it would Kaliszak "who so graciously
groups. t have to waive a student aid law donated directions fort her 1
In testimony before the House guaranteeing $286, million an guaranteed loans to students. behoove you to take note of the
Hufstedler acknowledged that following goofs we so guiltily delectable dessert.
Labor-HEW subcommittee on student aid appropriations. admit committing: Plenty of cookbooks are still
appropriations, !? representatives *. Carter's budget also asks that the unwillingness of lenders to
lend cannot be controlled. But, The Special Chicken Tettrazini available for those who did not
of the Coalition of Independent each' Basic j Educational recipel ofr^pagef 14 should be purchase them on Activities'
College and University Students Opportunity Grant (BEOG) be she added, "we anticipate many
institutions will have adequate changed as follows: The sauce Day. They^are $1.50 andiare
(usually referred to as COPUS) reduced by $50. Overall, Leifman includes 2/3 cup flour instead ofrj available in the Writing Center,
asserted that lopping of $108 warned,^the cuts "threaten, to funds available"*through their &
own NDSL ^revolving funds. 2/3 cup butter. *. * 1 ** 208 Main. Or*just call and we'll
million from the NDSL program deny hundreds of thousands of "Others will simply have to turn In the Egg Fondue recipe on deliver. The proceeds will benefit
— and^ thus f cutting off an students" financial aid promised to loan programs of a different page 2,^disregard "Rudy Voss Betty Wilson. ? 1 * 5 J&
estimated 163,000 students from by the Middle-Income Student
financial aid — would force more Assistance Act of 1978. t | kind.":: \ %
s'udents into the more expensive The saving in switching from
Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL)
Barry Zembower, Director of NDSLs to GSLs would come if Student^Service Interview
Financial Aid, § explained that interest rates dropped below the
program. & ** here at Mercyhurst College we Continued from page 3
Under the NDSL program, the will see a visible impact on the 19 to 20 percent that is currently
government makes a direct loan charged Dy most private lenders. When we talked with Student get more out of it, and I wanted to
1980-81 school year, since the Though Education Department Government, we did talk with the get more people involved. On one
to the eligible student. Under the Basic Grant funds will decrease goal of trying to work with five hand, I am a little frustrated by
GSL program, the student ac- nationally by $50.*» | \ Officials are predicting a decline
•ually gets a loan from a bank. in those rates, they still admit services. I'm frustrated that they the situation but we said we'd get
For example, if a student GSL costs* could increase as weren't all that successful for the five and we did. We had a very
The government guarantees the previously received $1800 in
Wank that the loan will be repaid. Basic Grant, she-he would now much as 40 per cent this year and students who participated in limited goal and we achieved it.
52,rper cent in fiscal 1981. J| them. I think I wanted them to
While the student gets the loan at only receive $1750. j
seven percent interest, the Yet Secretary of Education The danger," .pays Jim
government pays the bank the Shirley Hufstedler says while the Bernau, executive director of the
difference between seven percent American Student Association,
NDSLfcut f might cost the "is that people who get NDSLs
and the bank's normal, typically government more money. ?
often are not candidates for
higher, interest rate. Sf neither the BEOG nor the NDSL GSLs." In the past J'high risk"
f "If students are fortunate cut will deny funds to any needy students have had a much easier
enough to find available loans, students. t f. IMB:* •*. time getting NDSLs than GSLs,
not only will the student pay more It isn't desirable to squeeze he suggests.
money, but as the administration middle-income persons. That is
openly admits, the .special "Our NDSL will also be cut,"
an unhappy fact,".. Hufstedler Zembower* continued, "even
allowance paid by the govern- pointed out in congressional
ment to the banks (under the GSL though we only have J a low
testimony. Buts she contended amount of participants for these
program) will force the govern- that other commercial loans will
ment to pay substantially more be available. It would not be an funds." I % I
than would be the case had those "unmitigated disaster" if more He added by saying this
students received NDSLs," students worked to help pay their summer we will see a noticeable
COPUS* Steve Leifman 1
told the college tut ion. ^ | change in both the Basic:
subcommittee. IKB •"^B **$& eSome question Hufstedler's and NDSL. g * Wk
confidence Tin private lending g Bernau warns that student
financial aid had become an easy
target for balanced!budget-
crazed politicians. ''jfjBffjS
"Studenfs $ a r e ^ f really
vulnerable," ^Bernau saySt
"WhertjS the £ government goes
searching for money, they'll look
inTlie softest a r e a ^ ^ ^ ™ w
"To the public it looks like
they're making cuts, but it's like
pushing on a bulge on a balloon. It
just pops up on the other side.

I wish to thank all of the

people and businesses that
have supportedi the MERCIAD
through their advertising
throughout the year.
< * $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Respectfully, j
John M. Chrzanowski
Workstudy Money Business Manager
available for
on and off
Two children's filmstrips w/cassettes intitled "Noah's
Ark" and "Anatasi the Spider". Anyone whofknows the
whereabouts of these, PLEASE return | t o Curriculum
Contact Financial Library or to McAuley Rm. 127. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
Aid Office * rf \

for additional

Senior English Project Presentations
I Monday, May! 26, 1980
— 4
r. Media Projection Room 7:00 p.m.
Projects and multi-media projects by:
Anne Chimenti; Joyce Sparrow; Tom Peganoff
Everyone welcome!
< * » $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ j<*
I # • *



if '

Kernie Kowalski plays Spiderman oniZurn^wall during the

ROTC rapelling demonstration. 3MW Racket River Rounders move their act indoors as Activities Day goes on. M H
8 ii



ft; Maree-Lynn (icon tries to hubba bubba into the regulation size
testing box during the huohlegum contest.
Bill Kennedy shows his trul\
professional style during the an- Art Therapy major Chris McGowan exhibits and sells
nual Volleyball Tournament. in pen, ink, and watercolor. m?-.v<feik. - his talents
Oooh Nooo Mr. Bill!!!

"who wears shorts shorts?" The five finalists of the mens leg contest can't denv thev do
Dave Rogers is taken off the ten most wanted list and cuffed by
arresting officer Da mien Schmidt.

Bob Bregin smiles in an-

Maureen Doyle crams during the first annual cramathon The ticipation of the dunkin mun* The rainbow-haired clown tests his luck at the betting wheel
chkin eating contest. A The clown lost, but was allowed to keep his comb. j
highest number to fit inside the car was 24.

Congratulations to: Tom, Ron,

Vito, Mac} Steve, Walt and
anyone else that I forgot in the TO our wall mates: It's been nice
class of 1980. Good Luck in the listening to you, no one Will ever
upcoming years. Signed, D.J. be able to take your place. Love
Dave, I wasn't sleeping S.. I Forever, L.M. AND B.P.
Rebecca Dear, I was resting my eyes after the Thanks for the best year ever
formal. Love veg. Jf | NOT Robert Redford. To my roomie, congratulations
I propose a toast to everything
working out this summer!! 1 on cheer leading. Its been great
The only and only yours, Chris Oh man Loretto, its been fun, living with you. I'm really going
Darling. O.K., fine! Take care Love, Needed: Graduation Tickets. to miss living with you next year.
signed ME. * '$£ Contact Rick or Holly Sethman. Ca-Ca Ann. J
Chris, nice thought, I hope so too. Number needed: 6. 864-8515.
A Mercy-Ad TVpist.3t W' S Dave, Thank you for the for- A Ida, Dave and Amy—it was a
m a l . . . Yea- Right. .GAK!! Katrinka, '* great Christmas! Thanks. Love
Neophytes: Good luck at Love, Amy. These past few weeks have been
initiations. Ms. Parsons.! super! I hope the upcoming
To all the j-b's in Sesler 224, have weeks are even better. Signed David, Mondays. coming—the
Bazappa Chiwawa, j "BabyB" i im elder Italian. * j |
a good summer! *M^t V- 1
Your stocks from the Turns and
DiGel company should prove BoZappa, The Sandbos will never Shrimpy Pie. I love you. But I A Id a; keep in shape for the big
very advantageous to your wallet be the same. Goos Bye to a true won't buy a hamster. Love S.F. "48" in 81. Your old dancing
but not to your stomach. Signed, friend and close buddy, Good partner .. | . . . J . J . ¥
a Big Guy. f Luck at Minster, The Big Guys Hey Special King. Don't hit my Jimi and Mary: Thanks for a
sckablers. Good luck at Lacklant great year—a senior. W | p
J.J.A.M. Congratulations To the Original Veg—I won't ever T.X. A Roommate 3£OPt£ J§
Seniors! Diane ., £ forget our little talk. Good Luck Little one: keep in touch, learn to
in Africa. Signed, little Me .• 1 Thanx to all the big guys and somesault-whip it. 3
Big Guy 1, Say your last goodbyes girls, and grains of sand that
soon,jbecause I'm packing my True Veg Goodbye from the made this year j unforgettable.
SANDBOX. Every GRAIN will Big Guy,jl.j j 'J| -,M. Mary: take care and smile. Love
beer can collection away til next
year. Signed a roommate. miss you. Love, The Big Guys Congratulations and best wishes Fatty. f3j8{ jPf .££4 £§£
To my friends: Your support has Judy and Jack, Good Luck! Jimi Sween and Terry. Love, Us. Markus: Is the boy emit??—Bill
kept me standing and made me Baby B: Florida "Huh" What
look ahead. Thanks, Diane JAB and Jack n' Judy Good Luck Amy and Kathy from Philly—
in the future You'll be missed. about Jan. 7? Katrinka. Yous made the Merciad. Steve
To Seargen»'s Ardo and Hertz, The Big Guy W &fc'.,•&. &# and BiU. Jg g
Learn how to salute, will you? Dr. What a year! We'll do it again
From an Airman, f The SANDCASTLE is crumbling next year! Roomie. Martha: You're the greatest.
with every GRAIN that leaves. Take care. Love Bill
Cockroach: For our time Somehow your GRAIN will be Rob and Ernie: No-one could
together, there? are alot of replaced, but not as perfectly as ever capture the times we have Steve: you're a great little
memories. Babe you. Love, The Remaining sand had. I Love You. ... brother!!Bill «L ^ ifci**
Knuckleheads. -Dave- (Arf, Arf)
To the Three Big GuysTTakexare TO OURF AUNTIE Eflfi. TT SrL Dave— You're gonna look pretty
Specianking^sTatchou oUTTor the funn^vith that knife sticking out
this summer, and hopefully I will BEGAN WITH THE BEDS IN dirt shoot. pwobably huh-IfeST-
see you this September. Big Guy of your ear. Clint. ??._'
TOTO OVER THE SUMMER Mom, Thanks for the big $15 it We would like to extend our
WE LOVE YOU!!!!*HA! For came just as I was about to pick thanks to the Mercy hurst com-
These past 2 weeks have been H- the first time I snuck one in up the phone. Love Chris | \"' munity for your prayers, and
E-Double Toothpicks, but we without _„ you seeing, j YOUR help you have given us over the
neophytes can handle anything! DARLING NIECES. To All Vegetables, This is i t . . . past few months during Betty's
time to toss the salad. It's been illness. Betty and Harry Wilson.
To Shelby the Cola Nut, The next Dear Vidal Sassoon, What comes
time you decide to sing and dance fantastic knowing all of you!
after the white shorts? M.K "2* Love Ya, True Veg. Da ve..Touch me . . . ..yea, right!
in a play do it with some decent
clothes on w i l l y a ? An Ex- Love a girl.
Hey Veg: Walk up the stairs Veg II and Judy, Never forget our
roommate much? Signed Veg II * aA 1 special night' out, cause I To 1st floor Baldwin: Thank ya
Mary, Beth, Shannon, and K.C. won't!!! Love, A True Veg. all for a super year! Your R.A.
Vegi-Why don't you pull your
Foods: Thanks for all the help in pants up, you poot. Signed Veg II Veg I, Drop any peanut butter
my project, Jimi f Load, Breakfast..yea right. Go
latelv?? Love. True Veg. it'&i back to bed dave, someones in the
Hey Honey i Looking 1 For bathroom, love, true veg. J
Dave, The year's almost over, Hamsters, Yea Right! Signed A Dave, Your a special guy, who
please don't forget us . . . please. Friend has deeply touched me!! Love, A
Two Toys in the Union Jim.Glen, Mike Biliy, Russ Child
-fc - — • v a w T ^ ' * .
Hey Little Feet, Moo Moo here
girl i £ f Rich and Newt, super year guys
* * Thanks for everything. Your
Stephen, Goodbye and good hick! and a Moo Moo there- Signed A Pam S. I'll see you this summer? friend John. 1'
Signed, ME downstairs. Roommate. $ Always next year. Who Knows.
Still be a friend. Laurie Gee: Thanks for being my
Load, The toys in the SANDBOX Amy: Someday you'll go to a friend, tutor, .helper and
salute you as "King Toy"!!-Yea dance and not I fall asleep af- Steve Frisina, belligerent.\ Gonna miss you.
Right! Love True Ve -' terwards. Love , A Guy.. £
Good Job Buddy. Good times. John, f
Diane, It was fun! See you in Veg: I hope you run out of clothes Best of luck to you. And to you
Becca. John Chrzanowski. 5 T.B. iloveyouiloveyouiloveyo-
September, Love Me before the end of the year. Veg. uilove youiloveyouiloveyouilo-
Lisa and M.B., I love everything Goldie: Nice donuts, nice eawas, M.B., Lisa, Sween and Kathy,
about both of you and will miss nice boats, de de dee -THEATRE You really made our year, we're TO THE NIECES: "AND THE
you both! Good Luck, Am. going to miss you! All the love FIRST SHALL BE LAST."
To The Rainbow Builder: Did you and luck in the world. Love YOUR * AUNTIE * EM LOVES
Mary my pal, I LOVE YOU!!! stand on a chair? Chiwawa always, "UsT YOU ft a
Jimi i

Handwriting pnreadable. . .
f The Writing Center is offering help in
cursive every Tuesday and Thursday .'

morning at 9:00. Come in for help. . .

The Writing Center
308 Main
I ft*#ft


PAGE 10 M&MI& ;f»l
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ned to the Women Keystone All-Conference Softball Team

Pitcherf- Laura Ames
Catcher - Kathy Chudzicki
Shortstop - Annie Burbules
Third Base - Mary Fatkjati
Outfield - Pam Franceschi f
Softball record 7-0 in conference overall record 15-3

Congratulations to the Softball Team

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lakers sine Champs;
£ By Chris Tomczak * the Lakers had only four while
| "One of the keys to a successful the Cubs committed nine, fe^
season," Coach Shelley Monas In the Villa contest, Tomczak
said. "Is a good pre-season. We was the spark at the plate as she
worked hard this year and it paid rapped two triples and drove in
off.' -The softball payoff was the four runs. Ames also drove in
Keystone Conference Cham- four runs while Kathy Chudzicki
pionship and a perfect 7-0 record contributed three runs.p*' •'•
in the conference. Grove City To wrap up the conference the
placed second with a 6-1 record. Lakers shut out Thiel College 100
The Lakers were 15-3, overall in five innings, the entire game
an outstanding turnaround from taking less than an hour. Ames
aje year ago. Two big ac- allowed only two hits, while
complishments, were two no Loretta Powell and Annie Bur-
hitters, one by Laura Ames and bules were the offensive stars.
one by Tina Tomczak. Ames Powell slammed two home-runs
blanked* Allegheny 11-0 and and drove in five runs. Burbules
Tomczak thumped Villa Maria also hit a round tripper and a
College 13-0. Another highlight of double for three runs batted in.
the season was a 4-1 victory over "We were sound both of-
Edinboro, the first ever win fensively and defensively. We ygeiIncoming President of Mercyhurst, Dr. Win. P. Garvey (center),eposes with athletic
against the Scots. •«• knew we could win and we didn't Hff award winners (from left to right) Garv Weber, Darlene Marsh, Sue Cavalancia and
The softball team wrapped up let down, "3 Coach Monas com- HEFhrBob Heftka. ^M \ * f .

Hurst? Athletes | Honored

the season with a bang. The mented. "It was a great year."
Lakers defeated Villa Maria The following are the seniors
College, Behrend and Theil who played their last softball
College for the flag. g game for the Hurst:' Judy
In the ^Behrend game, Mer-
cyhurst scored five runs in the
t op of the fourth inning for the big
blow. The Lakers claimed 8 hits
Gluvna, and Pam Wolfe.
The Lakers placed five players
on the WKC 1980 Softball all
Conference £ team, the I players
At Annual Sports Banquet
Soccer star, Gary Weber and academic proficiency ., 23 straight matches and making
and Behrend four in the 7-2 are: Laura Ames, I Kathy two-sport I stand-out, j Sue John Leisering, from WLKK
victory. Ames was the winning the all-conference team for two
Chudzicki, Annie Burbles, Mary Cavalancia, garnered J the Radio, served as j master of years in succession, Millie Choice
pitcher. In the error department, Fatidati, and Pam Franceschi. coveted Dean Garvey Awards at ceremonies for the affair which gained the top tennis honor.
the'; Laker Sports Banquet, recognized all male and female Paul Spies took the top honor on
Monday evening. $ 2gJ I 1 varsity letter winners with behalf of the men's tennis team.
Netter Lose To Nittany Li BScholar-Athlete Awards*were awards commensurate with their Volleyball standout U Sue
presented to Bob Heftka and respective number of years of Cavalancia! took the award for
repare For NAIA Tourney Darlene Marsh, both senior
members of the crew team, by
participation, gjjj S ^BflJBa the spikers. 5? K 1
The Laker I Awards were £ Each [freshman m athlete
by W.D. Bud Prize | number two won his duel with Bill Dean John Millar. \ J \ presented to a representative in received a mounted certificate,
The netters met their match Schillings, 6-3, 6-3, and Tom P These awards are the highest each of the eleven Mercyhurst sophomores were given mugs,
when they went down, 7-2, to the Chybrzynski I succeeded in the honors that are bestowed on varsity sports. Each represen- juniors collected jackets and all
PennfState Nittany Lions last number four slot f versus Tom Mercyhurst athletes, and fare tative satisfied criteria of out- seniors were presented with
Friday. 5 & & Beckhard 6-4, 7-5. flSg f based on both fathletic and standing achievement , attitude watches. jj
" I think that we can benefit Gary Dagan threw in a valiant and effort. | g % jj | A special presentation was
from this defeat," remarked challenge at number six, but was Sparky 4 Mills took the Laker made to Joe Hepfinger on behalf
Ranalli, the NAIA D-18 Coach of overcome by Jon Whiteside, 6-2, Award for the baseball team. Jim of^the entire Laker Athletic
the Year. " We lost to a very 2-6, 6-2. J /£ McElrath and Debbie Chilcott Program. Peter Grimaldi, the
respectable team. The loss will Andy Findlay at number one, were given g the honors for basketball trainer, also received
help because we know what we Steve Spies at number three, and basket ball. special recognition. £ i
must practice before nationals." Paul Spies, in the number five The Ernests Gartner Crew Mike Cusack was reluctant to
The Lakersfinishedthe season slot, each found i the going too Awards went to JoAnn Rice and talk too much about the baseball
with an 18-6 record. tg heavy and were beaten in Jim Morycz. i \ j» team, but commended the effort
_J«MI believe, that this is the straight sets. .1 A m ' Jack BOUT was presented with put into the season. Gary Cordes
toughest Schedule* that any ^Tjast year, the Lakers lost to the the Laker Award for golf>R.T. was given special recognition_for
Mercyhurs Tennis Team has Nittany Lions, 6-3, gaining two of Bence took the top honor on his job as assistant coach. I-
played, and to win 18 out of 24 is the victories in doubles play. But behalf of the soccer team. "He's Outgoing President of {the
not too shabby, commented in. the 1980 pairs events, PSU the finest soccer player that I've College, Dr. Marion L. Shane,
number two singles! player, swept the board. Although the ever seen; you'll see Bence in the concluded the evening with some
Ravinder Sabherwal. * numbers one and two events were pros," promised j Coach Shim- final remarks. "Everybody here
In the lion's den, the netters .close, the Lakers did not manage peno. j jg| .. stands for what Mercyhurst
went downfighting.Sabherwal at to gain a set. jrj§& | * Laura Ames' outstanding represents: effortI, enterprise,
The next action on the schedule pitching gained v her the Laker experience i a n d enthusiasm,
is the nationals. The blue and Sue Caualancia Award for softball. Having won remarked the President.
green depart for Kansas City on
Sunday May, 25 for the NAIA In Baseball
nationals. Finals of this tour-
nament will be held on May 31.

Lakers Drop Pair;

The Mercyhurst Community can
keep abreast of j tournament
results through the sports news at
11 o'clock on all three T.V.
channels and in the local Erie
• I Results vs. Penn State.
Mercyhurst 2 Penn State 7
Close 79-80 Season
The Laker baseball team Senior Rick Shaheen said it was
Andy Findlay (M) lost to Tim till the 4th inning when Don
McAvoy 6-4, Mr £ closed out it's season on a sour Baker of Youngstown hit a solo disappointing in two aspects:
Ravinder Sabherwal (M) beat note, dropping a pair to the homerun to put the Penguins on first, a broken thumb, then a
Bill Schillings 6-3, 6-3. | > Youngstown Penguins. the board. sprained back. "I was never able
Steve Spies (M) lost to Dan In the tirst game, the Lakers In the7th inning, Al Young hit a to get off on the right foot," stated
Lowry 6-3, 6-4. I came across with,a run in the solo shot to tie the game at one a Shaheen, "because of the in-
Tom Chybrzynsk; (M) beat Tom first inning with Joe Rocco piece. The Lakers again juries.' * Secondly, it -was my
Beckhard 6-4, 7-5. singling, then stealing a base, in threatened later in the inning, but senior year I played quite well
"m* Paul Spies (M) tost to Bill Sch- turn scoring on a sacrifice fly bv failed to produce anymore runs. my junior year, and I had high
mucker 6-2, 6-1. Jimmy Hess. The 8th inning clinched the hopes for this year, but it didn't V .«

Gary Dagan (M) lost to Jon Down 4-1 in the 6th inning, the game for the Penguins, as they work out. I leave hoping that
Whiteside 6-2, 2-6, 6-2. Lakers pushed across 3 runs with scored 2 runs while collecting two these guys can turn it around :
Findlay: Chybrzynski (M) lost to Joe Rocco, Jimmy \ Hess, Al hits and a walk. next year for the play-offs. "?':-
Paul Spies McAvoy:Whiteside 6-3,7-6. Young frail singling! Jimmy The g game | ended with the Gordy fKarstedt felt disap-
Spies:Spies I(M) lost to Radloff sacrificed and Tony Lakers losing 3-1. pointed on a whole. "We just
Lowry:Schillings 6-3, 7-6. I Viera, and Bobby Dellarocca
also Senior Craig Nicholson didn't win the games we could
Ashmeade: Sabherwal (M) lost to singled.- - ^M displayed an impressive pitching have won," said Karstedt, "The,
Beckhard :Schmucker 6-1, 6-3.; In the tenth inning Youngstown performance, striking out seven team has the potential to play
pushed across the decisive run while walking only one. good ball,"
winning the game 5-4 on two The Lakerss have four Craig Nicholson stated that he
singles. graduating seniors: Rick had high hopes in the beginning
Sparky Mills of the'Hurst went Shaheen, Gordy Karstedt, Craig because of the talent, but, be "we
the distance lowering his earned Nicholson, and Sparky Mills. just didn't put it together." £
run average to 1.15 while striking
Freshmen who out 3. % & W •*'
The seniors had a few com-
ments about the close of their
To sum it all up, "Nickel"
stated that, "You win as a team,
The second game was scoreless you lose as a jteam." »
hove not season at Mercyhurst.

advising forms
jnext year,
Sesler artment
ups ummer
^ ^ and
must Fall Terms
Start Applications
See: M i r i a m Mashauk
420 W.?8th St. Sesler
455-0511 213 Old Main
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• 814/459-8177 •



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